Name: player
Name (Long): player
Description: This is the person controlled by the player. In MP this value is different on each computer.
Example Use: alive player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A4B75
Name: isServer
Name (Long): isserver
Description: Returns true if the computer is the server.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x79DEFE
Name: hasInterface
Name (Long): hasinterface
Description: Returns true if the computer has an inteface (a real player). False for a dedicated server or for a headless client.
Req Ver: 101030
Category: General
Function: 0x79DF33
Name: playerSide
Name (Long): playerside
Description: Returns the player's side. This is valid even when the player controlled person is dead (a difference from player side).
Req Ver: 2.09
Category: General
Function: 0x7A23A8
Name: objNull
Name (Long): objnull
Description: A non-existing object. This value is not equal to anything, including itself.
Example Use: player == objNull
Category: General
Function: 0x7A4AEA
Name: grpNull
Name (Long): grpnull
Description: A non-existing group. This value is not equal to anything, including itself.
Example Use: group player == objNull
Category: General
Function: 0x7A6148
Name: time
Name (Long): time
Description: Returns the time that elapsed since the mission started (in seconds).
Category: General
Function: 0x79DF59
Name: dayTime
Name (Long): daytime
Description: Returns the time in the world, in hours.
Category: General
Function: 0x79DF80
Name: getElevationOffset
Name (Long): getelevationoffset
Description: Returns the map elevation offset from [map]/config.cpp
Category: General
Function: 0x79DFA4
Name: cadetMode
Name (Long): cadetmode
Description: Returns true if the mission is played in cadet mode and false in veteran mode.
Category: General
Function: 0x79DFE1
Name: benchmark
Name (Long): benchmark
Description: Returns the value of "3D performance" as it is in OFP preferences. This can be used to estimate computer performance. The function can be used to create missions that are able to adapt to computer peformance.
Example Use: ? benchmark>2000 : setviewdistance 2000
Category: General
Function: 0x79DFC9
Name: accTime
Name (Long): acctime
Description: Returns the current time acceleration factor.
Category: General
Function: 0x79E06E
Name: shownMap
Name (Long): shownmap
Description: Checks whether the player has the map enabled.
Category: General
Function: 0x79EA9C
Name: shownWatch
Name (Long): shownwatch
Description: Checks whether the player has the watch enabled.
Category: General
Function: 0x79EADB
Name: shownCompass
Name (Long): showncompass
Description: Checks whether the player has the compass enabled.
Category: General
Function: 0x79EB1A
Name: shownRadio
Name (Long): shownradio
Description: Checks whether the player has the radio transmitter enabled.
Category: General
Function: 0x79EB59
Name: shownPad
Name (Long): shownpad
Description: Checks whether the player has the notebook enabled.
Category: General
Function: 0x79EB9B
Name: shownWarrant
Name (Long): shownwarrant
Description: Checks whether the player has the ID card enabled.
Category: General
Function: 0x79EBF5
Name: shownGps
Name (Long): showngps
Description: Checks whether the player has the GPS receiver enabled.
Category: General
Function: 0x79EC37
Name: west
Name (Long): west
Description: The West side.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A23BE
Name: east
Name (Long): east
Description: The East side.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A23D0
Name: civilian
Name (Long): civilian
Description: The Civilian side.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A23E2
Name: resistance
Name (Long): resistance
Description: The Resistance side.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A23F4
Name: sideUnknown
Name (Long): sideunknown
Description: The unknown side.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2406
Name: sideLogic
Name (Long): sidelogic
Description: The Logic side.
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2418
Name: sideEnemy
Name (Long): sideenemy
Description: The Enemy side (used for renegades).
Req Ver: 1.78
Category: General
Function: 0x7A242A
Name: sideFriendly
Name (Long): sidefriendly
Description: The Friendly side (used for captives).
Req Ver: 1.78
Category: General
Function: 0x7A243C
Name: saveGame
Name (Long): savegame
Description: Creates an autosave game (used for Retry).
Category: General
Function: 0x79ECD4
Name: exit
Name (Long): exit
Description: Exits the script.
Category: General
Function: 0x739FA5
Name: enableEndDialog
Name (Long): enableenddialog
Description: Enables the dialog buttons to be shown during the OnPlayerKilled script.
Category: General
Function: 0x79F188
Name: forceEnd
Name (Long): forceend
Description: Forces the mission to terminate.
Category: General
Function: 0x79F1A2
Name: musicVolume
Name (Long): musicvolume
Description: Checks the current music volume (set by fadeMusic).
Category: General
Function: 0x79E125
Name: soundVolume
Name (Long): soundvolume
Description: Checks the current sound volume (set by setSoundVolume).
Category: General
Function: 0x79E1DB
Name: radioVolume
Name (Long): radiovolume
Description: Checks the current radio volume (set by setRadioVolume).
Category: General
Function: 0x79E1F8
Name: mapAnimClear
Name (Long): mapanimclear
Description: Clears the map animation.
Req Ver: 1.27
Category: General
Function: 0x79E9BC
Name: mapAnimCommit
Name (Long): mapanimcommit
Description: Plays the map animation.
Req Ver: 1.27
Category: General
Function: 0x79EA03
Name: mapAnimDone
Name (Long): mapanimdone
Description: Checks whether the map animation has finished.
Req Ver: 1.27
Category: General
Function: 0x79EA4A
Name: cameraOn
Name (Long): cameraon
Description: Returns the vehicle to which the camera is attached.
Req Ver: 1.56
Category: General
Function: 0x7A4BF8
Name: missionName
Name (Long): missionname
Description: Returns the name of the current mission.
Req Ver: 1.80
Category: General
Function: 0x7AE34A
Name: missionStart
Name (Long): missionstart
Description: Returns the time of the mission start in format [year, month, day, hour, minute, second].
Req Ver: 1.80
Category: General
Function: 0x7A52A9
Name: processInitCommands
Name (Long): processinitcommands
Description: Process commands stored using setVehicleInit.
Req Ver: 2.33
Category: General
Function: 0x7A07FF
Name: runInitScript
Name (Long): runinitscript
Description: Launch init.sqs script.
Req Ver: 2.33
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0823
Name: finishMissionInit
Name (Long): finishmissioninit
Description: Finish world initialization before mission is launched.
Req Ver: 2.33
Category: General
Function: 0x7BC0BF
Name: clearRadio
Name (Long): clearradio
Description: Clean up the content of radio protocol history.
Req Ver: 2.73
Category: General
Function: 0x7D0FF2
Name: initAmbientLife
Name (Long): initambientlife
Description: Initialize the ambient life.
Req Ver: 2.90
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2694
Name: overcast
Name (Long): overcast
Description: Return the current overcast.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x79E4BD
Name: fog
Name (Long): fog
Description: Return the current fog.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x79E54D
Name: rain
Name (Long): rain
Description: Return the current rain.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x79E56A
Name: wind
Name (Long): wind
Description: Return the current wind vector.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7A4E58
Name: nextWeatherChange
Name (Long): nextweatherchange
Description: Return the time (in seconds) when the next weather change will occur.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x79E587
Name: overcastForecast
Name (Long): overcastforecast
Description: Return the overcast forecast.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x79E5B0
Name: fogForecast
Name (Long): fogforecast
Description: Return the fog forecast.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x79E5CD
Name: vehicles
Name (Long): vehicles
Description: Return a list of vehicles in the current mission.
Example Use: _vehicles = vehicles
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7CFAA7
Name: switchableUnits
Name (Long): switchableunits
Description: Return a list of units accessible through team switch.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7D176F
Name: teamSwitchEnabled
Name (Long): teamswitchenabled
Description: Check if tam switch is currently enabled.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x79E79D
Name: teamSwitch
Name (Long): teamswitch
Description: Invoke the team switch dialog (force it even when conditions are not met).
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x79E7F4
Name: vehicles
Name (Long): vehicles
Description: Return a list of vehicles in the current mission.
Example Use: _vehicles = vehicles
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7CFAA7
Name: date
Name (Long): date
Description: Return the actual mission date and time as an array [year, month, day, hour, minute].
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7AD54E
Name: worldName
Name (Long): worldname
Description: Return the name of the currently loaded world.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0241
Name: playerRespawnTime
Name (Long): playerrespawntime
Description: Return the player remaining time to respawn.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x79E4DA
Name: distributionRegion
Name (Long): distributionregion
Description: Return the region where the game was sold (based on distribution id).
Req Ver: 5129
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0A0A
Name: productVersion
Name (Long): productversion
Description: Return the product name and version, in form ["product name","product short name",version*100,build]
Example Use: productVersion
Category: General
Function: 0x7BD675
Name: copyFromClipboard
Name (Long): copyfromclipboard
Description: Return the content of the (text) clipboard.
Req Ver: 5500
Category: General
Function: 0x7B2BEB
Name: armoryPoints
Name (Long): armorypoints
Description: Return the stored value of armory points.
Req Ver: 5500
Category: General
Function: 0x7D30C9
Name: selectNoPlayer
Name (Long): selectnoplayer
Description: Switch player to no unit.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A07B3
Name: playableUnits
Name (Long): playableunits
Description: Return a list of playable units (occupied by both AI or players).
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7B690A
Name: allUnits
Name (Long): allunits
Description: Return a list of all units (all persons except agents).
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7B69FF
Name: allGroups
Name (Long): allgroups
Description: Return a list of all groups.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7B6AE7
Name: allDead
Name (Long): alldead
Description: Return a list of dead units and destroyed vehicles. Dead unit might be inside vehicle.,
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7CFAFA
Name: hcShownBar
Name (Long): hcshownbar
Description: Return a list of all groups.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0F63
Name: commandingMenu
Name (Long): commandingmenu
Description: Return the name of the topmost commanding menu.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7BB0B2
Name: groupIconsVisible
Name (Long): groupiconsvisible
Description: Return group icons are visible.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A57B2
Name: groupIconSelectable
Name (Long): groupiconselectable
Description: Return if groups icon raises onClick and onOver events.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0F7E
Name: reversedMouseY
Name (Long): reversedmousey
Description: Return if mouse vertical axe is inverted.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0F99
Name: diag_fps
Name (Long): diag_fps
Description: Returns average framerate over last 16 frames.
Req Ver: 5500
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0195
Name: diag_frameno
Name (Long): diag_frameno
Description: Returns number of frame currently displayed .
Req Ver: 5500
Category: General
Function: 0x7A01BA
Name: diag_fpsmin
Name (Long): diag_fpsmin
Description: Returns minimal framerate. Calculated from the longest frame over last 16 frames.
Req Ver: 5500
Category: General
Function: 0x7A01D9
Name: diag_tickTime
Name (Long): diag_ticktime
Description: Real time spent from the start of the game.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0211
Name: SafeZoneX
Name (Long): safezonex
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A114C
Name: SafeZoneY
Name (Long): safezoney
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A1227
Name: SafeZoneW
Name (Long): safezonew
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A12C1
Name: SafeZoneH
Name (Long): safezoneh
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A1373
Name: SafeZoneXAbs
Name (Long): safezonexabs
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A1416
Name: SafeZoneWAbs
Name (Long): safezonewabs
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A14B0
Name: getResolution
Name (Long): getresolution
Description: returns [width, height, 2D viewport Width, 2D viewport Height, aspect ration, UI scale]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A58B6
Name: cursorTarget
Name (Long): cursortarget
Description: This is the entity pointed to by a players cursor.
Example Use: alive cursorTarget
Req Ver: 5500
Category: General
Function: 0x7A4BA6
Name: missionNamespace
Name (Long): missionnamespace
Description: Return the global namespace attached to mission.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x79DFFD
Name: uiNamespace
Name (Long): uinamespace
Description: Return the global namespace attached to user interface.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x79E016
Name: parsingNamespace
Name (Long): parsingnamespace
Description: Return the global namespace attached to config parser.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x79E05B
Name: profileNamespace
Name (Long): profilenamespace
Description: Return the global namespace attached to user profile.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x79E029
Name: saveProfileNamespace
Name (Long): saveprofilenamespace
Description: Saves the variables stored in profileNamespace to user profile.
Category: General
Function: 0x79E042
Name: endLoadingScreen
Name (Long): endloadingscreen
Description: Finish loading screen displaying (started by startLoadingScreen).
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0FAF
Name: isMultiplayer
Name (Long): ismultiplayer
Description: Return true if multiPlayer.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A16B2
Name: isDedicated
Name (Long): isdedicated
Description: Return true for dedicated server.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A16D3
Name: visibleMap
Name (Long): visiblemap
Description: Return true if the main map is shown (active).
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A16EA
Name: cameraView
Name (Long): cameraview
Description: Return type of camera.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7D4592
Name: viewDistance
Name (Long): viewdistance
Description: Returns the rendering distance.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x79E410
Name: serverTime
Name (Long): servertime
Description: Server time synchronized to clients.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x79E44F
Name: estimatedEndServerTime
Name (Long): estimatedendservertime
Description: Estimated end of MP game converted to serverTime.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x79E486
Name: savingEnabled
Name (Long): savingenabled
Description: Check if saving the game is enabled.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x79ED4C
Name: loadGame
Name (Long): loadgame
Description: Load a game from the autosave, if failed, restart the mission.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x79ED0B
Name: openDSInterface
Name (Long): opendsinterface
Description: Open MP interface.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x79ED25
Name: resetCamShake
Name (Long): resetcamshake
Description: Resets all camera shakes.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0653
Name: sunOrMoon
Name (Long): sunormoon
Description: Returns sun to moon transition state.
Req Ver: 93989
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0672
Name: moonIntensity
Name (Long): moonintensity
Description: Returns moon light intensity.
Req Ver: 93989
Category: General
Function: 0x7A06A1
Name: lineBreak
Name (Long): linebreak
Description: Creates a structured text containing a line break.
Example Use: txt3 = lineBreak
Req Ver: 2.01
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2758
Name: libraryCredits
Name (Long): librarycredits
Description: Copyright information needed by libraries used.
Example Use: libraryCredits
Req Ver: 94439
Category: General
Function: 0x7BD70D
Name: libraryDisclaimers
Name (Long): librarydisclaimers
Description: Disclaimer information needed by libraries used (duplicate disclaimers are removed).
Example Use: libraryDisclaimers
Req Ver: 94439
Category: General
Function: 0x7CDC8F
Name: configFile
Name (Long): configfile
Description: Return root of config entries hierarchy.
Req Ver: 2.35
Category: General
Function: 0x7D100A
Name: missionConfigFile
Name (Long): missionconfigfile
Description: Return root of mission description.ext entries hierarchy.
Req Ver: 2.90
Category: General
Function: 0x7D10A2
Name: campaignConfigFile
Name (Long): campaignconfigfile
Description: Return root of campaign description.ext entries hierarchy.
Req Ver: 2.90
Category: General
Function: 0x7D113A
Name: controlNull
Name (Long): controlnull
Description: A non-existing control. This value is not equal to anything, including itself.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7A53B1
Name: displayNull
Name (Long): displaynull
Description: A non-existing display. This value is not equal to anything, including itself.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7A289D
Name: clearWeaponPool
Name (Long): clearweaponpool
Description: Removes all weapons from the weapon pool (this is used in campaigns to transfer weapons to the next mission).
Req Ver: 1.75
Category: General
Function: 0x8F4C2E
Name: clearMagazinePool
Name (Long): clearmagazinepool
Description: Removes all magazines from the weapon pool (this is used in campaigns to transfer weapons to the next mission).
Req Ver: 1.75
Category: General
Function: 0x8F4C6C
Name: cheatsEnabled
Name (Long): cheatsenabled
Description: Checks whether cheats are enabled (whether the designers' version is running).
Req Ver: 1.56
Category: General
Function: 0xB7E2CB
Name: dialog
Name (Long): dialog
Description: Returns whether a user dialog is present.
Req Ver: 1.78
Category: General
Function: 0x79F25A
Name: teamMemberNull
Name (Long): teammembernull
Description: A non-existing team member. This value is not equal to anything, including itself.
Example Use: _teamMember == teamMemberNull
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7C09D7
Name: teams
Name (Long): teams
Description: Return a list of teams in the current mission.
Example Use: _teams = teams
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7C09FC
Name: agents
Name (Long): agents
Description: Return a list of agents in the current mission.
Example Use: _agents = agents
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7D0DFE
Name: setIdentity
Name (Long): setidentity
Arg1: person
Arg2: identity
Description: Sets the identity of a person. Identities are defined in the descripion.ext file of the mission or campaign.
Example Use: setIdentity "JohnDoe"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B3D4B
Name: setFaceanimation
Name (Long): setfaceanimation
Arg1: person
Arg2: blink
Description: Sets the facial animation phase (eye blinking). Blink is in the range from 0 to 1.
Example Use: setFaceAnimation 0.5
Category: General
Function: 0x7A932F
Name: setFace
Name (Long): setface
Arg1: person
Arg2: soldier
Description: Sets the person's face.
Example Use: setFace "Face10"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B4068
Name: setMimic
Name (Long): setmimic
Arg1: person
Arg2: mimic
Description: Sets a unit's mimic. The following values are recognized: "Default", "Normal", "Smile", "Hurt", "Ironic", "Sad", "Cynic", "Surprised", "Agresive" and "Angry".
Example Use: setMimic "Angry"
Category: General
Function: 0x7D412E
Name: setFlagTexture
Name (Long): setflagtexture
Arg1: flag
Arg2: texture
Description: Sets the flag texture. If the texture is "", the flag is not drawn.
Example Use: setFlagTexture "usa_vlajka.pac"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B40F8
Name: setFlagSide
Name (Long): setflagside
Arg1: flag
Arg2: side
Description: Sets the flag side.
Example Use: setFlagSide east
Category: General
Function: 0x7A97E3
Name: setFlagOwner
Name (Long): setflagowner
Arg1: flag
Arg2: owner
Description: Sets the flag owner. When the owner is set to objNull, the flag is returned to the flagpole.
Example Use: setFlagOwner objNull
Category: General
Function: 0x7A9766
Name: buildingPos
Name (Long): buildingpos
Arg1: building
Arg2: index
Description: Returns the given indexed position in a building. The returned value is in format Position.
Example Use: building buildingPos 1
Category: General
Function: 0x7A9894
Name: switchLight
Name (Long): switchlight
Arg1: lamppost
Arg2: mode
Description: Controls the lamppost mode. Mode may be "ON", "OFF" and "AUTO". "AUTO" is default and means the lampost is only on during nighttime.
Example Use: nearestObject [player, "StreetLamp"] switchLight "Off"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B4495
Name: inflame
Name (Long): inflame
Arg1: fireplace
Arg2: burn
Description: Controls fireplace buring. Set to true to inflame the fireplace.
Example Use: fireplaceOne inflame true
Category: General
Function: 0x7AA67B
Name: addRating
Name (Long): addrating
Arg1: unit
Arg2: number
Description: Adds number to the unit rating. This is usually used to reward for completed mission objectives. The rating for killed enemies and killed friendlies is adjusted automatically. When the rating is lower than zero, a unit is considered "renegade" and is an enemy to everyone.
Example Use: player addRating 1000
Category: General
Function: 0x7A6AF7
Name: addScore
Name (Long): addscore
Arg1: unit
Arg2: score
Description: MP only: adds unit score. This is shown in the "I" MP screen as the total score.
Example Use: player addScore 10
Category: General
Function: 0x7A6BE5
Name: addLiveStats
Name (Long): addlivestats
Arg1: unit
Arg2: score
Description: Xbox Live MP only: adds score to the Xbox Live Statistics score for the given unit (or the commander unit of the given vehicle).
Example Use: player addLiveStats 10
Req Ver: 2.10
Category: General
Function: 0x7A6CA3
Name: distance
Name (Long): distance
Arg1: obj1 or pos1
Arg2: obj2 or pos2
Description: Computes the distance between two objects or positions.
Example Use: player distance leader player
Category: General
Function: 0x7AE54F
Name: setPos
Name (Long): setpos
Arg1: obj
Arg2: pos
Description: Sets the object position. The pos array uses the Position format.
Example Use: player setPos [getpos player select 0, getpos player select 1 + 10]
Category: General
Function: 0x7A8404
Name: setPosASL
Name (Long): setposasl
Arg1: obj
Arg2: pos
Description: Sets the object position. The pos array uses the PositionASL format.
Example Use: player setPosASL [getPosASL player select 0, getPosASL player select 1 + 10, getPosASL select 2]
Req Ver: 2.53
Category: General
Function: 0x7A807B
Name: setPosATL
Name (Long): setposatl
Arg1: obj
Arg2: pos
Description: Sets the object position. The pos array uses the PositionATL format.
Example Use: player setPosASL [getPosATL player select 0, getPosATL player select 1 + 10, getPosATL select 2]
Req Ver: 2.53
Category: General
Function: 0x7A82C2
Name: setPosASL2
Name (Long): setposasl2
Arg1: obj
Arg2: pos
Description: Sets the object position. The pos array uses the PositionASL format. The version of the command does not offset based on object center.
Req Ver: 2.53
Category: General
Function: 0x79E215
Name: setDir
Name (Long): setdir
Arg1: obj
Arg2: heading
Description: Sets the object heading. The accepted heading range is from 0 to 360.
Example Use: player setDir 180
Category: General
Function: 0x7A85B8
Name: setVelocity
Name (Long): setvelocity
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: [x, z, y]
Description: Sets the velocity (speed vector) of a vehicle.
Req Ver: 1.80
Category: General
Function: 0x7A86C0
Name: setFormDir
Name (Long): setformdir
Arg1: group
Arg2: heading
Description: Sets the formation heading. The accepted heading range is from 0 to 360. The formation is facing this direction unless an enemy is seen. When the group is moving, this value is overridden by the movement direction.
Example Use: player setformdir 180
Category: General
Function: 0x7A7641
Name: setDammage
Name (Long): setdammage
Arg1: obj
Arg2: dammage
Description: Damages / repairs the object. Damage 0 means the object is fully functional, damage 1 means it's completely destroyed / dead.
Example Use: player setdammage 1
Category: General
Function: 0x7A9237
Name: setDamage
Name (Long): setdamage
Arg1: object
Arg2: damage
Description: Damages / repairs the object. Damage 0 means the object is fully functional, damage 1 means it's completely destroyed / dead.
Note: this function is identical to setDammage. It was introduced to fix a spelling error in the original function name.
Example Use: player setdamage 1
Req Ver: 1.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7A9237
Name: allowDamage
Name (Long): allowdamage
Arg1: obj
Arg2: allow
Description: Obsolete.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A926B
Name: allowDammage
Name (Long): allowdammage
Arg1: obj
Arg2: allow
Description: Obsolete.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A926B
Name: flyInHeight
Name (Long): flyinheight
Arg1: helicopter
Arg2: height
Description: Sets the height level for the helicopter. The accepted range is from 50 to 1000.
Example Use: cobraOne flyInHeight 150
Category: General
Function: 0x7A8A4B
Name: setMarkerPos
Name (Long): setmarkerpos
Arg1: markerName
Arg2: pos
Description: Moves the marker. The format of pos is Position2D. The marker is modified on all computers in a network session.
Example Use: "MarkerOne" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos "MarkerTwo"
Category: General
Function: 0x7CD836
Name: setMarkerPosLocal
Name (Long): setmarkerposlocal
Arg1: markerName
Arg2: pos
Description: Moves the marker. The format of pos is Position2D. The marker is only modified on the computer where the command is called.
Example Use: "MarkerOne" setMarkerPosLocal getMarkerPos "MarkerTwo"
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7B7B06
Name: setMarkerType
Name (Long): setmarkertype
Arg1: markerName
Arg2: markerType
Description: Sets the marker type. Type may be any of: "Flag", "Flag1", "Dot", "Destroy", "Start", "End", "Warning", "Join", "Pickup", "Unknown", "Marker", "Arrow" or "Empty". The marker is modified on all computers in a network session.
Example Use: "MarkerOne" setMarkerType "Arrow"
Category: General
Function: 0x7CB3A1
Name: setMarkerTypeLocal
Name (Long): setmarkertypelocal
Arg1: markerName
Arg2: markerType
Description: Sets the marker type. Type may be any of: "Flag", "Flag1", "Dot", "Destroy", "Start", "End", "Warning", "Join", "Pickup", "Unknown", "Marker", "Arrow" or "Empty". The marker is only modified on the computer where the command is called.
Example Use: "MarkerOne" setMarkerTypeLocal "Arrow"
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7B7C8E
Name: setMarkerSize
Name (Long): setmarkersize
Arg1: marker
Arg2: size
Description: Sets the marker size. Size is in format [a-axis, b-axis]. The marker is modified on all computers in a network session.
Example Use: "MarkerOne" setMarkerSize [100, 200]
Req Ver: 1.21
Category: General
Function: 0x7CB4B0
Name: setMarkerSizeLocal
Name (Long): setmarkersizelocal
Arg1: marker
Arg2: size
Description: Sets the marker size. Size is in format [a-axis, b-axis]. The marker is only modified on the computer where the command is called.
Example Use: "MarkerOne" setMarkerSizeLocal [100, 200]
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7B7FC0
Name: setMarkerColor
Name (Long): setmarkercolor
Arg1: marker
Arg2: color
Description: Sets the marker color. Color is one of: "Default", "ColorBlack", "ColorRed", "ColorRedAlpha", "ColorGreen", "ColorGreenAlpha", "ColorBlue", "ColorYellow" or "ColorWhite". The marker is modified on all computers in a network session.
Example Use: "MarkerOne" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"
Req Ver: 1.21
Category: General
Function: 0x7CB604
Name: setMarkerColorLocal
Name (Long): setmarkercolorlocal
Arg1: marker
Arg2: color
Description: Sets the marker color. Color is one of: "Default", "ColorBlack", "ColorRed", "ColorRedAlpha", "ColorGreen", "ColorGreenAlpha", "ColorBlue", "ColorYellow" or "ColorWhite". The marker is only modified on the computer where the command is called.
Example Use: "MarkerOne" setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlack"
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7B8192
Name: setWPPos
Name (Long): setwppos
Arg1: wapoint
Arg2: position
Description: Sets the waypoint position. Waypoint uses format Waypoint. Position uses format Position2D.
Example Use: [groupOne, 1] setWPPos getMarkerPos "MarkerOne"
Req Ver: 1.21
Category: General
Function: 0x7C5237
Name: in
Name (Long): in
Arg1: soldier
Arg2: vehicle
Description: Checks whether the soldier is mounted in the vehicle.
Example Use: player in jeepOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7A6E62
Name: ammo
Name (Long): ammo
Arg1: gunner or vehicle
Arg2: magazine
Description: Counts how many shots the unit has left for the given magazine type.
Example Use: player ammo "M16"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B1DD6
Name: hasWeapon
Name (Long): hasweapon
Arg1: unit
Arg2: weaponName
Description: Checks whether the unit has the given weapon.
Example Use: player hasWeapon "M16"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B1F7B
Name: addWeapon
Name (Long): addweapon
Arg1: unit
Arg2: weaponName
Description: Adds the weapon to the unit. Note: you may create invalid combinations by using this function, for example by adding two rifles. When doing so, application behaviour is undefined.
Example Use: player addWeapon "AK74"
Category: General
Function: 0x7D36C4
Name: removeWeapon
Name (Long): removeweapon
Arg1: unit
Arg2: weaponName
Description: Removes the weapon from the unit. Note: you may create invalid combinations by using this function. When doing so, application behaviour is undefined.
Example Use: player removeWeapon "M16"
Category: General
Function: 0x7D3799
Name: addMagazine
Name (Long): addmagazine
Arg1: unit
Arg2: weaponName
Description: Adds a magazine to the unit. Note: you may create invalid combinations by using this function, for example by adding 20 grenades. When doing so, application behaviour is undefined.
Example Use: player addMagazine "M16"
Category: General
Function: 0x7D3866
Name: addMagazine
Name (Long): addmagazine
Arg1: unit
Arg2: [weaponName, ammo count]
Description: Adds a magazine to the unit and sets ammo count. Note: you may create invalid combinations by using this function, for example by adding 20 grenades. When doing so, application behaviour is undefined.
Example Use: player addMagazine ["M16",15]
Category: General
Function: 0x7D393A
Name: addMagazineTurret
Name (Long): addmagazineturret
Arg1: transport
Arg2: [weaponName, turret path]
Description: Adds a magazine to the turret. Use turret path [-1] for driver's turret. Note: you may create invalid combinations by using this function, for example by adding 20 grenades. When doing so, application behaviour is undefined.
Example Use: player addMagazine "M16"
Category: General
Function: 0x7D3A9B
Name: removeMagazine
Name (Long): removemagazine
Arg1: unit
Arg2: weaponName
Description: Removes the magazine from the unit. Note: you may create invalid combinations by using this function. When doing so, application behaviour is undefined.
Example Use: player removeMagazine "M16"
Category: General
Function: 0x7D3C4C
Name: removeMagazineTurret
Name (Long): removemagazineturret
Arg1: transport
Arg2: [weaponName, turret path]
Description: Removes the magazine from the turret. Use turret path [-1] for driver's turret. Note: you may create invalid combinations by using this function. When doing so, application behaviour is undefined.
Example Use: vehicle player removeMagazine ["60rnd_cmflaremagazine",[-1]]
Category: General
Function: 0x7D3D17
Name: removeMagazines
Name (Long): removemagazines
Arg1: unit
Arg2: weaponName
Description: Removes all magazines of the given type from the unit. Note: you may create invalid combinations by using this function. When doing so, application behaviour is undefined.
Example Use: player removeMagazines "M16"
Category: General
Function: 0x7D3EBD
Name: removeMagazinesTurret
Name (Long): removemagazinesturret
Arg1: transport
Arg2: [weaponName, turret path]
Description: Removes all magazines of the given type from the unit. Use turret path [-1] for driver's turret. Note: you may create invalid combinations by using this function. When doing so, application behaviour is undefined.
Example Use: vehicle player removeMagazines ["60rnd_cmflaremagazine",,[-1]]
Category: General
Function: 0x7D3F88
Name: addBackpack
Name (Long): addbackpack
Arg1: unit
Arg2: backpackName
Description: Adds the backpack to the unit. Note: unit with secondary or two-slot weapon cannot have backpack.
Example Use: player addBackpack "usbackpack"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B211C
Name: selectWeapon
Name (Long): selectweapon
Arg1: unit
Arg2: weapon
Description: Selects the given weapon.
For weapon values see CfgWeapons.
Example Use: soldierOne selectWeapon "LAWLauncher"
Req Ver: 1.27
Category: General
Function: 0x7B14F0
Name: fire
Name (Long): fire
Arg1: unit
Arg2: weaponName
Description: The unit will fire from the given weapon.
Example Use: soldierOne fire "HandGrenade"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B22CE
Name: fire
Name (Long): fire
Arg1: unit
Arg2: array
Description: The unit will fire from the given weapon. The array has format [muzzle, mode, magazine] or [muzzle, mode].
Example Use: soldierOne fire ["throw","SmokeShell","SmokeShell"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B2373
Name: land
Name (Long): land
Arg1: helicopter
Arg2: mode
Description: Forces a helicopter landing. The landing mode may be "LAND" (a complete stop), "GET IN" (hovering very low for another unit to get in), "GET OUT" (hovering low for another unit to get out) or "NONE" (cancel landing).
Example Use: cobraOne land "LAND"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B7580
Name: knowsAbout
Name (Long): knowsabout
Arg1: unit
Arg2: target
Description: Checks whether the unit knows about the target (and how much). If the unit is a vehicle, the vehicle commander is considered instead.
Example Use: soldierOne knowsAbout jeepOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7A7B4B
Name: say
Name (Long): say
Arg1: unit or [unit, target]
Arg2: speechName
Description: The unit will play the given sound. If the unit is a person, it will also pefrorm the corresponding lipsync effect. The sound is defined in the description.ext file. If target is given, titles will be written to the conversation history.
Example Use: soldierOne say "speechId"
Category: General
Function: 0x7C1FEC
Name: say
Name (Long): say
Arg1: unit or [unit, target]
Arg2: speechName
Description: The format of speechName is [sound, maxTitlesDistance] or [sound, maxTitlesDistance, speed]. The unit will play the given sound. If the unit is a person, it will also pefrorm the corresponding lipsync effect. If the camera is not withing the given range, the title is not shown. The sound is defined in the description.ext file. If target is given, titles will be written to the conversation history.
Req Ver: 1.75
Category: General
Function: 0x7C1FEC
Name: globalRadio
Name (Long): globalradio
Arg1: unit
Arg2: radioName
Description: Sends the message to the global radio channel. The message is defined in the description.ext file or radio protocol.
Example Use: soldierOne globalRadio "messageOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B4EBE
Name: sideRadio
Name (Long): sideradio
Arg1: unit
Arg2: radioName
Description: Sends the message to the side radio channel. The message is defined in the description.ext file or radio protocol.
Example Use: soldierOne sideRadio "messageOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B4EF7
Name: commandRadio
Name (Long): commandradio
Arg1: unit
Arg2: radioName
Description: Sends the message to the command radio channel. The message is defined in the description.ext file or radio protocol.
Example Use: soldierOne commandRadio "messageOne"
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7B5062
Name: groupRadio
Name (Long): groupradio
Arg1: unit
Arg2: radioName
Description: Sends the message to the group radio channel. The message is defined in the description.ext file or radio protocol.
Example Use: soldierOne groupRadio "messageOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B51D2
Name: vehicleRadio
Name (Long): vehicleradio
Arg1: unit
Arg2: radioName
Description: Sends the message to the vehicle radio channel. The message is defined in the description.ext file or radio protocol.
Example Use: soldierOne vehicleRadio "messageOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B520F
Name: directSay
Name (Long): directsay
Arg1: unit
Arg2: radioName
Description: Sends the message to the direct channel. The message is defined in the description.ext file or radio protocol.
Example Use: soldierOne directSay "messageOne"
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7B5259
Name: globalChat
Name (Long): globalchat
Arg1: unit
Arg2: chatText
Description: Types text to the global radio channel.
Note: this function only types text to the list, it does not broadcast the message. If you want the message to show on all computers, you have to execute it on all of them.
Example Use: soldierOne globalChat "Show this text"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B52AA
Name: sideChat
Name (Long): sidechat
Arg1: unit
Arg2: chatText
Description: Types text to the side radio channel.
Note: this function only types text to the list, it does not broadcast the message. If you want the message to show on all computers, you have to execute it on all of them.
Example Use: soldierOne sideChat "Show this text"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B5324
Name: commandChat
Name (Long): commandchat
Arg1: unit
Arg2: chatText
Description: Types text to the command radio channel.
Note: this function only types text to the list, it does not broadcast the message. If you want the message to show on all computers, you have to execute it on all of them.
Example Use: soldierOne commandChat "Show this text"
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7B54D0
Name: groupChat
Name (Long): groupchat
Arg1: unit
Arg2: chatText
Description: Types text to the group radio channel.
Note: this function only types text to the list, it does not broadcast the message. If you want the message to show on all computers, you have to execute it on all of them.
Example Use: soldierOne groupChat "Show this text"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B5682
Name: vehicleChat
Name (Long): vehiclechat
Arg1: unit
Arg2: chatText
Description: Types text to the vehicle radio channel.
Note: this function only types text to the list, it does not broadcast the message. If you want the message to show on all computers, you have to execute it on all of them.
Example Use: soldierOne vehicleChat "Show this text"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B56FF
Name: useAudioTimeForMoves
Name (Long): useaudiotimeformoves
Arg1: soldier
Arg2: toggle
Description: Switch between elapsed gamet time and audio time being used as animation timer. Used for audio/animation synchronization.
Example Use: player useAudioTimeForMoves true
Category: General
Function: 0xB5234F
Name: playMove
Name (Long): playmove
Arg1: soldier
Arg2: moveName
Description: When used on a person, a smooth transition to the given move will be initiated.
Example Use: soldierOne playMove "Stand"
Category: General
Function: 0x7D430D
Name: switchMove
Name (Long): switchmove
Arg1: soldier
Arg2: moveName
Description: When used on a person, the given move is started immediately (there is no transition). Use switchmove "" to switch back to the default movement if there is no transition back, otherwise the person may be stuck.
Example Use: soldierOne switchMove "FXStandDip"
Category: General
Function: 0x7D438E
Name: playAction
Name (Long): playaction
Arg1: soldier
Arg2: action
Description: When used on a person, a smooth transition to the given action will be initiated.
Example Use: soldierOne playAction "SitDown"
Req Ver: 5500
Category: General
Function: 0x7B57A0
Name: switchAction
Name (Long): switchaction
Arg1: soldier
Arg2: action
Description: When used on a person, the given action is started immediately (there is no transition). Use switchmove "" to switch back to the default movement if there is no transition back, otherwise the person may be stuck.
Example Use: soldierOne switchAction "SitDown"
Req Ver: 5500
Category: General
Function: 0x7B5819
Name: playGesture
Name (Long): playgesture
Arg1: soldier
Arg2: moveName
Description: When used on a person, a smooth transition to the given move will be initiated.
Example Use: soldierOne playGesture "Wave"
Req Ver: 5500
Category: General
Function: 0x7D4490
Name: switchGesture
Name (Long): switchgesture
Arg1: soldier
Arg2: moveName
Description: When used on a person, the given move is started immediately (there is no transition).
Example Use: soldierOne switchGesture "Wave"
Req Ver: 5500
Category: General
Function: 0x7D4511
Name: setRadioMsg
Name (Long): setradiomsg
Arg1: index
Arg2: text
Description: Sets the radio message (0, 0, map radio) to the given text. Use "NULL" to disable the radio slot.
Example Use: 0 setRadioMsg "Alpha Radio"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B6F95
Name: ==
Name (Long): ==
Arg1: obj1
Arg2: obj2
Description: Checks whether two objects are the same. If either of them is objNull, false is returned.
Example Use: player == leader player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A713C
Name: !=
Name (Long): !=
Arg1: obj1
Arg2: obj2
Description: Checks whether two objects are different. If either of them is objNull, true is returned.
Example Use: vehicle player != player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A7177
Name: ==
Name (Long): ==
Arg1: grp1
Arg2: grp2
Description: Checks whether two groups are the same. If either of them is grpNull, false is returned.
Example Use: group player == group soldierOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7A71B2
Name: !=
Name (Long): !=
Arg1: grp1
Arg2: grp2
Description: Checks whether two groups are different. If either of them is grpNull, true is returned.
Example Use: group player != group soldierOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7A71EB
Name: ==
Name (Long): ==
Arg1: side1
Arg2: side2
Description: Checks whether two side values are equal.
Example Use: side player == west
Category: General
Function: 0x79ECA5
Name: !=
Name (Long): !=
Arg1: side1
Arg2: side2
Description: Checks whether two side values are different.
Example Use: side player != west
Category: General
Function: 0x79EC76
Name: ==
Name (Long): ==
Arg1: text1
Arg2: text2
Description: Checks whether two structured text values are equal.
Req Ver: 2.01
Category: General
Function: 0x7A088E
Name: !=
Name (Long): !=
Arg1: text1
Arg2: text2
Description: Checks whether two structured text values are different.
Req Ver: 2.01
Category: General
Function: 0x7A08AD
Name: countEnemy
Name (Long): countenemy
Arg1: unit
Arg2: array
Description: Counts how many units in the array are considered enemy by the given unit.
Example Use: player countEnemy list triggerOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7A7816
Name: countFriendly
Name (Long): countfriendly
Arg1: unit
Arg2: array
Description: Counts how many units in the array are considered friendly by the given unit.
Example Use: player countFriendly list triggerOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7A786C
Name: countUnknown
Name (Long): countunknown
Arg1: unit
Arg2: array
Description: Counts how many units in the array are considered unknown to the given unit.
Example Use: player countUnknown list triggerOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7A78C2
Name: countType
Name (Long): counttype
Arg1: typeName
Arg2: array
Description: Counts how many vehicles in the array are of the given type. For types see CfgVehicles.
Example Use: "Tank" countType list triggerOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7B2D21
Name: countSide
Name (Long): countside
Arg1: side
Arg2: array
Description: Checks how many vehicles belong to the given side.
Example Use: west countSide list triggerOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7A77CE
Name: allowGetIn
Name (Long): allowgetin
Arg1: unitArray
Arg2: allow
Description: Allows the getting in of vehicles of all units in the list.
Example Use: [unitOne, unitTwo] allowGetIn false
Category: General
Function: 0x7A7918
Name: orderGetIn
Name (Long): ordergetin
Arg1: unitArray
Arg2: order
Description: Forces all units in the list to get in their assigned vehicle.
Example Use: [unitOne, unitTwo] orderGetIn true
Category: General
Function: 0x7A799C
Name: join
Name (Long): join
Arg1: unitArray
Arg2: group
Description: Joins all units in the array to the given group.
Note: the total number of group members cannot exceed 12.
Note: This function is unsupported in MP in version 1.33 and before.
Example Use: [unitOne, unitTwo] join player
Category: General
Function: 0x7CEC5F
Name: move
Name (Long): move
Arg1: group
Arg2: pos
Description: Creates a move waypoint on the given position (format Position) and makes it the currently active group waypoint.
Example Use: groupOne move getPos player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A7AF9
Name: setGroupid
Name (Long): setgroupid
Arg1: group
Arg2: [nameFomat, nameParam1, ...]
Description: Sets the group identity. nameFormat contains strings "%CLASS_NAME" where CLASS_NAME is name of class in CfgWorlds, parameters are names of subclasses of CLASS_NAME with the description of the name subpart.
Category: General
Function: 0x7CEE5E
Name: setBehaviour
Name (Long): setbehaviour
Arg1: group
Arg2: behaviour
Description: Sets the group behaviour mode. Behaviour is one of: "CARELESS", "SAFE", "AWARE", "COMBAT" or "STEALTH".
Example Use: groupOne setBehaviour "SAFE"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B2567
Name: setCombatMode
Name (Long): setcombatmode
Arg1: group
Arg2: mode
Description: Sets the group's combat mode (engagement rules). Mode can be one of: "BLUE" (Never fire), "GREEN" (Hold fire - defend only), "WHITE" (Hold fire, engage at will), "YELLOW" (Fire at will) or "RED" (Fire at will, engage at will).
Example Use: groupOne setCombatMode "BLUE"
Category: General
Function: 0x7CE40F
Name: setFormation
Name (Long): setformation
Arg1: group
Arg2: formation
Description: Sets the group formation. Formation is one of: "COLUMN", "STAG COLUMN", "WEDGE", "ECH LEFT", "ECH RIGHT", "VEE" or "LINE".
Example Use: groupOne setFormation "LINE"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B2985
Name: setSpeedMode
Name (Long): setspeedmode
Arg1: group
Arg2: mode
Description: Sets the group speed mode. Mode may be one of: "LIMITED" (half speed), "NORMAL" (full speed, maintain formation) or "FULL" (do not wait for any other units in the formation).
Example Use: groupOne setSpeedMode "LIMITED"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B2A58
Name: setUnitPos
Name (Long): setunitpos
Arg1: unit
Arg2: mode
Description: Sets the unit position rules. Mode may be one of: "DOWN", "UP" or "AUTO".
Example Use: soldierOne setUnitPos "Down"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B26D4
Name: enableAIFeature
Name (Long): enableaifeature
Arg1: feature
Arg2: enabled
Description: Enable/disable given AI feature. Feature may be one of: "AwareFormationSoft", "CombatFormationSoft".
Example Use: "AwareFormationSoft" enableAIFeature true
Req Ver: 60220
Category: General
Function: 0x7B28F7
Name: lockWp
Name (Long): lockwp
Arg1: group
Arg2: lockWP
Description: Disables switching to the next waypoint (the current waypoint will never complete while lockWp is used). This is sometimes used during cut-scenes.
Example Use: groupOne lockWP true
Category: General
Function: 0x7A754A
Name: lock
Name (Long): lock
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: lock
Description: Locks the vehicle (disables mounting / dismounting) for the player.
Example Use: jeepOne lock true
Category: General
Function: 0x7ABDFD
Name: stop
Name (Long): stop
Arg1: unit
Arg2: stop
Description: Stops an AI unit. This function is obsolete. Use disableAI to get better control over stopping a unit.
Example Use: soldierOne stop true
Category: General
Function: 0x7ABE88
Name: disableAI
Name (Long): disableai
Arg1: unit
Arg2: section
Description: Disables parts of the AI behaviour to get more control over a unit. Section is one of "TARGET" (disables watching assigned targets), "AUTOTARGET" (disables independed target assigning and watching of unknown targets) or "MOVE" (disables movement).
Example Use: soldierOne disableAI "Move"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B7436
Name: enableAI
Name (Long): enableai
Arg1: unit
Arg2: section
Description: Enables parts of the AI behaviour. Section is one of "TARGET" (enables watching assigned targets), "AUTOTARGET" (enables independed target assigning and watching of unknown targets) or "MOVE" (enables movement).
Example Use: soldierOne enableAI "Move"
Req Ver: 2.53
Category: General
Function: 0x7B74DA
Name: assignAsCommander
Name (Long): assignascommander
Arg1: soldier
Arg2: vehicle
Description: Assigns the soldier as commander of the given vehicle.
Example Use: player assignAsCommander tankOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7ABFE7
Name: assignAsDriver
Name (Long): assignasdriver
Arg1: soldier
Arg2: vehicle
Description: Assigns the soldier as driver of the given vehicle.
Example Use: player assignAsDriver tankOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7AC045
Name: assignAsGunner
Name (Long): assignasgunner
Arg1: soldier
Arg2: vehicle
Description: Assigns the soldier as gunner of the given vehicle.
Example Use: player assignAsGunner tankOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7AC0A3
Name: assignAsCargo
Name (Long): assignascargo
Arg1: soldier
Arg2: vehicle
Description: Assigns the soldier to the cargo / passenger space of the given vehicle.
Example Use: player assignAsCargo tankOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7AC101
Name: leaveVehicle
Name (Long): leavevehicle
Arg1: group
Arg2: vehicle
Description: Ceases the using of the vehicle in the group. It unassigns all grouped units from the vehicle.
Example Use: soldierOne leaveVehicle jeepOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7AC19C
Name: leaveVehicle
Name (Long): leavevehicle
Arg1: group
Arg2: vehicle
Description: Ceases the using of the vehicle in the group. It unassigns all grouped units from the vehicle.
Example Use: groupOne leaveVehicle jeepOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7AC19C
Name: moveInCommander
Name (Long): moveincommander
Arg1: soldier
Arg2: vehicle
Description: Moves the soldier into the vehicle's commander position. (Immediatetely, without animation).
Example Use: soldierOne moveInCommander jeepOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7AC1DC
Name: moveInDriver
Name (Long): moveindriver
Arg1: soldier
Arg2: vehicle
Description: Moves the soldier into the vehicle's driver position. (Immediately, without animation).
Example Use: soldierOne moveInDriver jeepOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7AC314
Name: moveInGunner
Name (Long): moveingunner
Arg1: soldier
Arg2: vehicle
Description: Moves the soldier into the vehicle's gunner position. (Immediately, without animation).
Example Use: soldierOne moveInGunner jeepOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7AC476
Name: moveInCargo
Name (Long): moveincargo
Arg1: soldier
Arg2: vehicle
Description: Moves the soldier into the vehicle's cargo position. (Immediately, without animation).
Example Use: soldierOne moveInCargo jeepOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7AC5D5
Name: moveInCargo
Name (Long): moveincargo
Arg1: soldier
Arg2: [vehicle, CargoIndex]
Description: Moves the soldier into a vehicle's specified cargo position. (Immediately, without animation).
Example Use: soldierOne moveInCargo jeepOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7AC5D5
Name: moveInTurret
Name (Long): moveinturret
Arg1: soldier
Arg2: [vehicle, turret path]
Description: Moves the soldier into the vehicle's turret. (Immediately, without animation).
Example Use: soldierOne moveInTurret [tank, [0, 0]]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C2D0E
Name: setVelocityTransformation
Name (Long): setvelocitytransformation
Arg1: soldier
Arg2: [position1, position2, velocity1, velocity2, direction1, direction2, up1, up2, time]
Description: interpolates and sets vectors. Time has to be from <0,1>
Category: General
Function: 0x7A8AE9
Name: allowFleeing
Name (Long): allowfleeing
Arg1: unit
Arg2: courage
Description: Sets the group courage. The less courage, the sooner the group will start fleeing. 0 means maximum courage, while 1 means always fleeing.
Example Use: soldierOne allowFleeing 0
Category: General
Function: 0x7ACAB4
Name: objStatus
Name (Long): objstatus
Arg1: objective
Arg2: status
Description: Sets the briefing objective status. Status may be one of: "ACTIVE", "FAILED", "DONE" or "HIDDEN".
Example Use: "obj_1" objStatus "FAILED"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B6CDF
Name: exec
Name (Long): exec
Arg1: argument
Arg2: script
Description: Executes a script. Argument is passed to the script as local variable _this. The script is first searched in the mission folder, then in the campaign scripts subfolder and finally in the global scripts folder.
Example Use: [player, jeepOne] exec "getIn.sqs"
Category: General
Function: 0x7BFCF6
Name: spawn
Name (Long): spawn
Arg1: arguments
Arg2: script
Description: Executes a script. Argument is passed to the script as local variable _this.
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3FBA
Name: setOvercast
Name (Long): setovercast
Arg1: time
Arg2: overcast
Description: Changes the overcast level to the given value smoothly during the given time (in seconds). A time of zero means an immediate change. An overcast level of zero means clear (sunny) weather and with an overcast level of one, storms and showers are very likely.
Example Use: 1800 setOvercast 0.5
Category: General
Function: 0x79E5EA
Name: setFog
Name (Long): setfog
Arg1: time
Arg2: fog
Description: Changes the fog value smoothly during the given time (in seconds). A time of zero means there will be an immediate change. A fog level of zero is minimum fog and a fog level of one is maximum fog.
Example Use: 1800 setFog 0.5
Category: General
Function: 0x79E65B
Name: setRain
Name (Long): setrain
Arg1: time
Arg2: rainDensity
Description: Changes the rain density smoothly during the given time (in seconds). A time of zero means an immediate change. A rain level of zero is no rain and a rain level of one is maximum rain. Rain is not possible when overcast is smaller than 0.7.
Example Use: 60 setRain 1
Req Ver: 1.75
Category: General
Function: 0x79E628
Name: setFuel
Name (Long): setfuel
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: amount
Description: Sets the fuel amount. A fuel level of one is a full gas tank.
Example Use: jeepOne setFuel 0
Category: General
Function: 0x7A6419
Name: setFuelCargo
Name (Long): setfuelcargo
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: amount
Description: Sets the fuel amount in the cargo space of a refuelling vehicle. A fuel level of one is a full gas tank.
Example Use: refuelTruckOne setFuelCargo 0
Category: General
Function: 0x7A6500
Name: setRepairCargo
Name (Long): setrepaircargo
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: amount
Description: Sets the amount or repair resources in the cargo space of a repair vehicle. An amount of one is a full cargo space.
Example Use: repairTruckOne setRepairCargo 0
Category: General
Function: 0x7A659C
Name: setAmmoCargo
Name (Long): setammocargo
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: ammoCargo
Description: Sets the amount of ammo resources in the cargo space of a repair vehicle. Ammo resources are used to resupply vehicles; soldiers use individual magazines instead. An amount of one indicates a full cargo.
Example Use: rearmTruckOne setAmmoCargo 0
Category: General
Function: 0x7A661C
Name: addWeaponCargo
Name (Long): addweaponcargo
Arg1: unit
Arg2: weapons
Description: Adds weapons to the weapon cargo space. This is used for infantry weapons. The format of weapons is [weaponName, count].
For weaponName values see CfgWeapons.
Example Use: rearmTruckOne addWeaponCargo ["M16", 10]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C16E3
Name: addMagazineCargo
Name (Long): addmagazinecargo
Arg1: unit
Arg2: magazines
Description: Adds magazines to the weapon cargo space. This is used for infantry weapons. The format of magazines is [magazineName, count].
For magazineName values see CfgWeapons.
Example Use: rearmTruckOne addMagazineCargo ["M16", 10]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C9F02
Name: addBackpackCargo
Name (Long): addbackpackcargo
Arg1: unit
Arg2: backpacks
Description: Adds bacpacks to the cargo space. The format of backpacks is [backpacksName, count].
For backpacksName values see CfgWeapons.
Example Use: rearmTruckOne addBackpackCargo ["DSHKM_TK_GUE_Bag_EP1", 2]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B118C
Name: addWeaponCargoGlobal
Name (Long): addweaponcargoglobal
Arg1: unit
Arg2: weapons
Description: Adds weapons to the weapon cargo space. This is used for infantry weapons. MP synchronized. The format of weapons is [weaponName, count].
For weaponName values see CfgWeapons.
Example Use: rearmTruckOne addWeaponCargo ["M16", 10]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C1827
Name: addMagazineCargoGlobal
Name (Long): addmagazinecargoglobal
Arg1: unit
Arg2: magazines
Description: Adds magazines to the weapon cargo space. This is used for infantry weapons. MP synchronized. The format of magazines is [magazineName, count].
For magazineName values see CfgWeapons.
Example Use: rearmTruckOne addMagazineCargo ["M16", 10]
Category: General
Function: 0x7CA046
Name: addBackpackCargoGlobal
Name (Long): addbackpackcargoglobal
Arg1: unit
Arg2: backpacks
Description: Adds bacpacks to the cargo space. MP synchronized. The format of backpacks is [backpacksName, count].
For backpacksName values see CfgWeapons.
Example Use: rearmTruckOne addBackpackCargo ["DSHKM_TK_GUE_Bag_EP1", 2]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B133E
Name: createVehicle
Name (Long): createvehicle
Arg1: type
Arg2: pos
Description: Creates an empty vehicle of the given type. Pos is in format Position.
See CfgVehicles for possible type values.
Example Use: _tank = "M1Abrams" createVehicle getmarkerpos "tankFactory"
Req Ver: 1.34
Category: General
Function: 0x7CB25E
Name: createUnit
Name (Long): createunit
Arg1: type
Arg2: unitInfo
Description: Creates a unit of the given type. The format of unitInfo is:
[pos (Position), group (Group), init (String), skill (Number), rank (String)].
Note: init, skill and rank are optional. Their default values are "", 0.5, "PRIVATE".
Example Use: "SoldierWB" createUnit [getMarkerPos "barracks", groupAlpha]
Req Ver: 1.34
Category: General
Function: 0x7C39CD
Name: preloadObject
Name (Long): preloadobject
Arg1: distance
Arg2: object
Description: Preload all data for given object.
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7C309A
Name: fadeMusic
Name (Long): fademusic
Arg1: time
Arg2: volume
Description: Causes a smooth change in the music volume. The change duration is given by time, the target volume by volume. The default music volume is 0.5.
Example Use: 5 fadeMusic 0
Category: General
Function: 0x79E0F2
Name: fadeSound
Name (Long): fadesound
Arg1: time
Arg2: volume
Description: Causes a smooth change in the master volume. The change duration is given by time, the target volume by volume. The default master volume is 1.0.
Example Use: 5 fadeSound 0.1
Category: General
Function: 0x79E142
Name: fadeRadio
Name (Long): faderadio
Arg1: time
Arg2: volume
Description: Causes a smooth change in the radio volume. The change duration is given by time, the target volume by volume. The default radio volume is 1.0.
Example Use: 5 fadeRadio 0.1
Category: General
Function: 0x79E1A8
Name: cameraEffect
Name (Long): cameraeffect
Arg1: camera
Arg2: effect
Description: Switches the camera to the given vehicle / camera. The format of effect is [name, position]. Name is one of: "Internal", "External", "Fixed" or "FixedWithZoom". Position is one of: "TOP", "LEFT", "RIGHT", "FRONT" or "BACK" ("BACK" is normally used).
Example Use: cameraEffect ["External", "Back"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B5959
Name: camCreate
Name (Long): camcreate
Arg1: type
Arg2: position
Description: Creates a camera or an actor of the given type on the given initial position (format Position). Its type is one of "CAMERA" or "SEAGULL".
Example Use: _camera = camCreate getPos player
Category: General
Function: 0x7B5B3A
Name: camSetPos
Name (Long): camsetpos
Arg1: camera
Arg2: position
Description: Sets the camera position (format Position). It does not automatically commit changes.
Example Use: _camera camSetPos getPos player
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB1C8
Name: camSetRelPos
Name (Long): camsetrelpos
Arg1: camera
Arg2: position
Description: Sets the camera position relative to the current position of the currect target (see camSetTarget). It does not automatically commit changes.
Example Use: _camera camSetRelPos [10,5]
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB3B8
Name: camSetFov
Name (Long): camsetfov
Arg1: camera
Arg2: fieldOfView
Description: Sets the camera field of view (zoom). It does not automatically commit changes.
Example Use: _camera camSetFov 0.1
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB422
Name: camSetFocus
Name (Long): camsetfocus
Arg1: camera
Arg2: focusRange
Description: focusRange is in format [distance,blur].
Sets the camera focus blur. It does not automatically commit changes.
Example Use: _camera camSetFocus [50, 1]
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB496
Name: camSetFovRange
Name (Long): camsetfovrange
Arg1: camera
Arg2: fovRange
Description: Sets the camera field of view range for auto zooming. It does not automatically commit changes.
Example Use: _camera camSetFovRange [0.1, 0.5]
Category: General
Function: 0x79E215
Name: camSetDive
Name (Long): camsetdive
Arg1: camera
Arg2: dive
Description: Sets the camera dive angle. It does not automatically commit changes.
Example Use: _camera camSetDive -0.1
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB56F
Name: camSetBank
Name (Long): camsetbank
Arg1: camera
Arg2: bank
Description: Sets the camera bank angle. It does not automatically commit changes.
Example Use: _camera camSetBank -0.1
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB56F
Name: camSetDir
Name (Long): camsetdir
Arg1: camera
Arg2: direction
Description: Sets the camera heading. It does not automatically commit changes.
Example Use: _camera camSetDir 150
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB56F
Name: camCommit
Name (Long): camcommit
Arg1: camera
Arg2: time
Description: Commits the camera changes smoothly over time. A time of zero results in an immediate change.
Example Use: _camera camCommit 5
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB681
Name: camSetTarget
Name (Long): camsettarget
Arg1: camera
Arg2: target
Description: Sets the camera target. It does not automatically commit changes.
Example Use: _camera camSetTarget player
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB58F
Name: camSetTarget
Name (Long): camsettarget
Arg1: camera
Arg2: position
Description: Sets the camera target to a position (format Position). It does not automatically commit changes.
Example Use: _camera camSetTarget getPos player
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB632
Name: camPreparePos
Name (Long): campreparepos
Arg1: camera
Arg2: position
Description: Prepares the camera position (format Position). See also camPreload and camCommitPrepared.
Example Use: _camera camPreparePos getPos player
Req Ver: 2.95
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB6BF
Name: camPrepareRelPos
Name (Long): campreparerelpos
Arg1: camera
Arg2: position
Description: Prepares the camera position relative to the current position of the currect target (see camPrepareTarget). See also camPreload and camCommitPrepared.
Example Use: _camera camPrepareRelPos [10,5]
Req Ver: 2.95
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB70E
Name: camPrepareFov
Name (Long): campreparefov
Arg1: camera
Arg2: fieldOfView
Description: Prepares the camera field of view (zoom). See also camPreload and camCommitPrepared.
Example Use: _camera camPrepareFov 0.1
Req Ver: 2.95
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB778
Name: camPrepareFocus
Name (Long): campreparefocus
Arg1: camera
Arg2: focusRange
Description: focusRange is in format [distance,blur].
Prepares the camera focus blur. See also camPreload and camCommitPrepared.
Example Use: _camera camPrepareFocus [50, 1]
Req Ver: 2.95
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB7C2
Name: camPrepareFovRange
Name (Long): campreparefovrange
Arg1: camera
Arg2: fovRange
Description: Prepares the camera field of view range for auto zooming. See also camPreload and camCommitPrepared.
Example Use: _camera camPrepareFovRange [0.1, 0.5]
Req Ver: 2.95
Category: General
Function: 0x79E215
Name: camPrepareDive
Name (Long): campreparedive
Arg1: camera
Arg2: dive
Description: Prepares the camera dive angle. See also camPreload and camCommitPrepared.
Example Use: _camera camPrepareDive -0.1
Req Ver: 2.95
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB56F
Name: camPrepareBank
Name (Long): campreparebank
Arg1: camera
Arg2: bank
Description: Prepares the camera bank angle. See also camPreload and camCommitPrepared.
Example Use: _camera camPrepareBank -0.1
Req Ver: 2.95
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB56F
Name: camPrepareDir
Name (Long): campreparedir
Arg1: camera
Arg2: direction
Description: Prepares the camera heading. See also camPreload and camCommitPrepared.
Example Use: _camera camPrepareDir 150
Req Ver: 2.95
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB56F
Name: camCommitPrepared
Name (Long): camcommitprepared
Arg1: camera
Arg2: time
Description: Commits the prepared camera changes smoothly over time. A time of zero results in an immediate change.
Example Use: _camera camCommit 5
Req Ver: 2.95
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB932
Name: camPreload
Name (Long): campreload
Arg1: camera
Arg2: time
Description: Preload the scene for he prepared camera. Time gives timeout, zero means no (infinite) timeout.
Example Use: _camera camCommit 5
Req Ver: 2.95
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB970
Name: camPrepareTarget
Name (Long): campreparetarget
Arg1: camera
Arg2: target
Description: Prepares the camera target. See also camPreload and camCommitPrepared.
Example Use: _camera camPrepareTarget player
Req Ver: 2.95
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB89B
Name: camPrepareTarget
Name (Long): campreparetarget
Arg1: camera
Arg2: position
Description: Prepares the camera target to a position (format Position). See also camPreload and camCommitPrepared.
Example Use: _camera camPrepareTarget getPos player
Req Ver: 2.95
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB8E3
Name: camCommand
Name (Long): camcommand
Arg1: camera
Arg2: command
Description: Executes a command on the given camera / actor object. The "manual on" and "manual off" commands are recognized for all types. For the "camera" type, the following commands can be used: "inertia on" and "inertia off". For the "seagull" type it's one of: "landed" and "airborne".
Example Use: _camera camCommand "Manual on"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B5C69
Name: camConstuctionSetParams
Name (Long): camconstuctionsetparams
Arg1: camera
Arg2: [[x,y,z],radius, max above land]
Description: Sets construction camera parameters.
Example Use: _camera camConstuctionSetParams [getpos player,50,20]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB217
Name: switchCamera
Name (Long): switchcamera
Arg1: unit
Arg2: mode
Description: Switches the camera to the given vehicle / camera. Mode is one of: "INTERNAL" (1st person), "GUNNER" (optics / sights), "EXTERNAL" (3rd person) or "GROUP" (group).
Example Use: sniperOne switchCamera "gunner"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B5CB1
Name: commandMove
Name (Long): commandmove
Arg1: unit
Arg2: position
Description: Orders the unit to move to the given position (format Position) (via the radio).
Example Use: soldierOne commandMove getMarkerPos "MarkerMoveOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7CF15C
Name: doMove
Name (Long): domove
Arg1: unit
Arg2: position
Description: Orders the unit to move to the given position (format Position) (silently).
Example Use: soldierOne doMove getMarkerPos "MarkerMoveOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7CF13E
Name: commandWatch
Name (Long): commandwatch
Arg1: unit
Arg2: position
Description: Orders the unit to watch the given position (format Position) (via the radio).
Example Use: soldierOne commandWatch getMarkerPos "MarkerMoveOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7CF83D
Name: doWatch
Name (Long): dowatch
Arg1: unit
Arg2: position
Description: Orders the unit to watch the given position (format Position) (silently).
Example Use: soldierOne doWatch getMarkerPos "MarkerMoveOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7CF81F
Name: commandWatch
Name (Long): commandwatch
Arg1: unit
Arg2: target
Description: Orders the unit to watch the given target (via the radio).
Example Use: soldierOne commandWatch player
Category: General
Function: 0x7CF83D
Name: doWatch
Name (Long): dowatch
Arg1: unit
Arg2: target
Description: Orders the unit to watch the given target (silently).
Example Use: soldierOne doWatch player
Category: General
Function: 0x7CF81F
Name: commandTarget
Name (Long): commandtarget
Arg1: unit
Arg2: position
Description: Orders the unit to target the given target (via the radio).
Example Use: soldierOne commandTarget player
Category: General
Function: 0x7CF915
Name: doTarget
Name (Long): dotarget
Arg1: unit
Arg2: position
Description: Orders the unit to target the given target (silently).
Example Use: soldierOne doTarget player
Category: General
Function: 0x7CF8F7
Name: commandFollow
Name (Long): commandfollow
Arg1: unit
Arg2: formationLeader
Description: Orders a unit to follow the given unit (via the radio).
Example Use: soldierOne commandFollow player
Category: General
Function: 0x7CF625
Name: doFollow
Name (Long): dofollow
Arg1: unit
Arg2: position
Description: Orders a unit to follow the given unit (silently).
Example Use: soldierOne doFollow player
Category: General
Function: 0x7CF607
Name: commandFire
Name (Long): commandfire
Arg1: unit
Arg2: target
Description: Orders a unit to commence firing on the given target (via the radio). If the target is objNull, the unit is ordered to commence firing on its current target (set using doTarget or commandTarget).
Example Use: soldierOne commandFire player
Category: General
Function: 0x7CF265
Name: doFire
Name (Long): dofire
Arg1: unit
Arg2: target
Description: Orders a unit to commence firing on the given target (silently). If the target is objNull, the unit is ordered to commence firing on its current target (set using doTarget or commandTarget).
Example Use: soldierOne doFire objNull
Category: General
Function: 0x7CF247
Name: action
Name (Long): action
Arg1: unit
Arg2: action
Description: Makes the unit peform an action. The format of action can be [type, target, param1, param2, param3]. Only type is required, target defaults to unit and param1, param2, param3 are type specific.
Example Use: soldierOne action ["eject", vehicle soldierOne]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B344B
Name: addAction
Name (Long): addaction
Arg1: unit
Arg2: [action, script filename(, arguments, priority, showWindow, hideOnUse, shortcut, condition)]
Description: Creates an action. The action ID should be returned, but due to a bug, it's not.
To determine the action ID, use following algorithm: the first action added to the given vehicle has ID zero, the next vehicle has ID one, etc.
Example Use: player addAction ["Hello", "hello.sqs"]
Req Ver: 1.10
Category: General
Function: 0x7B35CC
Name: removeAction
Name (Long): removeaction
Arg1: unit
Arg2: index
Description: Removes the action with the given id.
Example Use: player removeAction 0
Req Ver: 1.11
Category: General
Function: 0x7A7E48
Name: reveal
Name (Long): reveal
Arg1: group
Arg2: unit
Description: Reveals the unit to the group. It does not matter whether the group can know about the unit or not.
Example Use: soldierOne reveal soldierTwo
Category: General
Function: 0x7A7CD2
Name: reveal
Name (Long): reveal
Arg1: group
Arg2: unit
Description: Reveals the unit to the group. It does not matter whether the group can know about the unit or not.
Example Use: soldierOne reveal [soldierTwo,1.5]
Category: General
Function: 0x7A7CD2
Name: addEventHandler
Name (Long): addeventhandler
Arg1: object
Arg2: handler
Description: The format of handler is [type,command]. Check scripting topic Event handlers for more information. The index of the currently added handler is returned.
Example Use: player addEventHandler ["killed",{_this exec "playerKilled.sqs"}]
Req Ver: 1.85
Category: General
Function: 0x7B38F4
Name: removeEventHandler
Name (Long): removeeventhandler
Arg1: object
Arg2: handler
Description: Removes event handler added by addEventHandler. Format of handler is [type,index]. Index is returned by addEventHandler. When any handler is removed, all handler indices higher that the deleted one should be decremented.
Example Use: player removeEventHandler ["killed",0]
Req Ver: 1.85
Category: General
Function: 0x7B3A3D
Name: removeAllEventHandlers
Name (Long): removealleventhandlers
Arg1: object
Arg2: handlerType
Description: Removes all event handlers of the given type which were added by addEventHandler.
Example Use: player removeAllEventHandlers "killed"
Req Ver: 1.85
Category: General
Function: 0x7B3B36
Name: addMPEventHandler
Name (Long): addmpeventhandler
Arg1: object
Arg2: handler
Description: The format of handler is [type,command]. Check scripting topic Event handlers for more information. The index of the currently added handler is returned.
Example Use: player addMPEventHandler ["mpkilled",{_this exec "playerKilled.sqs"}]
Req Ver: 1.85
Category: General
Function: 0x7CA2DE
Name: removeMPEventHandler
Name (Long): removempeventhandler
Arg1: object
Arg2: handler
Description: Removes MP event handler added by addMPEventHandler. Format of handler is [type,index]. Index is returned by addMPEventHandler. When any handler is removed, all handler indices higher that the deleted one should be decremented.
Example Use: player removeMPEventHandler ["killed",0]
Req Ver: 1.85
Category: General
Function: 0x7CA446
Name: removeAllMPEventHandlers
Name (Long): removeallmpeventhandlers
Arg1: object
Arg2: handlerType
Description: Removes all MP event handlers of the given type which were added by addMPEventHandler.
Example Use: player removeAllMPEventHandlers "mpkilled"
Req Ver: 1.85
Category: General
Function: 0x7CF933
Name: engineOn
Name (Long): engineon
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: on
Description: Switches the vehicle's engine on (true) or off (false).
Example Use: vehicle player engineOn false
Req Ver: 1.90
Category: General
Function: 0x7AD43A
Name: setFriend
Name (Long): setfriend
Arg1: side1
Arg2: [side2, value]
Description: Sets how friendly side1 is with side2. For a value smaller than 0.6 it results in being enemy, otherwise it's friendly.
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C3FFA
Name: setMarkerText
Name (Long): setmarkertext
Arg1: name
Arg2: text
Description: Sets the text label of an existing marker. The marker is modified on all computers in a network session.
Example Use: "Marker1" setMarkerText You are here.
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7CBC07
Name: setMarkerTextLocal
Name (Long): setmarkertextlocal
Arg1: name
Arg2: text
Description: Sets the text label of an existing marker. The marker is only modified on the computer where the command is called.
Example Use: "Marker1" setMarkerTextLocal You are here.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7BACE9
Name: setMarkerShape
Name (Long): setmarkershape
Arg1: name
Arg2: shape
Description: Selects the shape (type) of the marker. Shape can be "ICON", "RECTANGLE" or "ELLIPSE". The marker is modified on all computers in a network session.
Example Use: "Marker1" setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE"
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7CBCFE
Name: setMarkerShapeLocal
Name (Long): setmarkershapelocal
Arg1: name
Arg2: shape
Description: Selects the shape (type) of the marker. Shape can be "ICON", "RECTANGLE" or "ELLIPSE". The marker is only modified on the computer where the command is called.
Example Use: "Marker1" setMarkerShapeLocal "RECTANGLE"
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7BADAB
Name: setMarkerBrush
Name (Long): setmarkerbrush
Arg1: name
Arg2: brush
Description: Selects the fill texture for the marker ("RECTANGLE" or "ELLIPSE"). Brush is the name of the subclass in CfgMarkerBrushes. The marker is modified on all computers in a network session.
Example Use: "Marker1" setMarkerBrush "DiagGrid"
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7CBE11
Name: setMarkerBrushLocal
Name (Long): setmarkerbrushlocal
Arg1: name
Arg2: brush
Description: Selects the fill texture for the marker ("RECTANGLE" or "ELLIPSE"). Brush is the name of the subclass in CfgMarkerBrushes. The marker is only modified on the computer where the command is called.
Example Use: "Marker1" setMarkerBrushLocal "DiagGrid"
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7BAE8A
Name: setMarkerDir
Name (Long): setmarkerdir
Arg1: name
Arg2: angle
Description: Sets the orientation of the marker. Angle is in degrees. The marker is modified on all computers in a network session.
Example Use: "Marker1" setMarkerDir 90
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7CBF1C
Name: setMarkerDirLocal
Name (Long): setmarkerdirlocal
Arg1: name
Arg2: angle
Description: Sets the orientation of the marker. Angle is in degrees. The marker is only modified on the computer where the command is called.
Example Use: "Marker1" setMarkerDirLocal 90
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7BAF5F
Name: setTriggerArea
Name (Long): settriggerarea
Arg1: trigger
Arg2: [a, b, angle, rectangle]
Description: Defines the area controlled by the trigger. The area is rectangular or elliptic, the width is 2 * a, the height is 2 * b. It is rotated angle degrees.
Example Use: trigger setTriggerArea [100, 50, 45, false]
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C42D5
Name: setTriggerActivation
Name (Long): settriggeractivation
Arg1: trigger
Arg2: [by, type, repeating]
Description: Defines the trigger activation type. The first argument - who activates trigger (side, radio, vehicle or group member): "NONE", "EAST", "WEST", "GUER", "CIV", "LOGIC", "ANY", "ALPHA", "BRAVO", "CHARLIE", "DELTA", "ECHO", "FOXTROT", "GOLF", "HOTEL", "INDIA", "JULIET", "STATIC", "VEHICLE", "GROUP", "LEADER" or "MEMBER". The second argument - when is it activated (presention or detection by the specified side): "PRESENT", "NOT PRESENT", "WEST D", "EAST D", "GUER D" or "CIV D". The third argument - whether the activation is repeating.
Example Use: trigger setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "EAST D", true]
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C4401
Name: setTriggerType
Name (Long): settriggertype
Arg1: trigger
Arg2: action
Description: Sets the type of action processed by the trigger after activation (no action, a waypoints switch or an end of mission): "NONE", "SWITCH", "END1", "END2", "END3", "END4", "END5", "END6", "LOOSE" or "WIN".
Example Use: trigger setTriggerType "END1"
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7BB007
Name: setTriggerTimeout
Name (Long): settriggertimeout
Arg1: trigger
Arg2: [min, mid, max, interruptable]
Description: Defines the time between condition satisfaction and trigger activation (randomly from min to max, with an average value mid). If the last argument is true, the condition must be fullfilled all the time.
Example Use: trigger setTriggerTimeout [5, 10, 7, false]
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C457D
Name: setTriggerText
Name (Long): settriggertext
Arg1: trigger
Arg2: text
Description: Sets the text label attached to the trigger object. This is used for example as a radio slot label for radio activated triggers.
Example Use: trigger setTriggerText "Call for support"
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7BB079
Name: setTriggerStatements
Name (Long): settriggerstatements
Arg1: trigger
Arg2: [cond, activ, desactiv]
Description: The first argument can modify the condition of when the trigger is activated. The result of the activation defined by trigger activation is in variable this. Variable thisList contains all vehicles which caused the activation. Activ and desactiv expressions are launched upon trigger activation / deactivation.
Example Use: trigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "ok = true", "ok = false"]
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C46A9
Name: triggerAttachObject
Name (Long): triggerattachobject
Arg1: trigger
Arg2: objectId
Description: Assigns a static object to the trigger. The activation source is changed to "STATIC".
Example Use: trigger triggerAttachObject 1234
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7AD7B9
Name: triggerAttachVehicle
Name (Long): triggerattachvehicle
Arg1: trigger
Arg2: [] or [vehicle]
Description: If [] is given, the trigger is detached from the assigned vehicle. If the activation source is "VEHICLE", "GROUP", "LEADER" or "MEMBER", it's changed to "NONE". If [vehicle] is given, the trigger is attached to the vehicle or its group. When the source is "GROUP", "LEADER" or "MEMBER", it's attached to the group, otherwise it's attached to the vehicle and the source is changed to "VEHICLE".
Example Use: trigger triggerAttachVehicle [player]
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7AD812
Name: setEffectCondition
Name (Long): seteffectcondition
Arg1: trigger or waypoint
Arg2: statement
Description: The statement is executed when the trigger or waypoint is activated and the effects are launched depending on the result. If the result is a boolean and true, the effect was launched. If the result is an object, the effect was launched if the result is the player or the player vehicle. If the result is an array, the effect was launched if the result contains the player or the player vehicle.
Example Use: trigger setEffectCondition "thisList"
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C47A2
Name: setSoundEffect
Name (Long): setsoundeffect
Arg1: trigger or waypoint
Arg2: [sound, voice, soundEnv, soundDet]
Description: Defines the different sound effects. Sound / voice plays a 2D / 3D sound from CfgSounds. SoundEnv plays an enviromental sound from CfgEnvSounds. SoundDet (only for triggers) creates a dynamic sound object attached to a trigger defined in CfgSFX.
Example Use: trigger setSoundEffect ["Alarm", "", "", ""]
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C47EC
Name: setMusicEffect
Name (Long): setmusiceffect
Arg1: trigger or waypoint
Arg2: track
Description: Defines the music track played on activation. Track is a subclass name of CfgMusic. "$NONE$" (no change) or "$STOP$" (stops the current music track).
Example Use: trigger setMusicEffect "Track1"
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C496B
Name: setTitleEffect
Name (Long): settitleeffect
Arg1: trigger or waypoint
Arg2: [type, effect, text]
Description: Defines the title effect. Type can be "NONE", "OBJECT", "RES" or "TEXT". For "TEXT", the effect defines a subtype: "PLAIN", "PLAIN DOWN", "BLACK", "BLACK FADED", "BLACK OUT", "BLACK IN", "WHITE OUT" or "WHITE IN". Text is shown as text itself. For "OBJECT", text defines the shown object, a subclass of CfgTitles. For "RES", text defines a resource class, a subclass of RscTitles.
Example Use: trigger setTitleEffect ["TEXT", "PLAIN DOWN", "Hello world."]
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C49B5
Name: synchronizeWaypoint
Name (Long): synchronizewaypoint
Arg1: waypoint
Arg2: [waypoint1, waypoint2, ...]
Description: Synchronizes the waypoint with other waypoints. Each waypoint is given as an array [group, index].
Example Use: [group1, 2] synchronizeWaypoint [[group2, 3]]
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7D2D03
Name: synchronizeWaypoint
Name (Long): synchronizewaypoint
Arg1: trigger
Arg2: [waypoint1, waypoint2, ...]
Description: Synchronizes the trigger with waypoints. Each waypoint is given as an array [group, index].
Example Use: trigger synchronizeWaypoint []
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7D29E5
Name: synchronizeTrigger
Name (Long): synchronizetrigger
Arg1: trigger
Arg2: [waypoint1, waypoint2, ...]
Description: Synchronizes the trigger with waypoints. Each waypoint is given as an array [group, index].
Example Use: trigger synchronizeWaypoint []
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7D29E5
Name: addWaypoint
Name (Long): addwaypoint
Arg1: group
Arg2: [center, radius] or [center, radius, index]
Description: Adds (or inserts when index is given) a new waypoint to a group. The waypoint is placed randomly in a circle with the given center and radius. The function returns a waypoint with format [group, index].
Example Use: grp addWaypoint [position player, 0]
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7D1B78
Name: setWaypointPosition
Name (Long): setwaypointposition
Arg1: waypoint
Arg2: [center, radius]
Description: Moves the waypoint to a random position in a circle with the given center and radius.
Example Use: [grp, 2] setWaypointPosition [position player, 0]
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C504E
Name: setWaypointType
Name (Long): setwaypointtype
Arg1: waypoint
Arg2: type
Description: Changes the waypoint type. Type can be: "MOVE", "DESTROY", "GETIN", "SAD", "JOIN", "LEADER", "GETOUT", "CYCLE", "LOAD", "UNLOAD", "TR UNLOAD", "HOLD", "SENTRY", "GUARD", "TALK", "SCRIPTED", "SUPPORT", "GETIN NEAREST", "AND" or "OR".
Example Use: [grp, 2] setWaypointType "HOLD"
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C52AB
Name: waypointAttachVehicle
Name (Long): waypointattachvehicle
Arg1: waypoint
Arg2: vehicle
Description: Attaches a vehicle to the given waypoint.
Example Use: [grp, 2] waypointAttachVehicle vehicle player
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C5399
Name: waypointAttachObject
Name (Long): waypointattachobject
Arg1: waypoint
Arg2: idStatic or object
Description: Attaches a static object to the given waypoint.
Example Use: [grp, 2] waypointAttachObject 1234
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C5437
Name: setWaypointHousePosition
Name (Long): setwaypointhouseposition
Arg1: waypoint
Arg2: pos
Description: For waypoints attached to a house, this defines the target house position.
Example Use: [grp, 2] setWaypointHousePosition 1
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C54D1
Name: setWaypointCombatMode
Name (Long): setwaypointcombatmode
Arg1: waypoint
Arg2: mode
Description: The group combat mode is switched when the waypoint becomes active. Possible values are: "NO CHANGE", "BLUE", "GREEN", "WHITE", "YELLOW" and "RED".
Example Use: [grp, 2] setWaypointCombatMode "RED"
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C55FE
Name: setWaypointFormation
Name (Long): setwaypointformation
Arg1: waypoint
Arg2: formation
Description: Switches the group formation when the waypoint becomes active. Possible values are: "NO CHANGE", "COLUMN", "STAG COLUMN", "WEDGE", "ECH LEFT", "ECH RIGHT", "VEE" and "LINE".
Example Use: [grp, 2] setWaypointFormation "LINE"
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C569B
Name: setWaypointSpeed
Name (Long): setwaypointspeed
Arg1: waypoint
Arg2: mode
Description: Switches the group speed mode when the waypoint becomes active. Possible values are: "UNCHANGED", "LIMITED", "NORMAL" and "FULL".
Example Use: [grp, 2] setWaypointSpeed "FULL"
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C5738
Name: setWaypointBehaviour
Name (Long): setwaypointbehaviour
Arg1: waypoint
Arg2: mode
Description: Switches the unit behaviour when the waypoint becomes active. Possible values are: "UNCHANGED", "CARELESS", "SAFE", "AWARE", "COMBAT" and "STEALTH".
Example Use: [grp, 2] setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C57D5
Name: setWaypointDescription
Name (Long): setwaypointdescription
Arg1: waypoint
Arg2: text
Description: Sets the description shown in the HUD while the waypoint is active.
Example Use: [grp, 2] setWaypointDescription "Move here."
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C5872
Name: setWaypointStatements
Name (Long): setwaypointstatements
Arg1: waypoint
Arg2: [condition, statement]
Description: The waypoint is done only when the condition is fulfilled. When the waypoint is done, the statement expression is executed.
Example Use: [grp, 2] setWaypointStatements ["true", ""]
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C58E5
Name: setWaypointScript
Name (Long): setwaypointscript
Arg1: waypoint
Arg2: command
Description: Attaches a script to a scripted waypoint. Command consist of a script name and additional script arguments.
Example Use: [grp, 2] setWaypointScript "find.sqs player"
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C5A52
Name: setWaypointTimeout
Name (Long): setwaypointtimeout
Arg1: waypoint
Arg2: [min, mid, max]
Description: Defines the time between condition satisfaction and waypoint finish (randomly from min to max, with an average value mid).
Example Use: [grp, 2] setWaypointTimeout [5, 10, 6]
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C5AC5
Name: setWaypointCompletionRadius
Name (Long): setwaypointcompletionradius
Arg1: waypoint
Arg2: radius
Description: Set the radius around the waypoint where is the waypoint completed.
Example Use: [grp, 2] setWaypointCompletionRadius 30
Req Ver: 5500
Category: General
Function: 0x7C5541
Name: setWaypointVisible
Name (Long): setwaypointvisible
Arg1: waypoint
Arg2: visible
Description: Set waypoint's visibility.
Example Use: [grp, 2] setWaypointVisible false
Req Ver: 5500
Category: General
Function: 0x7C559A
Name: showWaypoint
Name (Long): showwaypoint
Arg1: waypoint
Arg2: show
Description: Sets the condition determining when the waypoint is shown. Possible values are: "NEVER", "EASY" and "ALWAYS".
Example Use: [grp, 2] showWaypoint "ALWAYS"
Req Ver: 1.86
Category: General
Function: 0x7C5BE4
Name: hintC
Name (Long): hintc
Arg1: title
Arg2: text
Description: Creates a hint dialog with the given title and text.
Req Ver: 2.01
Category: General
Function: 0x7CAB30
Name: hintC
Name (Long): hintc
Arg1: title
Arg2: text
Description: Creates a hint dialog with the given title and text.
Req Ver: 2.01
Category: General
Function: 0x7CAB30
Name: hintC
Name (Long): hintc
Arg1: title
Arg2: [text1, text2, ...]
Description: Creates a hint dialog with the given title and text. Texts can be plain or structured.
Req Ver: 2.01
Category: General
Function: 0x7CAB30
Name: setAttributes
Name (Long): setattributes
Arg1: text
Arg2: [name1, value1, name2, value2, ...]
Description: Returns a structured text created by the given structured or plain text by setting attributes to the given values.
Example Use: txt = img setAttributes ["image", "data\iSoldier.paa"]
Req Ver: 2.01
Category: General
Function: 0x7BC793
Name: assignTeam
Name (Long): assignteam
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: team
Description: Assigns the vehicle (specifically its commander unit) to the given team. The possible team values are: "MAIN", "RED", "GREEN", "BLUE" and "YELLOW".
Example Use: soldier2 assignTeam "RED"
Req Ver: 2.05
Category: General
Function: 0x7BC927
Name: sendSimpleCommand
Name (Long): sendsimplecommand
Arg1: object
Arg2: command
Description: Sends a simple command to the vehicle's driver / gunner.
Example Use: vehicle player sendSimpleCommand "STOP"
Req Ver: 2.26
Category: General
Function: 0x7BCB1B
Name: setVehiclePosition
Name (Long): setvehicleposition
Arg1: object
Arg2: [position, markers, placement]
Description: Changes the object position. If the markers array contains more than one marker names, the position of a random one is used. Otherwise, the given position is used. The object is placed inside a circle with this position as its center and placement as its radius.
Example Use: player setVehiclePosition [[0, 0, 0], ["Marker1"], 0]
Req Ver: 2.32
Category: General
Function: 0x7BB5B4
Name: setTargetAge
Name (Long): settargetage
Arg1: object
Arg2: age
Description: Sets how the target is known to the other centers. They behave like the target was seen age seconds ago. Possible age values are: "ACTUAL", "5 MIN", "10 MIN", "15 MIN", "30 MIN", "60 MIN", "120 MIN" or "UNKNOWN".
Example Use: player setTargetAge "10 MIN"
Req Ver: 2.32
Category: General
Function: 0x7BB70F
Name: createUnit
Name (Long): createunit
Arg1: group
Arg2: [type, position, markers, placement, special]
Description: Creates a unit (person) of the given type (type is a name of a subclass of CfgVehicles) and makes it a member of the given group. If the markers array contains several marker names, the position of a random one is used. Otherwise, the given position is used. The unit is placed inside a circle with this position as its center and placement as its radius. Special properties can be: "NONE" and "FORM".
Example Use: unit = group player createUnit ["SoldierWB", position player, [], 0, "FORM"]
Req Ver: 2.32
Category: General
Function: 0x7CC1A7
Name: setVehicleVarName
Name (Long): setvehiclevarname
Arg1: object
Arg2: name
Description: Sets the name of the variable which contains a reference to this object. It is necessary in MP to change the variable content after a respawn.
Example Use: player setVehicleVarName "aP"
Req Ver: 2.32
Category: General
Function: 0x7BB87B
Name: setVehicleArmor
Name (Long): setvehiclearmor
Arg1: object
Arg2: value
Description: Sets the armor (or health for men) state of the vehicle (a value from 0 to 1).
Example Use: player setVehicleArmor 0.5
Req Ver: 2.32
Category: General
Function: 0x7ADE24
Name: setVehicleAmmo
Name (Long): setvehicleammo
Arg1: object
Arg2: value
Description: Sets how much ammunition (compared to the current configuration of magazines, but fully loaded) the vehicle has. The value ranges from 0 to 1.
Example Use: player setVehicleAmmo 0
Req Ver: 2.32
Category: General
Function: 0x7ADE88
Name: setVehicleId
Name (Long): setvehicleid
Arg1: object
Arg2: id
Description: Sets id (integer value) to vehicle. By this id vehicle is referenced by triggers and waypoints.
Example Use: player setVehicleId 1
Req Ver: 2.33
Category: General
Function: 0x7CC8ED
Name: setUnitRank
Name (Long): setunitrank
Arg1: unit
Arg2: rank
Description: Sets rank of given unit. Possible values: PRIVATE, CORPORAL, SERGEANT, LIEUTENANT, CAPTAIN, MAJOR or COLONEL.
Example Use: player setUnitRank "COLONEL"
Req Ver: 2.33
Category: General
Function: 0x7BBED6
Name: setRank
Name (Long): setrank
Arg1: unit
Arg2: rank
Description: Sets rank of given unit. Possible values: PRIVATE, CORPORAL, SERGEANT, LIEUTENANT, CAPTAIN, MAJOR or COLONEL.
Example Use: player setRank "COLONEL"
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7BBED6
Name: setUnitAbility
Name (Long): setunitability
Arg1: unit
Arg2: skill
Description: Sets skill of given unit. Skill may vary from 0.2 to 1.0.
Example Use: player setUnitSkill 1.0
Req Ver: 2.33
Category: General
Function: 0x7ADEC4
Name: selectLeader
Name (Long): selectleader
Arg1: group
Arg2: unit
Description: Select group leader.
Example Use: group player selectLeader player
Req Ver: 2.33
Category: General
Function: 0x7AE11D
Name: setVehicleLock
Name (Long): setvehiclelock
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: state
Description: Set how vehicle is locked for player. Possible values: UNLOCKED, DEFAULT or LOCKED.
Example Use: veh1 setVehicleLock "LOCKED"
Req Ver: 2.33
Category: General
Function: 0x7BBF92
Name: setVehicleInit
Name (Long): setvehicleinit
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: statement
Description: Execute statement attached to vehicle. This statement is also propagated over network in MP games.
Example Use: soldier3 setVehicleInit "this allowfleeing 0"
Req Ver: 2.33
Category: General
Function: 0x7BC010
Name: respawnVehicle
Name (Long): respawnvehicle
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: [delay = -1, count = 0]
Description: Set vehicle as respawnable in MP games. Delay is respawn delay, default respawnDelay from description.ext is used. Count tells how many respawns is processed (default unlimited).
Example Use: car respawnVehicle [5.0, 3]
Req Ver: 2.52
Category: General
Function: 0x7AE1EE
Name: intersect
Name (Long): intersect
Arg1: [object, lod name]
Arg2: [begin, end]
Description: Find named selection in object which is in specified lod intersected by given section of a line.
Example Use: [tank, "VIEW" intersect [[1500, 1500, 2], [1550, 1500, 2]]
Req Ver: 2.53
Category: General
Function: 0x7D5F0E
Name: createVehicleLocal
Name (Long): createvehiclelocal
Arg1: type
Arg2: pos
Description: Creates an empty vehicle of the given type. Pos is in format Position.
See CfgVehicles for possible type values. Vehicle is not transferred through network in MP games.
Example Use: _tank = "M1Abrams" createVehicleLocal getmarkerpos "tankFactory"
Req Ver: 2.56
Category: General
Function: 0x7CB30D
Name: setParticleParams
Name (Long): setparticleparams
Arg1: particleSource
Arg2: array
Description: Set parameters to particle source. Array is in format ParticleArray.
Req Ver: 2.56
Category: General
Function: 0x62D66A
Name: setParticleRandom
Name (Long): setparticlerandom
Arg1: particleSource
Arg2: [lifeTime, position, moveVelocity, rotationVelocity, size, color, randomDirectionPeriod, randomDirectionIntensity, {angle}]
Description: Set randomization of particle source parameters.
Req Ver: 2.56
Category: General
Function: 0x628E02
Name: setParticleCircle
Name (Long): setparticlecircle
Arg1: particleSource
Arg2: [radius, velocity]
Description: Update particle source to create particles on circle with given radius. Velocity is transformed and added to total velocity.
Req Ver: 2.56
Category: General
Function: 0x628E4E
Name: setDropInterval
Name (Long): setdropinterval
Arg1: particleSource
Arg2: interval
Description: Set interval of emitting particles from particle source.
Example Use: _source setDropInterval 0.05
Req Ver: 2.56
Category: General
Function: 0x628F57
Name: setCameraInterest
Name (Long): setcamerainterest
Arg1: entity
Arg2: interest
Description: Set camera interest for given entity.
Example Use: _soldier setCameraInterest 50
Req Ver: 2.57
Category: General
Function: 0x7ACC5C
Name: setLightColor
Name (Long): setlightcolor
Arg1: light
Arg2: [r, g, b]
Description: Set diffuse color of light.
Req Ver: 2.58
Category: General
Function: 0x7C3389
Name: setLightAmbient
Name (Long): setlightambient
Arg1: light
Arg2: [r, g, b]
Description: Set ambient color of light.
Req Ver: 2.58
Category: General
Function: 0x7C3470
Name: setLightBrightness
Name (Long): setlightbrightness
Arg1: light
Arg2: brightness
Description: Set brightness of light.
Req Ver: 2.58
Category: General
Function: 0x7ACC92
Name: lightAttachObject
Name (Long): lightattachobject
Arg1: light
Arg2: [object, position]
Description: Attach light to given object (at given position).
Req Ver: 2.58
Category: General
Function: 0x7C3557
Name: setVectorUp
Name (Long): setvectorup
Arg1: object
Arg2: [x, z, y]
Description: Set object's up vector. Direction vector will remain unchanged.
Req Ver: 2.61
Category: General
Function: 0x7C630E
Name: setVectorDir
Name (Long): setvectordir
Arg1: object
Arg2: [x, z, y]
Description: Set object's direction vector. Up vector will remain unchanged.
Req Ver: 2.61
Category: General
Function: 0x7C6506
Name: setVectorDirAndUp
Name (Long): setvectordirandup
Arg1: object
Arg2: [[x, z, y],[x, y, z]]
Description: Set object's direction and up vector
Req Ver: 5164
Category: General
Function: 0x7C6730
Name: weaponDirection
Name (Long): weapondirection
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: weaponName
Description: Returns direction where is given weapon aiming.
Example Use: _dir = _vehicle weaponDirection "M16"
Req Ver: 2.61
Category: General
Function: 0x40A936
Name: moveTo
Name (Long): moveto
Arg1: person
Arg2: position
Description: Low level command to person to move to given position.
Req Ver: 2.61
Category: General
Function: 0x7AE6C9
Name: nearObjects
Name (Long): nearobjects
Arg1: position
Arg2: radius or [typeName, radius]
Description: Find objects in the circle with given radius. If typeName is given, only objects of given type (or its subtype) are listed.
Example Use: _list = position player nearObjects 50
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7C6A23
Name: selectionPosition
Name (Long): selectionposition
Arg1: object
Arg2: selection name
Description: Search for selection in the object model (first in the memory level, then in other levels). Returns position in model space.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7BD003
Name: modelToWorld
Name (Long): modeltoworld
Arg1: object
Arg2: modelPos
Description: Converts position from object model space to world space.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7AEA3D
Name: worldToModel
Name (Long): worldtomodel
Arg1: object
Arg2: worldPos
Description: Converts position from world space to object model space.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7AEB8F
Name: limitSpeed
Name (Long): limitspeed
Arg1: object
Arg2: speed
Description: Limit speed of given vehicle to given value (in km/h).
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7AECC6
Name: emptyPositions
Name (Long): emptypositions
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: position
Description: Returns the number of available cargo, driver, gunner or commander positions in the vehicle.
Example Use: _freePositions = (vehicle player) freePositions "cargo"
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7B0FF1
Name: say3D
Name (Long): say3d
Arg1: unit or [unit, target]
Arg2: speechName
Description: Functionally same as Say, only difference is sound played as 3D allways.
Example Use: soldierOne say "speechId"
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7C2547
Name: say3D
Name (Long): say3d
Arg1: unit or [unit, target]
Arg2: speechName
Description: Functionally same as Say, only difference is sound played as 3D allways.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7C2547
Name: say2D
Name (Long): say2d
Arg1: unit or [unit, target]
Arg2: speechName
Description: Functionally same as Say, only difference is sound played as 2D (mono) allways.
Example Use: soldierOne say "speechId"
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7C22A3
Name: say2D
Name (Long): say2d
Arg1: unit or [unit, target]
Arg2: speechName
Description: Functionally same as Say, only difference is sound played as 2D (mono) allways.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7C22A3
Name: setVariable
Name (Long): setvariable
Arg1: object
Arg2: [name, value, public]
Description: Set variable to given value in the variable space of given object. If public is true then the value is broadcast to all computers.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7BD1A8
Name: getVariable
Name (Long): getvariable
Arg1: object
Arg2: name
Description: Return the value of variable in the variable space of given object.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7C6D10
Name: getVariable
Name (Long): getvariable
Arg1: object
Arg2: [name, default value]
Description: Return the value of variable in the variable space of given object. If not found, default value is returned.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7C6D10
Name: setDestination
Name (Long): setdestination
Arg1: object
Arg2: [position, planningMode, forceReplan]
Description: Set the destination for path planning of the pilot.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7C6F00
Name: forceSpeed
Name (Long): forcespeed
Arg1: object
Arg2: speed
Description: Force the speed of the given object.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7AEF77
Name: getSpeed
Name (Long): getspeed
Arg1: object
Arg2: speedMode
Description: Get the speed for the given speed mode. SpeedMode can be: "AUTO","SLOW","NORMAL","FAST".
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7BD2FA
Name: setFormationTask
Name (Long): setformationtask
Arg1: object
Arg2: task
Description: Set the current task of the formation member.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7A09EB
Name: findNearestEnemy
Name (Long): findnearestenemy
Arg1: object
Arg2: position
Description: Find the nearest enemy from the specified position.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7AEFC5
Name: getHideFrom
Name (Long): gethidefrom
Arg1: object
Arg2: enemy
Description: Returns the hiding position in format Position. If enemy is null it is the some position in front of the object or enemy position otherwise.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7AF057
Name: findCover
Name (Long): findcover
Arg1: object
Arg2: [position, hidePosition, maxDist, minDist, visibilityPosition, ignoreObject]
Description: Returns the object where the object should search for cover. The minDist, visibilityPosition and ignoreObject parameters are optional. visibilityPosition is used to select cover that can see a certain position. ignoreObject is an object that is ignored in visibility check.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7AF229
Name: suppressFor
Name (Long): suppressfor
Arg1: unit
Arg2: timeToSuppress
Description: Makes the unit to apply suppressive fire on known enemies.
Req Ver: 59874
Category: General
Function: 0x7AF41F
Name: setHideBehind
Name (Long): sethidebehind
Arg1: object
Arg2: [objectWhereHide, hidePosition]
Description: It sets the data for hiding. ObjectWhereHide can be taken using findCover. HidePosition can be taken using getHideFrom.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7AF490
Name: enableReload
Name (Long): enablereload
Arg1: object
Arg2: enable
Description: Enable / disable reload right after magazine is empty.
Example Use: _vehicle enableReload false
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7AF72C
Name: enableAttack
Name (Long): enableattack
Arg1: group
Arg2: enable
Description: Set if leader can issue attack commands.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7AF7F2
Name: setUnitPosWeak
Name (Long): setunitposweak
Arg1: unit
Arg2: mode
Description: Equal to setUnitPos, for usage in formation FSM (to avoid collision with setUnitPos used by the mission).
Example Use: soldierOne setUnitPosWeak "Down"
Req Ver: 5117
Category: General
Function: 0x7B27AD
Name: cutText
Name (Long): cuttext
Arg1: layer
Arg2: effect
Description: Text background - the right argument uses format ["text","type",speed] or ["text","type"]. If speed is not given, it's assumed to be one. Type may be one of: "PLAIN", "PLAIN DOWN", "BLACK", "BLACK FADED", "BLACK OUT", "BLACK IN", "WHITE OUT" or "WHITE IN".
The left argument define layer in which the effect is show, 0 is the back most.
Example Use: 0 cutText ["", "BLACK OUT"]
Req Ver: 5126
Category: General
Function: 0x7B65FE
Name: cutRsc
Name (Long): cutrsc
Arg1: layer
Arg2: effect
Description: Resource background - the right argument uses format ["name","type",speed] or ["name","type"]. If speed is not given, it's assumed to be one.
The left argument define layer in which the effect is show, 0 is the back most.
The resource can be defined in the description.ext file.
Example Use: 0 cutRsc ["binocular", "PLAIN"]
Req Ver: 5126
Category: General
Function: 0x7B66EC
Name: cutObj
Name (Long): cutobj
Arg1: layer
Arg2: effect
Description: Object background - the right argument uses format ["name","type",speed] or ["name","type"]. If speed is not given, it's assumed to be one.
The left argument define layer in which the effect is show, 0 is the back most.
The object can be defined in the description.ext file.
Example Use: 0 cutObj ["TVSet", "plain"]
Req Ver: 5126
Category: General
Function: 0x7B67FD
Name: cutFadeOut
Name (Long): cutfadeout
Arg1: layer
Arg2: duration
Description: Terminate the effect in the given layer and set duration of the fade out phase to the given time.
Example Use: 0 cutFadeIn 1.0
Req Ver: 5126
Category: General
Function: 0x79E249
Name: addVehicle
Name (Long): addvehicle
Arg1: group
Arg2: vehicle
Description: Tells the group it owns the vehicle now.
Req Ver: 5128
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB9AE
Name: setCurrentWaypoint
Name (Long): setcurrentwaypoint
Arg1: group
Arg2: waypoint
Description: Switch the group to process the given waypoint.
Req Ver: 5129
Category: General
Function: 0x7C5C81
Name: joinSilent
Name (Long): joinsilent
Arg1: unitArray
Arg2: group
Description: Joins all units in the array to the given group. Avoid any radio communication related to joining.
Example Use: [unitOne, unitTwo] joinSilent player
Category: General
Function: 0x7CEC7D
Name: nearTargets
Name (Long): neartargets
Arg1: unit
Arg2: radius
Description: Check target database of the unit for all targets in max. distance radius around it. The output is list of items: [position, type, side, subj. cost, object]
Category: General
Function: 0x7A7C10
Name: isKindOf
Name (Long): iskindof
Arg1: typeName1
Arg2: typeName2
Description: Checks whether the type typeName1 is inherited from the type typeName1.
Example Use: "Tank" isKindOf "Land"
Req Ver: 5160
Category: General
Function: 0x7B2EF2
Name: execFSM
Name (Long): execfsm
Arg1: argument
Arg2: filename
Description: Execute the scripted FSM. Argument is passed to the FSM as local variable _this. The FSM file is first searched in the mission folder, then in the campaign scripts folder and finally in the global scripts folder. Return the FSM handler or 0 when failed.
Example Use: player execFSM "test.fsm"
Req Ver: 5500
Category: General
Function: 0x7D87D5
Name: nearRoads
Name (Long): nearroads
Arg1: position or object
Arg2: radius
Description: Find the road segments within the circle of given radius.
Example Use: _list = player nearRoads 50
Req Ver: 5500
Category: General
Function: 0x7BCCC9
Name: buildingExit
Name (Long): buildingexit
Arg1: building
Arg2: index
Description: Returns the given indexed exit in a building. The returned value is in format Position.
Example Use: buildingExit [building, 1]
Category: General
Function: 0x7A99BF
Name: addPublicVariableEventHandler
Name (Long): addpublicvariableeventhandler
Arg1: name
Arg2: code
Description: Create an event handler for given variable. The event handler will be executed when some client in MP exports a variable using publicVariable on all clients except the publishing one.
Example Use: "alarm" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this execVM "alarm.sqf"}
Category: General
Function: 0x7BFBFC
Name: enableSimulation
Name (Long): enablesimulation
Arg1: entity
Arg2: enable
Description: Enable / disable simulation for given entity.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AD4C1
Name: joinAs
Name (Long): joinas
Arg1: unit
Arg2: [group, id]
Description: Joins the unit to the given group, if position id is available, this one is used.
Example Use: player joinAs [_group, 4]
Category: General
Function: 0x7CEE22
Name: joinAsSilent
Name (Long): joinassilent
Arg1: unit
Arg2: [group, id]
Description: Joins the unit to the given group, if position id is available, this one is used. Avoid any radio communication related to joining.
Example Use: player joinAsSilent [_group, 4]
Category: General
Function: 0x7CEE40
Name: disableConversation
Name (Long): disableconversation
Arg1: unit
Arg2: lock
Description: Lock / unlock the unit to using conversation. Implemented by the counter, so lock - unlock need to be matched.
Example Use: player disableConversation true
Category: General
Function: 0x7A7A20
Name: onMapSingleClick
Name (Long): onmapsingleclick
Arg1: parameters
Arg2: command
Description: Defines an action performed when the user clicks on the map. Command receives:
_pos array position
_units array selected units
_shift,_alt bool key state
_this any parameters passed to this function
If the click is processed, command should return true.
Example Use: "SoldierEG" onMapSingleClick "_this createUnit [_pos, group player]"
Req Ver: 5500
Category: General
Function: 0x7A000A
Name: copyWaypoints
Name (Long): copywaypoints
Arg1: groupTo
Arg2: groupFrom
Description: Copy the chain of waypoints from source to target group. The target group will start to process waypoints from the first one.
Req Ver: 5500
Category: General
Function: 0x7ADA1A
Name: setFSMVariable
Name (Long): setfsmvariable
Arg1: FSM handle
Arg2: [name, value]
Description: Set variable to given value in the variable space of given FSM. The FSM handle is the number returned by the execFSM command.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7C8FC3
Name: getFSMVariable
Name (Long): getfsmvariable
Arg1: FSM handle
Arg2: name
Description: Return the value of variable in the variable space of given FSM. The FSM handle is the number returned by the execFSM command.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7BFB15
Name: playMoveNow
Name (Long): playmovenow
Arg1: soldier
Arg2: moveName
Description: When used on a person, a smooth transition to the given move will be initiated, but all previous playAction are discarded.
Example Use: soldierOne playMoveNow "Stand"
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7D440F
Name: playActionNow
Name (Long): playactionnow
Arg1: soldier
Arg2: action
Description: When used on a person, a smooth transition to the given action will be initiated, but all previous playAction are discarded.
Example Use: soldierOne playActionNow "SitDown"
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7B5892
Name: attachTo
Name (Long): attachto
Arg1: obj
Arg2: [obj, offset, MemPoint]
Description: Attaches an object to another object. The offset is applied to the object center unless a memory point is provided.
Example Use: player attachTo [car, [0,2,0],hatch1]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0xB5296B
Name: setUnconscious
Name (Long): setunconscious
Arg1: unit
Arg2: set
Description: Set / reset the unconscious life state of the given unit (in MP works only for a local unit).
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7AAFED
Name: setVariable
Name (Long): setvariable
Arg1: group
Arg2: [name, value]
Description: Set variable to given value in the variable space of given group. If public is true then the value is broadcast to all computers.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0xB534FB
Name: getVariable
Name (Long): getvariable
Arg1: group
Arg2: name
Description: Return the value of variable in the variable space of given group.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0xB53957
Name: getVariable
Name (Long): getvariable
Arg1: group
Arg2: [name, dafault value]
Description: Return the value of variable in the variable space of given group. If not found, default value is returned.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0xB53957
Name: setMarkerAlpha
Name (Long): setmarkeralpha
Arg1: marker
Arg2: alpha
Description: Sets the marker alpha. The marker is modified on all computers in a network session.
Example Use: "MarkerOne" setMarkerAlpha 0.5
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7CB713
Name: setMarkerAlphaLocal
Name (Long): setmarkeralphalocal
Arg1: marker
Arg2: alpha
Description: Sets the marker alpha. The marker is only modified on the computer where the command is called.
Example Use: "MarkerOne" setMarkerAlpha 0.5
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7B8318
Name: nearObjectsReady
Name (Long): nearobjectsready
Arg1: position
Arg2: radius
Description: Check whether all data are loaded to nearObjects will return in reasonable time.
Example Use: _ok = position player nearObjectsReady 50
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7AE8D5
Name: getFriend
Name (Long): getfriend
Arg1: side1
Arg2: side2
Description: Returns if sides are friendly or hostile. For a value smaller than 0.6 it results in being enemy, otherwise it's friendly.
Example Use: value = west getFriend east
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A02E6
Name: ctrlMapCursor
Name (Long): ctrlmapcursor
Arg1: control
Arg2: texture names
Description: Changes default cursor texture ("Track", "Move","Array", "Scroll") to custom one. To restore default texture, write empty string. If new texture does not exist, default cursor texture is used.
Example Use: ctrlMapCursor ["Track","customCursor"]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7C8E9A
Name: hcSetGroup
Name (Long): hcsetgroup
Arg1: unit
Arg2: array
Description: Add group to unit's high command bar. Array parameters are group, group name and team (teammain, teamred, teamgreen, teamblue, teamyellow) . Group is the only necessary parameter.
Example Use: unit hcSetGroup [group,"HQ","teamred"]
player hcSetGroup [group]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7BFD5F
Name: hcRemoveGroup
Name (Long): hcremovegroup
Arg1: unit
Arg2: group
Description: Removes group from unit's high command bar.
Example Use: unit HCRemoveGroup group
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7B0422
Name: hcGroupParams
Name (Long): hcgroupparams
Arg1: unit
Arg2: group
Description: Returns parameters describing group in high command bar. Return value is [string,float[4]]
Example Use: unit hcGroupParams group
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7B0534
Name: hcSelectGroup
Name (Long): hcselectgroup
Arg1: unit
Arg2: array
Description: Select given group in HC bar.
Example Use: unit hcSelectGroup [group,true]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7C0388
Name: setGroupIconParams
Name (Long): setgroupiconparams
Arg1: group
Arg2: properties
Description: Set group icons parameters. [color,string,float,bool]
Example Use: group setGroupIconParams [[1,1,1,1],"text",scale,show]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7C9247
Name: addGroupIcon
Name (Long): addgroupicon
Arg1: group
Arg2: properties
Description: Add icon to a group. Returns icon ID
Example Use: id = group addGroupIcon["b_inf",[offsetX,ofsetY]]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7D79CD
Name: setGroupIcon
Name (Long): setgroupicon
Arg1: group
Arg2: properties
Description: Set group icons properties.
Example Use: setGroupIcon[id,"b_inf",[offsetX,ofsetY]]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7D7D48
Name: getGroupIcon
Name (Long): getgroupicon
Arg1: group
Arg2: ID
Description: Get group icon properties.
Example Use: group getGroupIcon id
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7D1FE8
Name: removeGroupIcon
Name (Long): removegroupicon
Arg1: group
Arg2: icon ID
Description: Remove icon with given ID from group.
Example Use: group removeGroupIcon id
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7B06CE
Name: setHit
Name (Long): sethit
Arg1: object
Arg2: [part, damage]
Description: Damage / repair part of object. Damage 0 means fully functional, damage 1 means completely destroyed / dead.
Example Use: vehicle player setHit ["engine", 1]
Req Ver: 2.30
Category: General
Function: 0x7B3B7A
Name: lockDriver
Name (Long): lockdriver
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: lock
Description: Lock the driver position of the vehicle.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7AC852
Name: lockTurret
Name (Long): lockturret
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: [turret path, lock]
Description: Lock the gunner position of the vehicle turret.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7C2EC5
Name: lockCargo
Name (Long): lockcargo
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: [cargo index, lock]
Description: Lock the cargo position of the vehicle.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7C2F8E
Name: lockCargo
Name (Long): lockcargo
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: lock
Description: Lock the all cargo positions of the vehicle.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7AC893
Name: lockedTurret
Name (Long): lockedturret
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: turret path
Description: Check whether gunner position of the vehicle turret is locked.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7AC9BB
Name: lockedCargo
Name (Long): lockedcargo
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: cargo index
Description: Check whether cargo position of the vehicle is locked.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7AC9FA
Name: knowsAbout
Name (Long): knowsabout
Arg1: side
Arg2: target
Description: Checks whether the side knows about the target (and how much).
Example Use: east knowsAbout jeepOne
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A7BB4
Name: findEmptyPosition
Name (Long): findemptyposition
Arg1: center
Arg2: [radius, maxDistance] or [radius, maxDistance, vehicleType]
Description: Search for the position nearest (up to maxDistance) to the center, with the free area (vehicle of the given type can be placed anywhere) of the given radius. When not found, empty array is returned.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7B3215
Name: findEmptyPositionReady
Name (Long): findemptypositionready
Arg1: center
Arg2: [radius, maxDistance]
Description: Check if findEmptyPosition can be called without waiting for files.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7C196B
Name: isFlatEmpty
Name (Long): isflatempty
Arg1: position
Arg2: [float minDistance,float precizePos,float maxGradient,float gradientRadius,float onWater,bool onShore,object skipobj]
Description: Chek if given area is flat and emty.
Example Use: newposition = position isFlatEmpty(10, 0, 0.5, 5, 0, false, player)
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A9B91
Name: turretUnit
Name (Long): turretunit
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: turret path
Description: Returns the unit in the vehicle turret.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7ACA5B
Name: synchronizeObjectsAdd
Name (Long): synchronizeobjectsadd
Arg1: unit
Arg2: [objects]
Description: Add given objects to the unit's list of synchronized objects.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7D0B02
Name: synchronizeObjectsRemove
Name (Long): synchronizeobjectsremove
Arg1: unit
Arg2: [objects]
Description: Remove given objects from the unit's list of synchronized objects.
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7D161C
Name: groupSelectUnit
Name (Long): groupselectunit
Arg1: unit
Arg2: [unit,bool]
Description: Select unit from unit's group.
Example Use: player groupSelectUnit [unit,true]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7AA955
Name: nearEntities
Name (Long): nearentities
Arg1: position
Arg2: radius or [typeName, radius] or [[typeName1, typeName2, ...], radius]
Description: Find entities in the circle with given radius. If typeName(s) is (are) given, only entities of given type (or its subtype) are listed.
Example Use: _list = position player nearObjects 50
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7D02CA
Name: remoteControl
Name (Long): remotecontrol
Arg1: who
Arg2: whom
Description: Switch on remote control of the unit.
Example Use: player remoteControl gunner _uav
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7AE96D
Name: mapCenterOnCamera
Name (Long): mapcenteroncamera
Arg1: control
Arg2: enable
Description: Enable / disable continuous centering the map on the camera position
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A284C
Name: unitsBelowHeight
Name (Long): unitsbelowheight
Arg1: group
Arg2: height
Description: Return units in group below passed height.
Example Use: group player unitsBelowHeight 50
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7C1296
Name: unitsBelowHeight
Name (Long): unitsbelowheight
Arg1: array
Arg2: height
Description: Return units below passed height.
Example Use: units group player unitsBelowHeight 50
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7C1158
Name: debugFSM
Name (Long): debugfsm
Arg1: FSM handle
Arg2: true
Description: Switch FSM debug log on/off.
Example Use: BIS_grpMainFSM debugFSM true
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0130
Name: fireAtTarget
Name (Long): fireattarget
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: [target, weapon]
Description: Gunner in unit's vehicle fire at given target. If weapon is not given, current is used.
Example Use: bool = vehicle FireAtTarget [target]; bool = player FireAtTarget [target,1]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7BB8FA
Name: aimedAtTarget
Name (Long): aimedattarget
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: [target, weapon]
Description: Returns how good is weapon aimed to target.
Example Use: bool = vehicle AimedAtTarget [target]; bool = vehicle AimedAtTarget [target,1]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7BBAE0
Name: backpackSpaceFor
Name (Long): backpackspacefor
Arg1: backpack
Arg2: weapon or magazine type
Description: Returns how much space is in backpack for given weapon or magazine.
Example Use: [weapons, magazines] = backpack backpackSpaceFor "m16"
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7CC720
Name: forceWalk
Name (Long): forcewalk
Arg1: player
Arg2: force walk
Description: Force player to walk.
Example Use: player forceWalk true
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7ADB4B
Name: weaponsTurret
Name (Long): weaponsturret
Arg1: transport
Arg2: turret path
Description: Returns all weapons of given turret. Use turret path [-1] for drivers turret.
Example Use: vehicle player weaponsTurret [0,0]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7B17A9
Name: magazinesTurret
Name (Long): magazinesturret
Arg1: transport
Arg2: turret path
Description: Returns all magazines of given turret. Use turret path [-1] for drivers turret.
Example Use: vehicle player magazinesTurret [0,0]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7B1A5F
Name: isKindOf
Name (Long): iskindof
Arg1: object
Arg2: typeName
Description: Checks whether the object is of the given type.
Example Use: vehicle player isKindOf "Tank"
Req Ver: 2.30
Category: General
Function: 0x7B2DD3
Name: glanceAt
Name (Long): glanceat
Arg1: unit(s)
Arg2: position
Description: Control what the unit is glancing at (target or position) (format Position)
Example Use: someSoldier glanceAt otherSoldier; otherSoldier glanceAt getMarkerPos "markerOne"
Req Ver: 2.40
Category: General
Function: 0xB53DEB
Name: lookAt
Name (Long): lookat
Arg1: unit(s)
Arg2: position
Description: Control what the unit is looking at (target or position) (format Position)
Example Use: someSoldier lookAt otherSoldier; otherSoldier lookAt getMarkerPos "markerOne"
Req Ver: 2.40
Category: General
Function: 0xB53E09
Name: setAirportSide
Name (Long): setairportside
Arg1: airportId
Arg2: side
Description: Set owner of the airport
Example Use: 0 setAirportSide east
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x79E0AD
Name: landAt
Name (Long): landat
Arg1: airplane
Arg2: airportId
Description: Order AI airplane to land at given airport
Example Use: plane landAt 0
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7A8A95
Name: assignToAirport
Name (Long): assigntoairport
Arg1: airplane
Arg2: airportId
Description: Set airport to be used by AI on getout
Example Use: plane assignToAirport 0
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7A9176
Name: hideObject
Name (Long): hideobject
Arg1: object
Arg2: hidden
Description: Hide object (cannot hide static objects).
Example Use: player hideObject true
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7ACB16
Name: enableIRLasers
Name (Long): enableirlasers
Arg1: group
Arg2: enable
Description: Enable/disable using IR lasers for AI
Example Use: groupOne enableIRLasers true
Category: General
Function: 0x7A7585
Name: enableGunLights
Name (Long): enablegunlights
Arg1: group
Arg2: enable
Description: Enable/disable using light on gun
Example Use: groupOne enableGunLights true
Category: General
Function: 0x7A75E3
Name: setCamUseTi
Name (Long): setcamuseti
Arg1: bool
Arg2: mode index
Description: Activate camera thermal vision
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0906
Name: setVehicleTiPars
Name (Long): setvehicletipars
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: tiParams
Description: Set ti parameters for specified vehicle, pars: engine/body, tracks/wheels, main gun.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AE7B1
Name: fadeSpeech
Name (Long): fadespeech
Arg1: time
Arg2: volume
Description: Causes a smooth change in the master speech volume. The change duration is given by time, the target volume by volume. The default master volume is 1.0.
Example Use: 5 fadeSound 0.1
Category: General
Function: 0x79E175
Name: disableTIEquipment
Name (Long): disabletiequipment
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: enable/disable
Description: Enable/disable transport vision modes(Ti)
Category: General
Function: 0x7AAE7F
Name: setWeaponReloadingTime
Name (Long): setweaponreloadingtime
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: [gunner, weaponName, reloadTime <0-1>]
Description: Set states and/or makes an action of/on weapon. ReloadTime goes from 0 to 1, where 1 is 100 percent of max reloading time.
Example Use: _done = _vehicle setWeaponReloadingTime [gunner, , 0.5]
Req Ver: 1.18
Category: General
Function: 0x7B49F9
Name: loadMagazine
Name (Long): loadmagazine
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: [[turret path],magazine name]
Description: Initiates the loading action on active weapon of the given turret.
Example Use: vehicle player loadMagazine [[0],"m256","20Rnd_120mmHE_M1A2"]
Req Ver: 86244
Category: General
Function: 0x7B4BEA
Name: allowCrewInImmobile
Name (Long): allowcrewinimmobile
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: bool
Description: If true, units can be in vehicle with broken tracks/wheels.
Example Use: vehicle allowCrewInImmobile true
Req Ver: 86244
Category: General
Function: 0x7AAEFB
Name: setUnitRecoilCoefficient
Name (Long): setunitrecoilcoefficient
Arg1: unit
Arg2: coefficient
Description: Proportionaly increase/decrease unit's recoil.
Example Use: soldier setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0.5
Req Ver: 90707
Category: General
Function: 0x7AAF46
Name: setGearSlotAmmoCount
Name (Long): setgearslotammocount
Arg1: geatSlotItem
Arg2: ammo count
Description: Set ammo of magazine.
Example Use: control setGearSlotAmmoCount 20
Req Ver: 93707
Category: General
Function: 0x7A39D1
Name: setIDCAmmoCount
Name (Long): setidcammocount
Arg1: IDC
Arg2: ammo count
Description: Set ammo of magazine.
Example Use: 110 setGearSlotAmmoCount 20
Req Ver: 93707
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3A39
Name: setOwner
Name (Long): setowner
Arg1: object
Arg2: clientId
Description: On server machine, change the ownership of object to a given client. Returns true if locality was changed.
Req Ver: 94017
Category: General
Function: 0x7ACDAC
Name: publicVariableClient
Name (Long): publicvariableclient
Arg1: clientId
Arg2: varName
Description: Send the variable value to the client computer.
Only type Number is supported in versions 1.33 and before.
The following types are supported since 1.34:
Number, Boolean, Object and Group.
Example Use: 3 publicVariableClient "CTFscoreOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B7391
Name: >>
Name (Long): >>
Arg1: config
Arg2: name
Description: Returns subentry of config entry with given name.
Example Use: configFile >> "CfgVehicles"
Req Ver: 2.35
Category: General
Function: 0x7D11D2
Name: /
Name (Long): /
Arg1: config
Arg2: name
Description: Returns subentry of config entry with given name (alias for >>).
Example Use: configFile / "CfgVehicles"
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7D11D2
Name: select
Name (Long): select
Arg1: config
Arg2: index
Description: Returns subentry with given index.
Example Use: (configFile >> "CfgVehicles") select 0
Req Ver: 2.35
Category: General
Function: 0x7D148A
Name: ==
Name (Long): ==
Arg1: config1
Arg2: config2
Description: Checks whether two config entries are equal.
Req Ver: 2.58
Category: General
Function: 0x7A088E
Name: !=
Name (Long): !=
Arg1: config1
Arg2: config2
Description: Checks whether two config entries are different.
Req Ver: 2.58
Category: General
Function: 0x7A08AD
Name: kbAddDatabase
Name (Long): kbadddatabase
Arg1: person
Arg2: filename
Description: Register knowledge base database to given person.
Example Use: _unit kbAddDatabase "chat.txt"
Req Ver: 2.42
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0D25
Name: kbAddDatabaseTargets
Name (Long): kbadddatabasetargets
Arg1: person
Arg2: filename
Description: Register target list knowledge base database to given person.
Example Use: _unit kbAddDatabase "chat.txt"
Req Ver: 2.45
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0D25
Name: kbAddTopic
Name (Long): kbaddtopic
Arg1: person
Arg2: [name, filename(, task type(, player event handler))]
Description: Register conversation topic to given person.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7C7084
Name: kbRemoveTopic
Name (Long): kbremovetopic
Arg1: person
Arg2: name
Description: Unregister conversation topic from given person.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7BD839
Name: kbTell
Name (Long): kbtell
Arg1: person
Arg2: [receiver, topic, sentence id, [argument name, argument value, argument text, argument speech], ...]
Description: Make the person tell to the receiver the sentence.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7C7763
Name: kbReact
Name (Long): kbreact
Arg1: person
Arg2: [receiver, topic, sentence id, [argument name, argument value, argument text, argument speech], ...]
Description: Pass a non-verbal communication to the receiver.
Req Ver: 5500
Category: General
Function: 0x7C739F
Name: kbWasSaid
Name (Long): kbwassaid
Arg1: person
Arg2: [receiver, topic, sentence id, max. age]
Description: Check if given item was said by person to someone.
Req Ver: 5500
Category: General
Function: 0x7BD884
Name: kbHasTopic
Name (Long): kbhastopic
Arg1: person
Arg2: name
Description: Check if conversation topic was registered to given person.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7BD99C
Name: drawIcon
Name (Long): drawicon
Arg1: map
Arg2: [texture, color, position, width, height, angle, text, shadow]
Description: Draw icon in map.
Req Ver: 2.35
Category: General
Function: 0x7D6CF4
Name: drawLine
Name (Long): drawline
Arg1: map
Arg2: [position1, position2, color]
Description: Draw line in map.
Req Ver: 2.35
Category: General
Function: 0x7AFBB4
Name: drawArrow
Name (Long): drawarrow
Arg1: map
Arg2: [position1, position2, color]
Description: Draw arrow in map.
Req Ver: 2.35
Category: General
Function: 0x7AFC89
Name: drawEllipse
Name (Long): drawellipse
Arg1: map
Arg2: [center, a, b, angle, color, fill]
Description: Draw ellipse in map.
Req Ver: 2.35
Category: General
Function: 0x7D7027
Name: drawRectangle
Name (Long): drawrectangle
Arg1: map
Arg2: [center, a, b, angle, color, fill]
Description: Draw rectangle in map.
Req Ver: 2.35
Category: General
Function: 0x7D728E
Name: posScreenToWorld
Name (Long): posscreentoworld
Arg1: map
Arg2: [x, y]
Description: Convert screen coordinates in map to world coordinates.
Req Ver: 2.54
Category: General
Function: 0x7C7B6B
Name: posWorldToScreen
Name (Long): posworldtoscreen
Arg1: map
Arg2: position
Description: Convert world coordinates to screen coordinates in map.
Req Ver: 2.54
Category: General
Function: 0x7AFD5E
Name: ctrlEnable
Name (Long): ctrlenable
Arg1: control
Arg2: enable
Description: Enable / disable given control.
Example Use: _control ctrlEnable false
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2904
Name: ctrlShow
Name (Long): ctrlshow
Arg1: control
Arg2: show
Description: Show / hide given control.
Example Use: _control ctrlShow false
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2940
Name: ctrlSetText
Name (Long): ctrlsettext
Arg1: control
Arg2: text
Description: Sets the text that will be shown in given control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetText "Hello, world."
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7BE01E
Name: ctrlSetFont
Name (Long): ctrlsetfont
Arg1: control
Arg2: name
Description: Sets the main font of given control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFont "TahomaB"
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7BE097
Name: ctrlSetFontHeight
Name (Long): ctrlsetfontheight
Arg1: control
Arg2: height
Description: Sets the main font size of given control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFontHeight 0.05
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7A29CC
Name: ctrlSetFontH1
Name (Long): ctrlsetfonth1
Arg1: control
Arg2: name
Description: Sets H1 font of given HTML control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFontH1 "TahomaB"
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7BE10B
Name: ctrlSetFontH2
Name (Long): ctrlsetfonth2
Arg1: control
Arg2: name
Description: Sets H2 font of given HTML control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFontH2 "TahomaB"
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7BE187
Name: ctrlSetFontH3
Name (Long): ctrlsetfonth3
Arg1: control
Arg2: name
Description: Sets H3 font of given HTML control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFontH3 "TahomaB"
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7BE203
Name: ctrlSetFontH4
Name (Long): ctrlsetfonth4
Arg1: control
Arg2: name
Description: Sets H4 font of given HTML control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFontH4 "TahomaB"
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7BE27F
Name: ctrlSetFontH5
Name (Long): ctrlsetfonth5
Arg1: control
Arg2: name
Description: Sets H5 font of given HTML control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFontH5 "TahomaB"
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7BE2FB
Name: ctrlSetFontH6
Name (Long): ctrlsetfonth6
Arg1: control
Arg2: name
Description: Sets H5 font of given HTML control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFontH6 "TahomaB"
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7BE37A
Name: ctrlSetFontP
Name (Long): ctrlsetfontp
Arg1: control
Arg2: name
Description: Sets P font of given HTML control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFontP "TahomaB"
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7BE3F9
Name: ctrlSetFontH1B
Name (Long): ctrlsetfonth1b
Arg1: control
Arg2: name
Description: Sets H1 bold font of given HTML control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFontH1B "TahomaB"
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7BE478
Name: ctrlSetFontH2B
Name (Long): ctrlsetfonth2b
Arg1: control
Arg2: name
Description: Sets H2 bold font of given HTML control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFontH2B "TahomaB"
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7BE4F4
Name: ctrlSetFontH3B
Name (Long): ctrlsetfonth3b
Arg1: control
Arg2: name
Description: Sets H3 bold font of given HTML control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFontH3B "TahomaB"
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7BE570
Name: ctrlSetFontH4B
Name (Long): ctrlsetfonth4b
Arg1: control
Arg2: name
Description: Sets H4 bold font of given HTML control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFontH4B "TahomaB"
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7BE5EC
Name: ctrlSetFontH5B
Name (Long): ctrlsetfonth5b
Arg1: control
Arg2: name
Description: Sets H5 bold font of given HTML control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFontH5B "TahomaB"
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7BE668
Name: ctrlSetFontH6B
Name (Long): ctrlsetfonth6b
Arg1: control
Arg2: name
Description: Sets H6 bold font of given HTML control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFontH6B "TahomaB"
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7BE6E7
Name: ctrlSetFontPB
Name (Long): ctrlsetfontpb
Arg1: control
Arg2: name
Description: Sets P bold font of given HTML control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFontPB "TahomaB"
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7BE766
Name: ctrlSetFontHeightH1
Name (Long): ctrlsetfontheighth1
Arg1: control
Arg2: height
Description: Sets H1 font size of given HTML control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFontHeightH1 0.05
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2A00
Name: ctrlSetFontHeightH2
Name (Long): ctrlsetfontheighth2
Arg1: control
Arg2: height
Description: Sets H2 font size of given HTML control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFontHeightH2 0.05
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2A33
Name: ctrlSetFontHeightH3
Name (Long): ctrlsetfontheighth3
Arg1: control
Arg2: height
Description: Sets H3 font size of given HTML control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFontHeightH3 0.05
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2A66
Name: ctrlSetFontHeightH4
Name (Long): ctrlsetfontheighth4
Arg1: control
Arg2: height
Description: Sets H4 font size of given HTML control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFontHeightH4 0.05
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2A99
Name: ctrlSetFontHeightH5
Name (Long): ctrlsetfontheighth5
Arg1: control
Arg2: height
Description: Sets H5 font size of given HTML control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFontHeightH5 0.05
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2ACF
Name: ctrlSetFontHeightH6
Name (Long): ctrlsetfontheighth6
Arg1: control
Arg2: height
Description: Sets H6 font size of given HTML control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFontHeightH6 0.05
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2B05
Name: ctrlSetFontP
Name (Long): ctrlsetfontp
Arg1: control
Arg2: height
Description: Sets P font size of given HTML control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFontHeightP 0.05
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2B3B
Name: ctrlSetPosition
Name (Long): ctrlsetposition
Arg1: control
Arg2: [x, y, w, h]
Description: Sets wanted position and size for control animation. Width and height are optional.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetPosition [0.5, 0.5]
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2DCF
Name: ctrlSetScale
Name (Long): ctrlsetscale
Arg1: control
Arg2: scale
Description: Sets wanted scale for control animation. Top left corner remains same.
Example Use: _control ctrlScale 0.5
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2F17
Name: ctrlSetAutoScrollSpeed
Name (Long): ctrlsetautoscrollspeed
Arg1: control
Arg2: speed
Description: Sets number of second required to scroll to next line. If speed smaller than 0, auto-scroll is disabled.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetAutoScrollSpeed 5
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2F63
Name: ctrlSetAutoScrollDelay
Name (Long): ctrlsetautoscrolldelay
Arg1: control
Arg2: delay
Description: Sets number of second before auto-scroll starts.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetAutoScrollDelay 5
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2FF6
Name: ctrlSetAutoScrollRewind
Name (Long): ctrlsetautoscrollrewind
Arg1: control
Arg2: delay
Description: Defines if scroll should rewind when auto-scroll reach end.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetAutoScrollDelay 5
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3089
Name: ctrlSetFade
Name (Long): ctrlsetfade
Arg1: control
Arg2: fade
Description: Sets wanted transparency for control animation.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetFade 1
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3129
Name: ctrlCommit
Name (Long): ctrlcommit
Arg1: control
Arg2: time
Description: Commit control animation.
Example Use: _control ctrlCommit 2
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3179
Name: displayCtrl
Name (Long): displayctrl
Arg1: display
Arg2: idc
Description: Return child control with specified idc.
Example Use: _control = _display displayCtrl 101
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7A53D6
Name: ctrlSetBackgroundColor
Name (Long): ctrlsetbackgroundcolor
Arg1: display
Arg2: color
Description: Sets background color of given control. Color is in format Color.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetBackgroundColor [1, 0, 0, 1]
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7C7FA3
Name: ctrlSetForegroundColor
Name (Long): ctrlsetforegroundcolor
Arg1: display
Arg2: color
Description: Sets background color of given control. Color is in format Color.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetForegroundColor [1, 0, 0, 1]
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7C7FE4
Name: ctrlSetTextColor
Name (Long): ctrlsettextcolor
Arg1: display
Arg2: color
Description: Sets text color of given control. Color is in format Color.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetTextColor [1, 0, 0, 1]
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7C8025
Name: ctrlSetActiveColor
Name (Long): ctrlsetactivecolor
Arg1: display
Arg2: color
Description: Sets text color of given control when control is selected. Color is in format Color.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetActiveColor [1, 0, 0, 1]
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7C8066
Name: ctrlSetTooltip
Name (Long): ctrlsettooltip
Arg1: display
Arg2: text
Description: Sets tooltip text of given control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetTooltip "tooltip"
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7BE7E5
Name: ctrlSetTooltipColorText
Name (Long): ctrlsettooltipcolortext
Arg1: display
Arg2: color
Description: Sets tooltip text color of given control. Color is in format Color.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetTooltipColorText [1, 0, 0, 1]
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7C80A7
Name: ctrlSetTooltipColorBox
Name (Long): ctrlsettooltipcolorbox
Arg1: display
Arg2: color
Description: Sets tooltip border color of given control. Color is in format Color.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetTooltipColorBox [1, 0, 0, 1]
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7C80E4
Name: ctrlSetTooltipColorShade
Name (Long): ctrlsettooltipcolorshade
Arg1: display
Arg2: color
Description: Sets tooltip background color of given control. Color is in format Color.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetTooltipColorShade [1, 0, 0, 1]
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7C8121
Name: ==
Name (Long): ==
Arg1: display1
Arg2: display2
Description: Checks whether two displays are equal.
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0E58
Name: !=
Name (Long): !=
Arg1: display1
Arg2: display2
Description: Checks whether two displays are different.
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0E93
Name: ==
Name (Long): ==
Arg1: control1
Arg2: control2
Description: Checks whether two controls are equal.
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3D13
Name: !=
Name (Long): !=
Arg1: control1
Arg2: control2
Description: Checks whether two controls are different.
Req Ver: 2.50
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3D4E
Name: createDisplay
Name (Long): createdisplay
Arg1: parent
Arg2: name
Description: Create child display of given display and load from resource "name".
Example Use: _display createDisplay "RscObserver"
Req Ver: 2.53
Category: General
Function: 0x7BF6A0
Name: closeDisplay
Name (Long): closedisplay
Arg1: display
Arg2: exitcode
Description: Close given display.
Example Use: _display closeDisplay IDC_OK
Req Ver: 2.53
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0ECE
Name: htmlLoad
Name (Long): htmlload
Arg1: control
Arg2: filename
Description: Load HTML from file to given control.
Example Use: _control htmlLoad "briefing.html"
Req Ver: 2.53
Category: General
Function: 0x7BE85A
Name: ctrlSetStructuredText
Name (Long): ctrlsetstructuredtext
Arg1: control
Arg2: structured text
Description: Set the structured text which will be displayed in structured text control.
Example Use: _control ctrlSetStructuredText parseText "First line<img image=data\isniper.paa/><br/>Second line"
Req Ver: 2.53
Category: General
Function: 0x7BE8DD
Name: ctrlSetEventHandler
Name (Long): ctrlseteventhandler
Arg1: control
Arg2: [handler name, function]
Description: Sets given event handler of given control
Example Use: _control ctrlSetEventHandler ["KeyDown", ""]
Req Ver: 2.54
Category: General
Function: 0x7C815E
Name: displaySetEventHandler
Name (Long): displayseteventhandler
Arg1: display
Arg2: [handler name, function]
Description: Sets given event handler of given display.
Example Use: _control displaySetEventHandler ["KeyDown", ""]
Req Ver: 2.54
Category: General
Function: 0x7C8408
Name: commandFSM
Name (Long): commandfsm
Arg1: unit(s)
Arg2: [fsm name, position, target]
Description: Orders a unit to process command defined by FSM file (via the radio).
Example Use: soldierOne commandFSM ["move.fsm", position player, player]
Req Ver: 2.53
Category: General
Function: 0x7D08CE
Name: doFSM
Name (Long): dofsm
Arg1: unit(s)
Arg2: [fsm name, position, target]
Description: Orders a unit to process command defined by FSM file (silently).
Example Use: soldierOne doFSM ["move.fsm", position player, player]
Req Ver: 2.53
Category: General
Function: 0x7D08B0
Name: execVM
Name (Long): execvm
Arg1: argument
Arg2: filename
Description: Compile and execute function (sqf). Argument is passed to the script as local variable _this. The function is first searched in the mission folder, then in the campaign scripts folder and finally in the global scripts folder.
Example Use: player execVM "test.sqf"
Req Ver: 2.60
Category: General
Function: 0x7BFA51
Name: skill
Name (Long): skill
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: type
Description: Returns skill of given type of person (commander unit). Value of skill may vary from 0 to 1.
Example Use: hero skill "Endurance"
Req Ver: 2.65
Category: General
Function: 0x7BFC2E
Name: setSkill
Name (Long): setskill
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: [type, skill]
Description: Sets skill of given type of person (commander unit). Value of skill may vary from 0 to 1.
Example Use: hero setSkill ["Endurance", 1]
Req Ver: 2.65
Category: General
Function: 0x7C90DD
Name: lbSetCurSel
Name (Long): lbsetcursel
Arg1: control
Arg2: index
Description: Selects the item with the given index of the given listbox or combobox.
Example Use: _control lbSetCurSel 0
Req Ver: 2.91
Category: General
Function: 0x7A333C
Name: lbAdd
Name (Long): lbadd
Arg1: control
Arg2: text
Description: Adds an item with the given text to the given listbox or combobox. It returns the index of the newly added item.
Example Use: _index = _control lbAdd "First item"
Req Ver: 2.91
Category: General
Function: 0x7BEA9B
Name: lbDelete
Name (Long): lbdelete
Arg1: control
Arg2: index
Description: Removes the item with the given index from the given listbox or combobox.
Example Use: _control lbDelete 0
Req Ver: 2.91
Category: General
Function: 0x7A338F
Name: lbText
Name (Long): lbtext
Arg1: control
Arg2: index
Description: Returns the shown text in the item with the given index of the given listbox or combobox.
Example Use: _text = _control lbText 0
Req Ver: 2.91
Category: General
Function: 0x7BEAF7
Name: lbData
Name (Long): lbdata
Arg1: control
Arg2: index
Description: Returns the additional text (invisible) in an item with the given index of the given listbox or combobox.
Example Use: _data = _control lbData 0
Req Ver: 2.91
Category: General
Function: 0x7BEB51
Name: lbSetData
Name (Long): lbsetdata
Arg1: control
Arg2: [index, data]
Description: Sets the additional text (invisible) in the item with the given index of the given listbox or combobox to the given data.
Example Use: _control lbSetData [1, "#1"]
Req Ver: 2.91
Category: General
Function: 0x7C86B2
Name: lbValue
Name (Long): lbvalue
Arg1: control
Arg2: index
Description: Returns the additional integer value in the item with the given index of the given listbox or combobox.
Example Use: _value = _control lbValue 0
Req Ver: 2.91
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3436
Name: lbSetValue
Name (Long): lbsetvalue
Arg1: control
Arg2: [index, value]
Description: Sets the additional integer value in the item with the given index of the given listbox or combobox to the given value.
Example Use: _control lbSetValue [0, 1]
Req Ver: 2.91
Category: General
Function: 0x7C87A5
Name: lbPicture
Name (Long): lbpicture
Arg1: control
Arg2: index
Description: Returns the picture name of the item with the given index of the given listbox or combobox.
Example Use: _picture = _control lbPicture 0
Req Ver: 2.91
Category: General
Function: 0x7BEBAB
Name: lbSetPicture
Name (Long): lbsetpicture
Arg1: control
Arg2: [index, name]
Description: Sets the picture in the item with the given index of the given listbox or combobox. Name is the picture name. The picture is searched in the mission directory, the dtaExt subdirectory of the campaign directory and the dtaExt directory and the data bank (or directory).
Example Use: _control lbSetPicture [0, "iskoda"]
Req Ver: 2.91
Category: General
Function: 0x7D74E5
Name: lbColor
Name (Long): lbcolor
Arg1: control
Arg2: index
Description: Returns the text color of the item with the given index of the given listbox or combobox.
Example Use: _color = _control lbColor 0
Req Ver: 2.91
Category: General
Function: 0x7BEC65
Name: lbSetColor
Name (Long): lbsetcolor
Arg1: control
Arg2: [index, color]
Description: Sets the text color of the item with the given index of the given listbox or combobox. Color is in format Color.
Example Use: _control lbSetColor [0, [0, 1, 0, 0.5]]
Req Ver: 2.91
Category: General
Function: 0x7C88A2
Name: lbIsSelected
Name (Long): lbisselected
Arg1: control
Arg2: index
Description: Check whether given row of the given listbox is selected.
Example Use: _selected = _control lbIsSelected 0
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7A349C
Name: lbSetSelected
Name (Long): lbsetselected
Arg1: control
Arg2: [index, selected]
Description: Set the selection state of the given row of the given listbox. Listbox must support multiple selection
Example Use: _control lbSetSelection [0, true]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7C89AA
Name: lnbSetCurSelRow
Name (Long): lnbsetcurselrow
Arg1: control
Arg2: row
Description: Selects the item with the given index of the given listbox or combobox.
Example Use: _control lbSetCurSel row
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3586
Name: lnbSetColumnsPos
Name (Long): lnbsetcolumnspos
Arg1: control
Arg2: [pos1,pos2,...]
Description: Set position of 2d listbox columns.
Example Use: _control lbSetColumnsPos [pos1,pos2,...]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A5509
Name: lnbAddColumn
Name (Long): lnbaddcolumn
Arg1: control
Arg2: position
Description: Adds an item with the given text to the given listbox or combobox. It returns the index of the newly added item.
Example Use: _index = _control lbAdd "First item"
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3640
Name: lnbDeleteColumn
Name (Long): lnbdeletecolumn
Arg1: control
Arg2: index
Description: Removes the item with the given index from the given listbox or combobox.
Example Use: _control lbDelete 0
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A36A3
Name: lnbAddRow
Name (Long): lnbaddrow
Arg1: control
Arg2: [text1,text2,...]
Description: Adds an row to the end od 2d listbox . It returns the index of the newly added row.
Example Use: _index = _control lnbAdd [t1,t2,t3,...]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7D05E4
Name: lnbDeleteRow
Name (Long): lnbdeleterow
Arg1: control
Arg2: row
Description: Removes row with the given index from the given listbox or combobox.
Example Use: _control lnbDelete 0
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A35E7
Name: lnbText
Name (Long): lnbtext
Arg1: control
Arg2: [row, column]
Description: Returns the shown text in the item with the given position of the given 2D listbox.
Example Use: _text = _control lnbText [row, column]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7AFFDC
Name: lnbSetText
Name (Long): lnbsettext
Arg1: control
Arg2: [[row, column], text]
Description: Sets the additional text (invisible) in the item with the given index of the given 2D listbox to the given data.
Example Use: _control lnbSetData [[row, column], "#1"]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7BEF4C
Name: lnbData
Name (Long): lnbdata
Arg1: control
Arg2: [row, column]
Description: Returns the additional text (invisible) in an item with the given position of the given 2D listbox.
Example Use: _data = _control lnbData [row, column]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7B00E2
Name: lnbSetData
Name (Long): lnbsetdata
Arg1: control
Arg2: [[row, column], data]
Description: Sets the additional text (invisible) in the item with the given position of the given 2D listbox to the given data.
Example Use: _control lnbSetData [[row, column], "#1"]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7BF0EB
Name: lnbValue
Name (Long): lnbvalue
Arg1: control
Arg2: [row, column]
Description: Returns the additional integer value in the item with the given position of the given 2D listbox.
Example Use: _value = _control lnbValue [row, column]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A36FC
Name: lnbSetValue
Name (Long): lnbsetvalue
Arg1: control
Arg2: [[row, column], value]
Description: Sets the additional integer value in the item with the given position of the given 2D listbox to the given value.
Example Use: _control lnbSetValue [[row, column], 1]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7A385B
Name: lnbPicture
Name (Long): lnbpicture
Arg1: control
Arg2: [row, column]
Description: Returns the picture name of the item with the given position of the given listbox or combobox.
Example Use: _picture = _control lnbPicture [row, column]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7D763A
Name: lnbSetPicture
Name (Long): lnbsetpicture
Arg1: control
Arg2: [[row, column], name]
Description: Sets the picture in the item with the given position of the given 2D listbox. Name is the picture name. The picture is searched in the mission directory, the dtaExt subdirectory of the campaign directory and the dtaExt directory and the data bank (or directory).
Example Use: _control lnbSetPicture [[row, column], "iskoda"]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7D77B2
Name: lnbColor
Name (Long): lnbcolor
Arg1: control
Arg2: [row, column]
Description: Returns the text color of the item with the given position of the given 2D listbox.
Example Use: _color = _control lnbColor [row, column]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7BEDE4
Name: lnbSetColor
Name (Long): lnbsetcolor
Arg1: control
Arg2: [[row, column], color]
Description: Sets the text color of the item with the given position of the given 2D listbox . Color is in format Color.
Example Use: _control lnbSetColor [[row, column], [0, 1, 0, 0.5]]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7C8AC3
Name: buttonSetAction
Name (Long): buttonsetaction
Arg1: control
Arg2: action
Description: Assigns an action to the given button or active text. Action is any expression in this scripting language.
Example Use: _control buttonSetAction "player exec ""reply.sqs"""
Req Ver: 2.91
Category: General
Function: 0x7BF449
Name: sliderSetPosition
Name (Long): slidersetposition
Arg1: control
Arg2: pos
Description: Sets the current thumb position of the given slider.
Example Use: _control sliderSetPosition 0
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3BF4
Name: sliderSetRange
Name (Long): slidersetrange
Arg1: control
Arg2: [min, max]
Description: Sets the limits of the slider with id idc of the given slider.
Example Use: _control sliderSetRange [0, 10]
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7C8C36
Name: sliderSetSpeed
Name (Long): slidersetspeed
Arg1: control
Arg2: [line, page]
Description: Sets the speed (a click on the arrow results in a move per line. A click on the scale outside the thumb results in a move per page) of the given slider.
Example Use: _control sliderSetSpeed [0.5, 2.0]
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3C2F
Name: ctrlMapAnimAdd
Name (Long): ctrlmapanimadd
Arg1: map
Arg2: frame
Description: Adds the next frame to the map animation. The format of frame is [time, zoom, position], the format of position is Position2D.
Example Use: _map ctrlMapAnimAdd [1, 0.1, getMarkerPos "anim1"]
Req Ver: 1.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7B0232
Name: ctrlMapScreenToWorld
Name (Long): ctrlmapscreentoworld
Arg1: map
Arg2: [x, y]
Description: Convert position in the map from screen coordinates to world coordinates.
Req Ver: 5127
Category: General
Function: 0x7C8D1D
Name: ctrlMapWorldToScreen
Name (Long): ctrlmapworldtoscreen
Arg1: map
Arg2: position
Description: Convert position in the map from world coordinates to screen coordinates.
Req Ver: 5127
Category: General
Function: 0x7B0345
Name: createMissionDisplay
Name (Long): createmissiondisplay
Arg1: parent
Arg2: root
Description: Create single missions display as a child of given display. The mission dialog will be set to the directory given as an argument "root".
Example Use: _display createMissionDisplay "Test missions"
Req Ver: 5140
Category: General
Function: 0x7BF7B8
Name: createMissionDisplay
Name (Long): createmissiondisplay
Arg1: parent
Arg2: [root, missions space]
Description: Create single missions display as a child of given display. The mission dialog will be set to the directory given as an argument "root". Mission space defines container's config class name.
Example Use: _display createMissionDisplay ["","Tutorial"]
Req Ver: 5140
Category: General
Function: 0x7BF7B8
Name: progressSetPosition
Name (Long): progresssetposition
Arg1: control
Arg2: pos
Description: Sets the current position in the progress bar.
Example Use: _control sliderSetPosition 0
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3F70
Name: ctrlAddEventHandler
Name (Long): ctrladdeventhandler
Arg1: control
Arg2: [handler name, function]
Description: Add an event handler to the given control. Returns id of the handler or -1 when failed.
Example Use: _id = _control ctrlAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", ""]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7C8230
Name: ctrlRemoveEventHandler
Name (Long): ctrlremoveeventhandler
Arg1: control
Arg2: [handler name, id]
Description: Remove a given event handler from the given control.
Example Use: _control ctrlRemoveEventHandler ["KeyDown", 0]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7C8328
Name: ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers
Name (Long): ctrlremovealleventhandlers
Arg1: control
Arg2: handler name
Description: Remove all even handlers from the given control.
Example Use: _control ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers "KeyDown"
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7BE93D
Name: displayAddEventHandler
Name (Long): displayaddeventhandler
Arg1: display
Arg2: [handler name, function]
Description: Add an event handler to the given display. Returns id of the handler or -1 when failed.
Example Use: _id = _display displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", ""]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7C84DA
Name: displayRemoveEventHandler
Name (Long): displayremoveeventhandler
Arg1: display
Arg2: [handler name, id]
Description: Remove a given event handler from the given display.
Example Use: _display displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyDown", 0]
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7C85D2
Name: displayRemoveAllEventHandlers
Name (Long): displayremovealleventhandlers
Arg1: display
Arg2: handler name
Description: Remove all even handlers from the given display.
Example Use: _display displayRemoveAllEventHandlers "KeyDown"
Req Ver: 5501
Category: General
Function: 0x7BE96F
Name: callExtension
Name (Long): callextension
Arg1: extension
Arg2: functionWithArguments
Description: Execute an extension function
Example Use: handle = "pipes" callExtension "openPipe(pipe)"
Category: General
Function: 0x7D279F
Name: saveStatus
Name (Long): savestatus
Arg1: object
Arg2: name
Description: Saves object's properties to objects.sav file in campaign directory as entry name.
Example Use: player saveStatus "playerState"
Req Ver: 1.75
Category: General
Function: 0x7D4AA2
Name: loadStatus
Name (Long): loadstatus
Arg1: object
Arg2: name
Description: Loads object's properties from objects.sav file in campaign directory (from entry name).
Example Use: player loadStatus "playerState"
Req Ver: 1.75
Category: General
Function: 0x7D4DC0
Name: saveIdentity
Name (Long): saveidentity
Arg1: person
Arg2: name
Description: Saves person's identity to objects.sav file in campaign directory as entry name.
Example Use: player saveIdentity "playerIdentity"
Req Ver: 1.75
Category: General
Function: 0x7D52D9
Name: loadIdentity
Name (Long): loadidentity
Arg1: person
Arg2: name
Description: Loads person's identity from objects.sav file in campaign directory (from entry name).
Example Use: player loadIdentity "playerIdentity"
Req Ver: 1.75
Category: General
Function: 0x7D55F5
Name: animate
Name (Long): animate
Arg1: object
Arg2: [animation, phase]
Description: Process animation on object. Animation is defined in config file. Wanted animation phase is set to phase.
Example Use: house animate ["doors1", 1]
Req Ver: 1.75
Category: General
Function: 0x7B9E5D
Name: animationPhase
Name (Long): animationphase
Arg1: object
Arg2: animation
Description: Return animation phase of animation on object.
Example Use: house animationPhase "doors1"
Req Ver: 1.75
Category: General
Function: 0x7B9FB7
Name: setSkill
Name (Long): setskill
Arg1: vehicle
Arg2: skill
Description: Sets ability levell of person (commander unit). Value of skill may vary from 0 to 1.
Example Use: hero setSkill 1
Req Ver: 1.75
Category: General
Function: 0x7A6B5B
Name: setObjectTexture
Name (Long): setobjecttexture
Arg1: object
Arg2: texture
Req Ver: 1.75
Category: General
Function: 0x7D41B8
Name: nearestObject
Name (Long): nearestobject
Arg1: position
Arg2: type
Description: Find object nearest to given position with given type.
Example Use: obj = position player nearestObject "Building"
Req Ver: 2.01
Category: General
Function: 0x7B42AD
Name: nearestObject
Name (Long): nearestobject
Arg1: position
Arg2: id
Description: Find object nearest to given position with given Visitor id.
Example Use: obj = position player nearestObject 1234
Req Ver: 2.01
Category: General
Function: 0x7A9AEA
Name: addTeamMember
Name (Long): addteammember
Arg1: team
Arg2: member
Description: Add given member to given team.
Example Use: _team addTeamMember _teamMember
Req Ver: 2.90
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7D0D67
Name: removeTeamMember
Name (Long): removeteammember
Arg1: team
Arg2: member
Description: Remove given member from given team.
Example Use: _team removeTeamMember _teamMember
Req Ver: 2.90
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7D0DB2
Name: ==
Name (Long): ==
Arg1: teamMember1
Arg2: teamMember2
Description: Checks whether two team members are the same. If either of them is teamMemberNull, false is returned.
Example Use: teamMember player == _teamMember
Req Ver: 2.90
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7A107A
Name: !=
Name (Long): !=
Arg1: teamMember1
Arg2: teamMember2
Description: Checks whether two team members are different. If either of them is teamMemberNull, true is returned.
Example Use: teamMember player != _teamMember
Req Ver: 2.90
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7A10B5
Name: addResources
Name (Long): addresources
Arg1: teamMember
Arg2: [resource1, resource2, ...]
Description: Add (register) resources to the team member.
Example Use: teamMember _agent addResources ["Arms", "Legs"]
Req Ver: 2.90
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7CCE75
Name: deleteResources
Name (Long): deleteresources
Arg1: teamMember
Arg2: [resource1, resource2, ...]
Description: Delete (unregister) resources of the team member.
Example Use: teamMember _agent deleteResources ["Legs"]
Req Ver: 2.90
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7D0E69
Name: setFormation
Name (Long): setformation
Arg1: team
Arg2: formation
Description: Set a new formation to given team.
Example Use: _team setFormation "Wedge"
Req Ver: 2.90
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7C0B5D
Name: setFromEditor
Name (Long): setfromeditor
Arg1: teamMember
Arg2: fromEditor
Description: Set if given team member was inserted directly from editor.
Example Use: _teamMember setFromEditor true
Req Ver: 2.90
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7A1115
Name: setVariable
Name (Long): setvariable
Arg1: teamMember
Arg2: [name, value, public]
Description: Set variable to given value in the variable space of given team member. If public is true then the value is broadcast to all computers.
Example Use: team1 setVariable ["owner",player,true]
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7C0BA4
Name: getVariable
Name (Long): getvariable
Arg1: teamMember
Arg2: name
Description: Return the value of variable in the variable space of given team member.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7C947B
Name: getVariable
Name (Long): getvariable
Arg1: teamMember
Arg2: [name, default value]
Description: Return the value of variable in the variable space of given team member.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7C947B
Name: setLeader
Name (Long): setleader
Arg1: team
Arg2: leader
Description: Set the leader of given team.
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7B072C
Name: forEachMember
Name (Long): foreachmember
Arg1: command
Arg2: team
Description: Executes the given command for each member of the team (recursively).
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7C0D44
Name: forEachMemberTeam
Name (Long): foreachmemberteam
Arg1: command
Arg2: team
Description: Executes the given command for each team member of the team (recursively).
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7C0E55
Name: forEachMemberAgent
Name (Long): foreachmemberagent
Arg1: command
Arg2: team
Description: Executes the given command for each agent member of the team (recursively).
Req Ver: 2.92
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7C0F66
Name: setCombatMode
Name (Long): setcombatmode
Arg1: teamMember
Arg2: mode
Description: Sets the team member's combat mode (engagement rules). Mode can be one of: "BLUE" (Never fire), "GREEN" (Hold fire - defend only), "WHITE" (Hold fire, engage at will), "YELLOW" (Fire at will) or "RED" (Fire at will, engage at will).
Example Use: (teamMember agent1) setCombatMode "BLUE"
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7C0727
Name: sin
Name (Long): sin
Arg1: x
Description: The sine of x, the argument is in degrees.
Example Use: sin 30
Req Ver: 0.5
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7DF6A
Name: random
Name (Long): random
Arg1: x
Description: The random real value from 0 to x. (0<=random<1)
Example Use: random 1
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7DF3D
Name: cos
Name (Long): cos
Arg1: x
Description: The cosine of x, the argument is in degrees.
Example Use: cos 60
Req Ver: 0.5
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7DFA3
Name: tg
Name (Long): tg
Arg1: x
Description: The tangens of x, the argument is in degrees.
Example Use: tg 45
Req Ver: 1
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7DFFA
Name: tan
Name (Long): tan
Arg1: x
Description: The tangens of x, the argument is in degrees.
Example Use: tan 45
Req Ver: 1
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7DFFA
Name: asin
Name (Long): asin
Arg1: x
Description: The arcsine of x, the result is in degrees.
Example Use: asin 0.5
Req Ver: 30
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E053
Name: acos
Name (Long): acos
Arg1: x
Description: The arccosine of x, the result is in degrees.
Example Use: acos 0.5
Req Ver: 60
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E090
Name: atg
Name (Long): atg
Arg1: x
Description: The arctangens of x, the result is in degrees.
Example Use: atg 1
Req Ver: 45
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E0CD
Name: atan
Name (Long): atan
Arg1: x
Description: The arctangens of x, the result is in degrees.
Example Use: atan 1
Req Ver: 45
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E0CD
Name: deg
Name (Long): deg
Arg1: x
Description: Converts x from radians to degrees.
Example Use: deg 1
Req Ver: 57.295
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7DF16
Name: rad
Name (Long): rad
Arg1: x
Description: Converts x from degrees to radians.
Example Use: rad 180
Req Ver: 3.1415
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7DEEF
Name: log
Name (Long): log
Arg1: x
Description: The base-10 logarithm of x.
Example Use: log 10
Req Ver: 1
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E153
Name: ln
Name (Long): ln
Arg1: x
Description: The natural logarithm of x.
Example Use: ln 10
Req Ver: 2.302
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E174
Name: exp
Name (Long): exp
Arg1: x
Description: The exponential value of x.
Example Use: exp 1
Req Ver: 2.7182
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E195
Name: sqrt
Name (Long): sqrt
Arg1: x
Description: The square root of x.
Example Use: sqrt 9
Req Ver: 3
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E1B5
Name: abs
Name (Long): abs
Arg1: x
Description: The absolute value of x.
Example Use: abs -3
Req Ver: 3
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E1D2
Name: floor
Name (Long): floor
Arg1: x
Description: The floor value of x.
Example Use: floor 5.25
Req Ver: 5
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E1EF
Name: ceil
Name (Long): ceil
Arg1: x
Description: The ceil value of x.
Example Use: ceil 5.25
Req Ver: 6
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E214
Name: round
Name (Long): round
Arg1: x
Description: The round value of x.
Example Use: round -5.25
Req Ver: -5
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E239
Name: finite
Name (Long): finite
Arg1: x
Description: True, if number is finite (not infinite and valid number)
Example Use: finite 10/0
Req Ver: false
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E264
Name: +
Name (Long): +
Arg1: a
Description: unary plus: returns a
Example Use: +4
Req Ver: 4
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7DEB7
Name: +
Name (Long): +
Arg1: a
Description: unary plus: returns a copy of the array
Example Use: + [0, 1, 2]
Req Ver: [0, 1, 2]
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7DEB7
Name: -
Name (Long): -
Arg1: a
Description: unary minus: zero minus a
Example Use: - - 3
Req Ver: 3
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7DED2
Name: !
Name (Long): !
Arg1: a
Description: not a
Example Use: !true
Req Ver: false
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E290
Name: not
Name (Long): not
Arg1: a
Description: not a
Example Use: not false
Req Ver: true
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E290
Name: count
Name (Long): count
Arg1: array
Description: The number of elements in the array.
Example Use: count [0,0,1,2]
Req Ver: 4
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E310
Name: call
Name (Long): call
Arg1: code
Description: Executes the given code.
Example Use: call {"x=2"}
Category: Default
Function: 0xB808BA
Name: comment
Name (Long): comment
Arg1: comment
Description: This function does nothing. It's used to create comments.
Example Use: comment "This is a comment."
Category: Default
Function: 0x79E215
Name: private
Name (Long): private
Arg1: variable
Description: Introduces one or more local variables in the innermost scope.
Category: Default
Function: 0xB80556
Name: if
Name (Long): if
Arg1: condition
Description: The first part of the if command.
Example Use: if (a>b) then {a=b}
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E343
Name: while
Name (Long): while
Arg1: condition
Description: The first part of the while contruct.
Example Use: while "x<10" do {x=x+1}
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E38A
Name: with
Name (Long): with
Arg1: namespace
Description: The first part of the with contruct.
Example Use: with missionNamespace do {global=global+1}
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E3BB
Name: typeName
Name (Long): typename
Arg1: any
Description: Returns type-name of expression. Type is returned as string
Example Use: typeName "hello"
Req Ver: "string"
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7FDF0
Name: assert
Name (Long): assert
Arg1: codition
Description: Tests a condition and if the condition is false, halts the program.
Example Use: assert (_x>0)
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7EFB0
Name: echo
Name (Long): echo
Arg1: text
Description: Sends any text into the debugger console or the logfile.
Example Use: echo "Text in logfile"
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7EF6E
Name: str
Name (Long): str
Arg1: any value
Description: Converts any variable to a string.
Example Use: str(2+3)
Req Ver: "5"
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7FAF2
Name: isNil
Name (Long): isnil
Arg1: variable
Description: Tests whether the variable is null. The function returns true if the variable is null and false if it's not.
Example Use: if (isNil("_pokus")) then {_pokus=0;}
Category: Default
Function: 0xB80FB9
Name: supportInfo
Name (Long): supportinfo
Arg1: mask
Description: Creates list of supported operators and type. Each field of array has format: "x:name" where x is 't' - type, 'n' - nullary operator, 'u' - unary operator, 'b' - binary operator. 'name' is operator's/type's name (in case operator, type of input operands is included). `mask` parameter can be empty string, or one of field. In this case, function returns empty array, if operator is not included in list. `mask` can contain wildcards, for example: *:name, t:*, t:name* or *:*.
Example Use: supportInfo "b:select*"
Req Ver: ["b:ARRAY select SCALAR","b:ARRAY select BOOL"]
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7FE15
Name: for
Name (Long): for
Arg1: var
Description: Starts for sequence, use in complette form(see example).
Example Use: for "_x" from 1 to 10 do {debugLog _x;}
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7F32A
Name: for
Name (Long): for
Arg1: forspec
Description: creates cycle, using C like style. See example.
Example Use: for [{_x=1},{_x<=10},{_x=_x+1}] do {debugLog _x;}
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7F39E
Name: switch
Name (Long): switch
Arg1: exp
Description: Begins switch form
Example Use: switch (_a) do { case 1: {block}; case 2 : {block}; default {block};}
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E511
Name: case
Name (Long): case
Arg1: b
Description: see switch
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7FB24
Name: default
Name (Long): default
Arg1: a
Description: see switch
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7FB64
Name: scopeName
Name (Long): scopename
Arg1: name
Description: defines name of current scope. Name is visible in debugger, and name is also used as reference in some commands. Scope name can be defined only once per scope.
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7F4D3
Name: breakTo
Name (Long): breakto
Arg1: name
Description: Breaks block to scope named 'name'. Nil is returned.
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7F50F
Name: breakOut
Name (Long): breakout
Arg1: name
Description: Breaks block out scope named 'name'. Nil is returned.
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7F550
Name: try
Name (Long): try
Arg1: code
Description: Defines try-catch structure. This is structured exception block. Any thrown exception in try block is caught in catch block. The structured exception block has following formtry //begin of try-catch block
//block, that can throw exception
//block, that process an exception. Exception is described in _exception variable
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E54F
Name: throw
Name (Long): throw
Arg1: expression
Description: Throws an exception. The exception is processed by first catch block. See try.
Example Use: throw "invalid argument"
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E589
Name: compile
Name (Long): compile
Arg1: expression
Description: Compile expression.
Example Use: _function = "a = a + 1"; _compiled = compile _function; call _compiled;
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7F591
Name: waitUntil
Name (Long): waituntil
Arg1: condition
Description: Suspend execution of script until condition is satisfied.
Example Use: _i = 0; waitUntil {_i = _i + 1; _i >= 100}
Category: Default
Function: 0xB80F31
Name: parseNumber
Name (Long): parsenumber
Arg1: string
Description: Parse string containing real number.
Example Use: parseNumber "0.125"
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7F60E
Name: toUpper
Name (Long): toupper
Arg1: string
Description: Convert the string to upper case.
Example Use: toUpper "ArmA"
Req Ver: "ARMA"
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E7C5
Name: toLower
Name (Long): tolower
Arg1: string
Description: Convert the string to lower case.
Example Use: toLower "ArmA"
Req Ver: "arma"
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7E966
Name: toArray
Name (Long): toarray
Arg1: string
Description: Convert the string to the array of characters.
Example Use: toArray "ArmA"
Req Ver: [65, 114, 109, 65]
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7EB07
Name: toString
Name (Long): tostring
Arg1: characters
Description: Convert the array of characters to the string.
Example Use: toString [65, 114, 109, 65]
Req Ver: "ArmA"
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7EC6D
Name: scriptName
Name (Long): scriptname
Arg1: name
Description: Assign a friendly name to the VM script thjis command is executed from.
Example Use: scriptName "Trading"
Category: Default
Function: 0xB7F662
Name: isNull
Name (Long): isnull
Arg1: obj
Description: Checks whether the value is equal to objNull.
Note: a==ObjNull does not work, because objNull is not equal to anything, even to itself.
Example Use: isNull objNull
Req Ver: true
Category: General
Function: 0x7A4B11
Name: isNull
Name (Long): isnull
Arg1: grp
Description: Checks whether the value is equal to grpNull.
Note: a==GrpNull does not work, because grpNull is not equal to anything, even to itself.
Example Use: isNull group player
Req Ver: false
Category: General
Function: 0x7A616F
Name: alive
Name (Long): alive
Arg1: obj
Description: Checks whether the given person, vehicle or building is't dead / destroyed.
Example Use: alive player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A6275
Name: local
Name (Long): local
Arg1: obj
Description: MP: checks whether the given unit is local on the computer. This can be used when one or more activation fields or scripts need to be performed only on one computer.
In SP all objects are local. Note: all static objects are local on all computers.
Example Use: local unitName
Category: General
Function: 0x7A639D
Name: requiredVersion
Name (Long): requiredversion
Arg1: version
Description: Checks whether the appropriate version of the application is available. If it's not, a warning message is shown and false is returned. The version format is "Major.Minor", e.g. "1.30".
Example Use: requiredVersion "1.30"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B8679
Name: getPos
Name (Long): getpos
Arg1: obj
Description: Returns the object position in format Position.
Example Use: getPos player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A7E97
Name: position
Name (Long): position
Arg1: object
Description: Returns the object position in format Position.
Example Use: position player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A7E97
Name: visiblePosition
Name (Long): visibleposition
Arg1: object
Description: Returns the object rendered position in format Position.
Example Use: visiblePosition player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A7F63
Name: visiblePositionASL
Name (Long): visiblepositionasl
Arg1: object
Description: Returns the object rendered position in format PositionASL.
Example Use: visiblePositionASL player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A8037
Name (Long): asltoatl
Arg1: pos
Description: Converts a position from PositionASL to Position format.
Example Use: ASLToATL getPosASL player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A4C2C
Name (Long): atltoasl
Arg1: pos
Description: Converts a position from Position to PositionASL format.
Example Use: ATLToASL getPosATL player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A4CE3
Name: getPosASL
Name (Long): getposasl
Arg1: obj
Description: Returns the object position in format PositionASL.
Example Use: getPosASL player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A8059
Name: eyePos
Name (Long): eyepos
Arg1: obj
Description: Returns the position of the object eye in format PositionASL.
Example Use: eyePos player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A8800
Name: aimPos
Name (Long): aimpos
Arg1: obj
Description: Returns the position of the object other units can aim to in format PositionASL.
Example Use: aimPos player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A899D
Name: getPosATL
Name (Long): getposatl
Arg1: obj
Description: Returns the object position in format PositionATL.
Example Use: getPosATL player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A81A8
Name: getDir
Name (Long): getdir
Arg1: obj
Description: Returns the object heading in the range from 0 to 360.
Example Use: getDir player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A855E
Name: eyeDirection
Name (Long): eyedirection
Arg1: obj
Description: Returns the direction object is watching (eyes, or a vehicle primary observer)
Example Use: eyeDirection player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A88B2
Name: direction
Name (Long): direction
Arg1: object
Description: Returns the object heading in the range of 0 to 360.
Example Use: direction player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A855E
Name: velocity
Name (Long): velocity
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Returns the velocity (speed vector) of the vehicle as an array with format [x, z, y].
Category: General
Function: 0x7A861E
Name: getDammage
Name (Long): getdammage
Arg1: obj
Description: Returns the object damage in the range from 0 to 1.
Example Use: getDammage player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A920B
Name: damage
Name (Long): damage
Arg1: object
Description: Returns the object damage in a range of 0 to 1. Note: this function is identical to getDammage.
Example Use: damage player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A920B
Name: speed
Name (Long): speed
Arg1: obj
Description: Returns the object speed (in km/h).
Example Use: speed player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A91CA
Name: getMarkerPos
Name (Long): getmarkerpos
Arg1: markerName
Description: Returns the marker positon in format [x,z,y].
Example Use: getMarkerPos "markerOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B79FB
Name: markerPos
Name (Long): markerpos
Arg1: markerName
Description: Returns the marker positon in format [x,z,y].
Note: this function is identical to getMarkerPos.
Example Use: markerPos "markerOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B79FB
Name: getMarkerType
Name (Long): getmarkertype
Arg1: marker
Description: Gets the type of the marker. See setMarkerType.
Example Use: getMarkerType "MarkerOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B7BDE
Name: markerType
Name (Long): markertype
Arg1: markerName
Description: Gets the type of the marker. See setMarkerType.
Note: this function is identical to getMarkerType.
Example Use: markerType "MarkerOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B7BDE
Name: getMarkerSize
Name (Long): getmarkersize
Arg1: marker
Description: Gets the marker size. See setMarkerSize.
Example Use: getMarkerSize "MarkerOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B7EC4
Name: markerSize
Name (Long): markersize
Arg1: markerName
Description: Gets the marker size. See setMarkerSize.
Note: this function is identical to getMarkerSize.
Example Use: markerSize "MarkerOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B7EC4
Name: markerDir
Name (Long): markerdir
Arg1: markerName
Description: Gets the marker direction. See setMarkerDir.
Example Use: markerDir "MarkerOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B7D71
Name: markerText
Name (Long): markertext
Arg1: markerName
Description: Gets the marker text. See setMarkerText.
Example Use: markerText "MarkerOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B7E14
Name: getMarkerColor
Name (Long): getmarkercolor
Arg1: marker
Description: Gets the marker color. See setMarkerColor.
Example Use: getMarkerColor "MarkerOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B80E2
Name: markerColor
Name (Long): markercolor
Arg1: markerName
Description: Gets the marker color. See setMarkerColor.
Note: this function is identical to getMarkerColor.
Example Use: markerColor "MarkerOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B80E2
Name: getWPPos
Name (Long): getwppos
Arg1: waypoint
Description: Gets the waypoint position. The format of waypoint is Waypoint.
Example Use: getWPPos [groupOne, 1]
Category: General
Function: 0x7AD8AB
Name: waypointPosition
Name (Long): waypointposition
Arg1: waypoint
Description: Gets the waypoint position. Waypoint uses format Waypoint.
Note: this function is identical to getWaypointPosition.
Example Use: waypointPosition [groupOne, 1]
Category: General
Function: 0x7AD8AB
Name: nearestBuilding
Name (Long): nearestbuilding
Arg1: obj
Description: Returns the nearest building to the given object.
Example Use: neareastBuilding player
Category: General
Function: 0x7CA73D
Name: nearestBuilding
Name (Long): nearestbuilding
Arg1: pos
Description: Returns the nearest building to the given position.
Example Use: neareastBuilding position player
Category: General
Function: 0x7CA6FB
Name: nearestObject
Name (Long): nearestobject
Arg1: pos
Description: Returns the nearest object of the given type to the given position or object.
Pos may be using format [x,y,z, "type"] or [object, "type"].
Example Use: nearestObject [player, "StreetLamp"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B417B
Name: allMissionObjects
Name (Long): allmissionobjects
Arg1: type
Description: Returns all mission objects with given type.
Example Use: allMissionObjects "Air"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B6B75
Name: canMove
Name (Long): canmove
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Checks whether the given vehicle is able to move. It does not test for fuel, only the damage status is checked.
Example Use: canMove vehicle player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A62EA
Name: canFire
Name (Long): canfire
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Checks whether the given vehicle is able to fire. It does not check for ammo, only for damage.
Example Use: canFire vehicle player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A6336
Name: canStand
Name (Long): canstand
Arg1: soldier
Description: Checks whether the given soldier is able to stand up.
Example Use: canStand player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A92BE
Name: handsHit
Name (Long): handshit
Arg1: soldier
Description: Checks whether the soldier's hands are hit (causing inaccurate aiming).
Example Use: handsHit leader player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A92F3
Name: fleeing
Name (Long): fleeing
Arg1: unit
Description: Checks whether the unit is fleeing. A dead or empty unit returns false.
Example Use: fleeing player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A63C8
Name: someAmmo
Name (Long): someammo
Arg1: unit
Description: Checks whether the unit has some ammo remaining.
Example Use: someAmmo vehicle player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A6D61
Name: fuel
Name (Long): fuel
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Checks how much fuel is left in the gas tank, in the range from 0 to 1.
Example Use: fuel vehicle player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A6495
Name: rating
Name (Long): rating
Arg1: unit
Description: Checks the unit rating. This rating is increased for killing enemies, decreased for killing friendlies and can be changed by a mission designer.
Example Use: rating player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A67F4
Name: score
Name (Long): score
Arg1: unit
Description: MP: returns the unit's score.
Example Use: score unitOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7B1C56
Name: scoreSide
Name (Long): scoreside
Arg1: side
Description: MP: returns side score.
Example Use: score west
Category: General
Function: 0x79DE6C
Name: formLeader
Name (Long): formleader
Arg1: unit
Description: Returns the formation leader for the given unit. For dead units objNull is returned. The result is often the same as groupLeader, but not always.
Example Use: formLeader player != leader player
Category: General
Function: 0x7AA7E6
Name: leader
Name (Long): leader
Arg1: unit
Description: Returns the group leader for the given unit. For dead units, objNull is returned.
Example Use: leader player
Category: General
Function: 0x7AA849
Name: vehicle
Name (Long): vehicle
Arg1: unit
Description: Returns the vehicle in which the given unit is mounted. If there is none, the unit is returned.
Example Use: vehicle player != player
Category: General
Function: 0x7AAC86
Name: driver
Name (Long): driver
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Returns the driver of the vehicle. If the vehicle is not a vehicle, but a person, the person is returned instead.
Example Use: driver vehicle player
Category: General
Function: 0x7AACE2
Name: commander
Name (Long): commander
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Returns the commander of the vehicle. If the vehicle is not a vehicle, but a person, the person is returned instead.
Example Use: commander vehicle player
Category: General
Function: 0x7AAD2F
Name: gunner
Name (Long): gunner
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Returns the gunner of the vehicle. If the vehicle is not a vehicle, but a person, the person is returned.
Example Use: gunner vehicle player
Category: General
Function: 0x7AADD2
Name: leader
Name (Long): leader
Arg1: grp
Description: Returns the group leader for the given group. For a dead unit, grpNull is returned.
Example Use: leader group player == leader player
Category: General
Function: 0x7AA90F
Name: group
Name (Long): group
Arg1: obj
Description: Returns the group to which the given unit is assigned. For dead units, grpNull is returned.
Example Use: group player == group leader player
Category: General
Function: 0x7AA8B6
Name: units
Name (Long): units
Arg1: grp
Description: Returns an array with all the units in the group.
Example Use: player in units group player
Category: General
Function: 0x7B4511
Name: units
Name (Long): units
Arg1: unit
Description: Returns an array with all the units in the group of the given object. For a destroyed object an empty array is returned.
Example Use: player in units player
Category: General
Function: 0x7B4511
Name: crew
Name (Long): crew
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Returns all units mounted in the given vehicle. If the vehicle is not a vehicle, but person, a list containing only persons is returned.
Example Use: crew vehicle player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A6DEF
Name: flagOwner
Name (Long): flagowner
Arg1: flag
Description: When used on a flag, the returned value is the person that has this flag.
When used on anything else, objNull is returned.
Example Use: flagowner flagOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7A96C8
Name: flag
Name (Long): flag
Arg1: unit
Description: If the unit has a flag, this flag is returned.
If not, objNull is returned.
Example Use: flag player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A9717
Name: inflamed
Name (Long): inflamed
Arg1: fireplace
Description: Check if fireplace is inflamed (buring).
Example Use: inflamed fireplaceOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7AA6F1
Name: lightIsOn
Name (Long): lightison
Arg1: lamppost
Description: Checks whether the lampost is turned on. Possible values are "ON", "OFF" and "AUTO" (auto means the lamp will be shining during the night automatically).
Example Use: lightIsOn nearestObject [player, "StreetLamp"] != "OFF"
Category: General
Function: 0x7AA721
Name: scudState
Name (Long): scudstate
Arg1: scud
Description: Returns the current state of the given scud launcher. The following states are recognized: 0 - No activity, 1 - Launch preparation, 2 - Launch prepared, 3 - Ignition and 4 - Launched. Note: non-integral values are used to indicate a transition between states.
Example Use: scudState scudOne>=4
Category: General
Function: 0x7AA767
Name: list
Name (Long): list
Arg1: trigger
Description: Returns a list of units that would activate the given trigger. For a trigger of type "Not present" the list is the same as the list that would be returned for type "Present".
Example Use: list triggerOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7AA79C
Name: side
Name (Long): side
Arg1: unit
Description: Returns the side of the unit.
Example Use: side player == west
Category: General
Function: 0x7ABB88
Name: name
Name (Long): name
Arg1: object
Description: Returns the name of the variable assigned to the object in the mission editor. When used on a vehicle, the name of the first crew member is returned (in order: commander, driver, gunner).
Example Use: name vehicle player
Category: General
Function: 0x7ABBEF
Name: behaviour
Name (Long): behaviour
Arg1: unit
Description: Returns the behaviour mode of the given unit ("CARELESS","SAFE","AWARE","COMBAT" or "STEALTH").
Example Use: behaviour player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A7224
Name: combatMode
Name (Long): combatmode
Arg1: grp
Description: Returns the combat mode of the given unit ("BLUE","GREEN","YELLOW" or "RED").
Example Use: combatMode group player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A72BE
Name: formation
Name (Long): formation
Arg1: grp
Description: Returns the formation of the group ("COLUMN", "STAG COLUMN", "WEDGE", "ECH LEFT", "ECH RIGHT", "VEE" or "LINE").
Example Use: formation group player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A733D
Name: speedMode
Name (Long): speedmode
Arg1: grp
Description: Returns the speed mode of the group ("LIMITED", "NORMAL" or "FULL").
Example Use: speedMode group player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A73C3
Name: titleCut
Name (Long): titlecut
Arg1: effect
Description: Obsolete.
Category: General
Function: 0x7B6361
Name: cutText
Name (Long): cuttext
Arg1: effect
Description: Text background - the argument uses format ["text","type",speed] or ["text","type"]. If speed is not given, it's assumed to be one. Type may be one of: "PLAIN", "PLAIN DOWN", "BLACK", "BLACK FADED", "BLACK OUT", "BLACK IN", "WHITE OUT" or "WHITE IN".
Example Use: cutText ["", "BLACK OUT"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B6361
Name: cutRsc
Name (Long): cutrsc
Arg1: effect
Description: Resource background - the argument uses format ["name","type",speed] or ["name","type"]. If speed is not given, it's assumed to be one.
The resource can be defined in the description.ext file.
Example Use: cutRsc ["binocular", "PLAIN"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B6423
Name: cutObj
Name (Long): cutobj
Arg1: effect
Description: Object background - the argument uses format ["name","type",speed] or ["name","type"]. If speed is not given, it's assumed to be one.
The object can be defined in the description.ext file.
Example Use: cutObj ["TVSet", "plain"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B6512
Name: titleText
Name (Long): titletext
Arg1: effect
Description: Text title - the argument uses format ["text","type",speed] or ["text","type"]. If speed is not given, it's assumed to be one.
Example Use: titleText ["Show this text", "PLAIN"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B5E9E
Name: titleRsc
Name (Long): titlersc
Arg1: effect
Description: Resource title - the argument uses format ["name","type",speed] or ["name","type"]. If speed is not given, it's assumed to be one.
Resource can be defined in the description.ext file.
Example Use: titleRsc ["BIS", "PLAIN"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B6189
Name: titleObj
Name (Long): titleobj
Arg1: effect
Description: Object title - the argument uses format ["text","type",speed] or ["name","type"]. If speed is not given, it's assumed to be one.
The object can be defined in the description.ext file.
Example Use: titleObj ["BISLogo","plain"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B6277
Name: titleFadeOut
Name (Long): titlefadeout
Arg1: duration
Description: Terminate the title effect and set duration of the fade out phase to the given time.
Example Use: titleFadeIn 1.0
Category: General
Function: 0x79E223
Name: preloadTitleRsc
Name (Long): preloadtitlersc
Arg1: effect
Description: Resource title - argument uses format ["name","type",speed] or ["name","type"]. Speed is ignored.
Preload data
The resource can be defined in the description.ext file.
Example Use: titleRsc ["BIS", "PLAIN"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B5F5F
Name: preloadTitleObj
Name (Long): preloadtitleobj
Arg1: effect
Description: Object title - argument uses format ["text","type",speed] or ["name","type"]. Speed is ignored.
Preload data
The object can be defined in the description.ext file.
Example Use: titleObj ["BISLogo","plain"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B607D
Name: playSound
Name (Long): playsound
Arg1: name
Description: Plays a sound defined in the description.ext file.
Example Use: playSound "soundname"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B45A4
Name: playSound
Name (Long): playsound
Arg1: name, enable / disable sound volume accomodation
Description: Plays a sound defined in the description.ext file. Accomodation set to false disable sound volume changes.
Example Use: playSound ["soundname", false]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B45A4
Name: playMusic
Name (Long): playmusic
Arg1: name
Description: Plays music defined in the description.ext file.
Example Use: playMusic "musicname"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B479E
Name: playMusic
Name (Long): playmusic
Arg1: nameAndPos
Description: Plays music defined in the description.ext file. The format of nameAndPos is [name,position]. Position is in seconds.
Example Use: playMusic ["Track13", 30]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B479E
Name: locked
Name (Long): locked
Arg1: unit
Description: Checks whether the vehicle is locked for the player. If it's locked, the player cannot mount / dismount without an order.
Example Use: locked jeepOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7ABDC3
Name: stopped
Name (Long): stopped
Arg1: unit
Description: Checks whether the unit is stopped using the "stop" command.
Example Use: stopped jeepOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7ABE54
Name: captive
Name (Long): captive
Arg1: unit
Description: Checks whether the unit is a captive. If the unit is a vehicle, its commander is checked instead.
Example Use: captive player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A6AA7
Name: captiveNum
Name (Long): captivenum
Arg1: unit
Description: Checks whether the unit is a captive. If the unit is a vehicle, its commander is checked instead.
Example Use: captive player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A6ACD
Name: unassignVehicle
Name (Long): unassignvehicle
Arg1: unit
Description: The person is unassigned from the vehicle. If he is currently inside, the group leader will issue an order to disembark.
Example Use: unassignVehicle player
Category: General
Function: 0x7AC163
Name: removeAllWeapons
Name (Long): removeallweapons
Arg1: unit
Description: Removes all weapons from the unit.
Example Use: removeAllWeapons player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A6ED0
Name: clearWeaponCargo
Name (Long): clearweaponcargo
Arg1: unit
Description: Removes all weapons from the vehicle cargo space.
Example Use: clearWeaponCargo jeepOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7A669C
Name: clearMagazineCargo
Name (Long): clearmagazinecargo
Arg1: unit
Description: Removes all magazines from the vehicle cargo space.
Example Use: clearMagazineCargo jeepOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7A66DF
Name: clearWeaponCargoGlobal
Name (Long): clearweaponcargoglobal
Arg1: unit
Description: Removes all weapons from the vehicle cargo space. MP synchronized.
Example Use: clearWeaponCargoGlobal jeepOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7A6722
Name: clearMagazineCargoGlobal
Name (Long): clearmagazinecargoglobal
Arg1: unit
Description: Removes all magazines from the vehicle cargo space. MP synchronized.
Example Use: clearMagazineCargoGlobal jeepOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7A6765
Name: clearBackpackCargoGlobal
Name (Long): clearbackpackcargoglobal
Arg1: unit
Description: Removes all magazines from the vehicle cargo space. MP synchronized.
Example Use: clearMagazineCargoGlobal jeepOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7A67A8
Name: getWeaponCargo
Name (Long): getweaponcargo
Arg1: container
Description: returns all weapons types and count from the cargo space.
Example Use: getWeaponCargo jeepOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7C9A89
Name: getMagazineCargo
Name (Long): getmagazinecargo
Arg1: container
Description: returns all magazines types and count from the cargo space.
Example Use: getMagazineCargo jeepOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7C9CC2
Name: getBackpackCargo
Name (Long): getbackpackcargo
Arg1: container
Description: returns all backpack types and count from the cargo space.
Example Use: getBackpackCargo jeepOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7CD5F9
Name: deleteVehicle
Name (Long): deletevehicle
Arg1: object
Description: Deletes any unit or vehicle. Only vehicles inserted in the editor or created during a mission can be deleted. The player unit cannot be deleted.
Example Use: deleteVehicle tank
Category: General
Function: 0x7ACCFA
Name: removeBackpack
Name (Long): removebackpack
Arg1: unit
Description: Remove backpack from unit.
Example Use: removeBackpack player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A6F8D
Name: showMap
Name (Long): showmap
Arg1: show
Description: Enables the map (the default is true).
Example Use: showMap true
Category: General
Function: 0x79ED6E
Name: showWatch
Name (Long): showwatch
Arg1: show
Description: Enables the watch (the default is true).
Category: General
Function: 0x79EDC0
Name: showCompass
Name (Long): showcompass
Arg1: show
Description: Enables the compass (the default is true).
Category: General
Function: 0x79EE12
Name: showRadio
Name (Long): showradio
Arg1: show
Description: Enables the radio (the default is false).
Category: General
Function: 0x79EE64
Name: showPad
Name (Long): showpad
Arg1: show
Description: Enables the notepad (the default is true).
Category: General
Function: 0x79EEB8
Name: showWarrant
Name (Long): showwarrant
Arg1: show
Description: Obsolete.
Enables the ID card (the default is false).
Category: General
Function: 0x79EF2E
Name: showGps
Name (Long): showgps
Arg1: show
Description: Enables the GPS receiver (the default is false).
Category: General
Function: 0x79EF82
Name: enableRadio
Name (Long): enableradio
Arg1: enable
Description: Enables radio transmissions to be heard and seen on screen.
Category: General
Function: 0x79EFD4
Name: enableSentences
Name (Long): enablesentences
Arg1: enable
Description: Enables radio transmissions to be heard and seen on screen. It does not affect KBTell conversations.
Category: General
Function: 0x79F002
Name: showCinemaBorder
Name (Long): showcinemaborder
Arg1: show
Description: Forces drawing of the cinema borders. This is normally used in cutscenes to indicate the player has no control.
Category: General
Function: 0x759710
Name: disableUserInput
Name (Long): disableuserinput
Arg1: disable
Description: Disables all user input. This is normally used only in cutscenes to disable the player's controls.
Category: General
Function: 0x79F030
Name: publicVariable
Name (Long): publicvariable
Arg1: varName
Description: Broadcasts the variable value to all computers.
Only type Number is supported in versions 1.33 and before.
The following types are supported since 1.34:
Number, Boolean, Object and Group.
Example Use: publicVariable "CTFscoreOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B7361
Name: hint
Name (Long): hint
Arg1: text
Description: Shows a text hint. The text can contain several lines. \n is used to indicate the end of a line.
Example Use: hint "Press W to move forward"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B70DD
Name: hintCadet
Name (Long): hintcadet
Arg1: text
Description: Shows a text hint only when using cadet mode. The text can contain several lines. \n is used to indicate the end of a line.
Example Use: hintCadet "Press W to move forward"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B725C
Name: hintC
Name (Long): hintc
Arg1: text
Description: Shows a text hint. The text can contain several lines. \n is used to indicate the end of a line. This hint has to be confirmed.
Example Use: hintC "Press W to move forward"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B732D
Name: taskHint
Name (Long): taskhint
Arg1: text
Description: Shows info about new,changed or failed task. The text can contain several lines. \n is used to indicate the end of a line.
Example Use: taskHint "Capture town."
Category: General
Function: 0x7D4639
Name: format
Name (Long): format
Arg1: format
Description: The first argument of the array is in format string. This string may contain references to the following arguments using format %1, %2, etc. Each %x is replaced by the corresponding argument. %x may appear in the string in any order.
Example Use: format ["%1 - %2 - %1", 1, "text"]
Req Ver: "1 - text - 1"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B882C
Name: localize
Name (Long): localize
Arg1: stringName
Description: Replaces the string with the given name with the corresponding localized text from the stringtable.csv file.
Example Use: localize "STR_DN_FROG"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B8A65
Name: skipTime
Name (Long): skiptime
Arg1: duration
Description: Skips the specified time. Daytime is adjusted, a weather change is estimated and no changes to any units are done. Duration is in hours.
Example Use: skipTime 2.5
Category: General
Function: 0x79E290
Name: setViewDistance
Name (Long): setviewdistance
Arg1: distance
Description: Sets the rendering distance. Default is 900 meters. The accepted range is from 500 to 5000 meters.
Example Use: setviewdistance 2000
Category: General
Function: 0x79E374
Name: setTerrainGrid
Name (Long): setterraingrid
Arg1: grid
Description: Sets the desired terrain resolution (in meters). For default landscapes the supported resolutions are: 50, 25, 12.5, 6.25 and 3.125. If you select an unsupported resolution, the nearest supported resolution is used instead.
Example Use: setTerrainGrid 12.5
Category: General
Function: 0x79E34C
Name: goto
Name (Long): goto
Arg1: label
Description: Only in scripts: go to given label. Note: the string argument is used here. Be sure to use double quotes around the label name in goto.
Example Use: goto "Loop"
Category: General
Function: 0x73A553
Name: textLog
Name (Long): textlog
Arg1: anything
Description: Dumps the argument value into the debugging output.
Example Use: textLog player
Category: General
Function: 0x79E215
Name: debugLog
Name (Long): debuglog
Arg1: anything
Description: Dumps the argument's type and value to the debugging output.
Example Use: debugLog player
Category: General
Function: 0x79E215
Name: camDestroy
Name (Long): camdestroy
Arg1: camera
Description: Destroys the camera.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB125
Name: camCommitted
Name (Long): camcommitted
Arg1: camera
Description: Checks whether the camera has finished committing.
Example Use: camCommitted _camera
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB150
Name: camPreloaded
Name (Long): campreloaded
Arg1: camera
Description: Checks whether the camera has finished preloading.
Example Use: camPreloaded _camera
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB18C
Name: camTarget
Name (Long): camtarget
Arg1: camera
Description: Returns camera's target.
Example Use: camTarget _camera
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB5D7
Name: unitReady
Name (Long): unitready
Arg1: unit
Description: Checks whether the unit is ready. A unit is busy when it's given an order like "move", until the command is finished.
Example Use: unitReady player
Category: General
Function: 0x7CEFD7
Name: saveVar
Name (Long): savevar
Arg1: varName
Description: Saves the variable value into the global campaign space. The variable is then available to all following missions in the campaign.
Example Use: saveVar "varOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B2C9C
Name: setAccTime
Name (Long): setacctime
Arg1: accFactor
Description: Sets the time acceleration coeficient. It can also be used to slow down time in cutscenes.
Example Use: setAccTime 0.1
Category: General
Function: 0x79E08B
Name: forceMap
Name (Long): forcemap
Arg1: show
Description: Forces the map to display.
Example Use: forceMap true
Category: General
Function: 0x79E85D
Name: openMap
Name (Long): openmap
Arg1: [show, forced]
Description: Show player's map. If forced, cannot be closed.
Example Use: openMap [true,true]
Category: General
Function: 0x79E88B
Name: openMap
Name (Long): openmap
Arg1: show
Description: Show player's map. If forced, cannot be closed.
Example Use: openMap true
Category: General
Function: 0x79E88B
Name: mapAnimAdd
Name (Long): mapanimadd
Arg1: frame
Description: Adds the next frame to the map animation. The format of frame is [time, zoom, position], the format of position is Position2D.
Example Use: mapAnimAdd [1, 0.1, getMarkerPos "anim1"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7ABA76
Name: estimatedTimeLeft
Name (Long): estimatedtimeleft
Arg1: timeLeft
Description: Returns the estimated time left in the game. Using this function the designer can provide a "time left" estimate that is shown in the "Game in progress" screen or in the master browser. For missions with a hard set limit adjusted via Param1, the following example can be used in the init.sqs file.
Example Use: estimatedTimeLeft Param1
Category: General
Function: 0x79F127
Name: loadFile
Name (Long): loadfile
Arg1: filename
Description: Returns the content of the given file.
Example Use: loadFile "myFunction.sqf"
Req Ver: "if a>b then {a} else {b}"
Category: General
Function: 0x7BC2CC
Name: preprocessFile
Name (Long): preprocessfile
Arg1: filename
Description: Returns the preprocessed content of the given file. The preprocessor is C-like, it supports comments using // or /* and */ and macros defined with #define.
Example Use: preprocessFile "myFunction.sqf"
Req Ver: "if a>b then {a} else {b}"
Category: General
Function: 0x7D851E
Name: playersNumber
Name (Long): playersnumber
Arg1: side
Description: Returns the number of players playing on the given side.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0862
Name: isEngineOn
Name (Long): isengineon
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Checks whether the engine is on.
Example Use: on = isEngineOn vehicle player
Category: General
Function: 0x7AD405
Name: commandStop
Name (Long): commandstop
Arg1: unit
Description: Orders the unit to stop (via the radio).
Note: the stop command is never finished; the unit will never be ready.
Example Use: commandStop unitOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7CF372
Name: doStop
Name (Long): dostop
Arg1: unit
Description: Orders the unit to stop (silently).
Note: the stop command is never finished; the unit will never be ready.
Example Use: doStop unitOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7CF357
Name: commandGetOut
Name (Long): commandgetout
Arg1: unit
Description: Orders the unit to get out from the vehicle (via the radio).
Example Use: commandGetOut unitOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7CF49B
Name: doGetOut
Name (Long): dogetout
Arg1: unit
Description: Orders a unit to get out from the vehicle (silently).
Example Use: doGetOut unitOne
Category: General
Function: 0x7CF480
Name: setDate
Name (Long): setdate
Arg1: [year, month, day, hour, minute]
Description: Sets the actual mission date and time.
Category: General
Function: 0x7C3ECC
Name: createCenter
Name (Long): createcenter
Arg1: side
Description: Creates a new AI center for the given side.
Example Use: center = createCenter East
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0254
Name: deleteCenter
Name (Long): deletecenter
Arg1: side
Description: Destroys the AI center of the given side.
Example Use: deleteCenter East
Category: General
Function: 0x7A02A8
Name: createGroup
Name (Long): creategroup
Arg1: side
Description: Creates a new AI group for the given center (side).
Example Use: group = createGroup East
Category: General
Function: 0x7AD628
Name: deleteGroup
Name (Long): deletegroup
Arg1: group
Description: Destroys the given AI group.
Example Use: deleteGroup group
Category: General
Function: 0x7AD773
Name: createMarker
Name (Long): createmarker
Arg1: [name, position]
Description: Creates a new marker on the given position. The marker name has to be unique. The marker is created on all computers in a network session.
Example Use: marker = createMarker [Marker1, position player]
Category: General
Function: 0x7CB9AD
Name: createMarkerLocal
Name (Long): createmarkerlocal
Arg1: [name, position]
Description: Creates a new marker on the given position. The marker name has to be unique. The marker is only created on the computer where the command is called.
Example Use: marker = createMarkerLocal [Marker1, position player]
Category: General
Function: 0x7CB826
Name: deleteMarker
Name (Long): deletemarker
Arg1: name
Description: Destroys the given marker. The marker is destroyed on all computers in a network session.
Example Use: deleteMarker "Marker1"
Category: General
Function: 0x7CBB43
Name: deleteMarkerLocal
Name (Long): deletemarkerlocal
Arg1: name
Description: Destroys the given marker. The marker is only destroyed on the computer where the command is called.
Example Use: deleteMarkerLocal "Marker1"
Category: General
Function: 0x7CBA9E
Name: createTrigger
Name (Long): createtrigger
Arg1: [type, position]
Description: Creates a new trigger on the given position. An object of the given type is created; this type must be a class name in CfgNonAIVehicles or CfgVehicles with simulation=detector.
Example Use: trigger = createTrigger["EmptyDetector", position player]
Category: General
Function: 0x7CD93D
Name: createGuardedPoint
Name (Long): createguardedpoint
Arg1: [side, position, idStatic, vehicle]
Description: Adds a point guarded by the given side. If idStatic is not negative, the position of a static object with the given id is guarded. If the given vehicle is valid, the starting position of the vehicle is guarded, otherwise the given position is guarded.
Example Use: point = createGuardedPoint [East, [0, 0], -1, vehicle player]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C40F8
Name: deleteWaypoint
Name (Long): deletewaypoint
Arg1: waypoint
Description: Removes the waypoint.
Example Use: deleteWaypoint [grp, 2]
Category: General
Function: 0x7D1E4F
Name: typeOf
Name (Long): typeof
Arg1: object
Description: Returns the name of the type of the given object.
Example Use: typeOf player
Req Ver: "SoldierWB"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B31AC
Name: keyName
Name (Long): keyname
Arg1: dikCode
Description: Returns the name of a button (on the keyboard, mouse or joystick) with the given code.
Example Use: name = keyName 28
Req Ver: "Enter"
Category: General
Function: 0x7BA040
Name: keyImage
Name (Long): keyimage
Arg1: dikCode
Description: Returns a structured text, containing an image or name (if no image is found) of the button (on the keyboard, mouse or joystick) with the given code.
Example Use: name = keyImage 28
Req Ver: "Enter"
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2631
Name: actionKeys
Name (Long): actionkeys
Arg1: action
Description: Returns a list of dikCodes of buttons assigned to the given user action.
Example Use: array = actionKeys "ReloadMagazine"
Category: General
Function: 0x7BA0E7
Name: actionKeysNames
Name (Long): actionkeysnames
Arg1: action or [action, maxKeys]
Description: Returns a list of button names assigned to the given user action. A maximum of maxKeys keys is listed. You can find the action names in config class ControllerSchemes.
Example Use: list = actionKeysNames "ReloadMagazine"
Category: General
Function: 0x7BA1BB
Name: actionKeysNamesArray
Name (Long): actionkeysnamesarray
Arg1: action or [action, maxKeys]
Description: Returns a list of button names assigned to the given user action. A maximum of maxKeys keys is listed. You can find the action names in config class ControllerSchemes.
Example Use: list = actionKeysNames "ReloadMagazine"
Category: General
Function: 0x7BA4DA
Name: actionKeysImages
Name (Long): actionkeysimages
Arg1: action or [action, maxKeys]
Description: Returns a list of button images or names assigned to the given user action. A maximum of maxKeys keys is listed. You can find the action names in config class ControllerSchemes.
Example Use: text = actionKeysImages "ReloadMagazine"
Category: General
Function: 0x7BAAA2
Name: image
Name (Long): image
Arg1: filename
Description: Creates a structured text containing the given image.
Example Use: txt1 = image "data\isniper.paa"
Category: General
Function: 0x7BC56A
Name: text
Name (Long): text
Arg1: text
Description: Creates a structured text containing the given plain text.
Example Use: txt2 = text "Hello world."
Category: General
Function: 0x7BC5E1
Name: composeText
Name (Long): composetext
Arg1: [text1, text2, ...]
Description: Creates a structured text by joining the given structured or plain texts.
Example Use: txt = composeText ["First line", image "data\isniper.paa", lineBreak, "Second line"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C61AB
Name: parseText
Name (Long): parsetext
Arg1: text
Description: Creates a structured text by parsing the given XML description.
Example Use: txt = parseText "First line<img image=data\isniper.paa/><br/>Second line"
Category: General
Function: 0x7BC63F
Name: formatText
Name (Long): formattext
Arg1: [format, arg1, arg2, ...]
Description: Creates a structured text by replacing %1, %2, etc. in format by plain or structured texts given as arguments.
Example Use: txt = formatText ["Image: %1", image "data\isniper.paa"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7CC96A
Name: unassignTeam
Name (Long): unassignteam
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Unassigns the vehicle (its commander unit) from his team. This is equal to vehicle assignTeam "MAIN".
Example Use: unassignTeam soldier2
Category: General
Function: 0x7AE371
Name: assignedTeam
Name (Long): assignedteam
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Checks which team does the vehicle (its commander unit) belong to.
Example Use: assignedTeam soldier2
Req Ver: MAIN
Category: General
Function: 0x7D656F
Name: dissolveTeam
Name (Long): dissolveteam
Arg1: team
Description: Dissolves the given team. All members become members of the main team. Possible team values are: "RED", "GREEN", "BLUE" or "YELLOW".
Example Use: dissolveTeam "RED"
Category: General
Function: 0x7BCA1A
Name: activateKey
Name (Long): activatekey
Arg1: keyName
Description: Activates the given key for the current user profile. The keys are used to unlock missions or campaigns. See keys, keysLimit and doneKeys in the description.ext file of the missions.
Example Use: activateKey "M04"
Category: General
Function: 0x7D6650
Name: deActivateKey
Name (Long): deactivatekey
Arg1: keyName
Description: Deactivates the given key from the current user profile. The keys are used to unlock missions or campaigns. See keys, keysLimit and doneKeys in the description.ext file of the missions.
Example Use: deActivateKey "M04"
Category: General
Function: 0x7D69FC
Name: isKeyActive
Name (Long): iskeyactive
Arg1: keyName
Description: Checks whether the given key is active in the current user profile.
Example Use: ok = isKeyActive "M04"
Category: General
Function: 0x7D6884
Name: hideBody
Name (Long): hidebody
Arg1: person
Description: Hides the body of the given person.
Example Use: hideBody player
Category: General
Function: 0x7AAE20
Name: isMarkedForCollection
Name (Long): ismarkedforcollection
Arg1: object
Description: Checks whether the object is marked for weapons collection.
Example Use: marked = isMarkedForCollection truck
Category: General
Function: 0x7AAE4D
Name: serverCommand
Name (Long): servercommand
Arg1: server command
Description: Process the specified server command.
The Server command string is identical to that used in chat line in MP.
Example Use: serverCommand "#kick friendlykiller"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B87A6
Name: serverCommandAvailable
Name (Long): servercommandavailable
Arg1: server command
Description: Checks whether current user is able to process the specified server command. See also serverCommand
Example Use: serverCommandAvailable "#kick"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B8741
Name: setPlayerRespawnTime
Name (Long): setplayerrespawntime
Arg1: time interval
Description: Set the time interval to wait on player respawn. It is set to mission default on mission start again.
Category: General
Function: 0x79E51D
Name: preloadSound
Name (Long): preloadsound
Arg1: sound
Description: Make sure sound can start playing without any delay once we need it.
Category: General
Function: 0x7B77EC
Name: preloadCamera
Name (Long): preloadcamera
Arg1: position
Description: Preload all textures and models around given position
Category: General
Function: 0x7ACB57
Name: scriptDone
Name (Long): scriptdone
Arg1: script
Description: Check if script is already finished
Category: General
Function: 0x7A4024
Name: terminate
Name (Long): terminate
Arg1: script
Description: Terminate (abort) the script
Category: General
Function: 0x7A4059
Name: activateAddons
Name (Long): activateaddons
Arg1: [addon1, ...]
Description: Activates the listed addons. The list of active addons is initialized during this function.
Example Use: activateAddons ["BISOFP"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7CDBD9
Name: createMine
Name (Long): createmine
Arg1: [type, position, markers, placement]
Description: Creates a mine of the given type (type is the name of the subclass of CfgVehicles). If the markers array contains several marker names, the position of a random one is used. Otherwise, the given position is used. The mine is placed inside a circle with this position as its center and placement as its radius.
Example Use: mine = createMine ["MineMine", position player, [], 0]
Category: General
Function: 0x7BB115
Name: createSoundSource
Name (Long): createsoundsource
Arg1: [type, position, markers, placement]
Description: Creates a sound source of the given type (type is the name of the subclass of CfgVehicles). If the markers array contains several marker names, the position of a random one is used. Otherwise, the given position is used. The sound source is placed inside a circle with this position as its center and placement as its radius.
Example Use: soundSource = createSoundSource ["LittleDog", position player, [], 0]
Category: General
Function: 0x7BB376
Name: createVehicle
Name (Long): createvehicle
Arg1: [type, position, markers, placement, special]
Description: Creates a vehicle of the given type (type is the name of the subclass in CfgVehicles). If the markers array contains several marker names, the position of a random one is used. Otherwise, the given position is used. The vehicle is placed inside a circle with this position as center and placement as its radius. Special properties can be: "NONE", "FLY" and "FORM".
Example Use: veh = createVehicle ["Cobra", position player, [], 0, "FLY"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7CC003
Name: selectPlayer
Name (Long): selectplayer
Arg1: unit
Description: Switch player to given unit.
Example Use: selectPlayer aP
Category: General
Function: 0x7ADF17
Name: setPlayable
Name (Long): setplayable
Arg1: unit
Description: Create MP role for the unit.
Example Use: setPlayable aP
Category: General
Function: 0x7AE0E6
Name: cameraInterest
Name (Long): camerainterest
Arg1: entity
Description: Return camera interest for given entity.
Category: General
Function: 0x7ACC26
Name: surfaceIsWater
Name (Long): surfaceiswater
Arg1: [x, y]
Description: Returns whether water is on given position.
Category: General
Function: 0x79F05E
Name: surfaceType
Name (Long): surfacetype
Arg1: [x, y]
Description: Returns what surface is on given position.
Category: General
Function: 0x7B7932
Name: surfaceNormal
Name (Long): surfacenormal
Arg1: [x, y]
Description: Returns surface normal on given position.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A4ED4
Name: lightDetachObject
Name (Long): lightdetachobject
Arg1: light
Description: Detach light from object.
Category: General
Function: 0x7ACCCD
Name: preprocessFileLineNumbers
Name (Long): preprocessfilelinenumbers
Arg1: filename
Description: Returns the preprocessed content of the given file. The preprocessor is C-like, it supports comments using // or /* and */ and macros defined with #define.
Example Use: preprocessFileLineNumbers "myFunction.sqf"
Req Ver: "if a>b then {a} else {b}"
Category: General
Function: 0x7D85EC
Name: sleep
Name (Long): sleep
Arg1: delay
Description: Suspend execution of script for given time.
Example Use: sleep 0.5
Category: General
Function: 0xB533D7
Name: uisleep
Name (Long): uisleep
Arg1: delay
Description: Suspend execution of script for given uitime.
Example Use: uisleep 0.5
Category: General
Function: 0xB53469
Name: vectorUp
Name (Long): vectorup
Arg1: obj
Description: Return object's up vector in world coordinates as [x, z, y].
Category: General
Function: 0x7AE417
Name: vectorDir
Name (Long): vectordir
Arg1: obj
Description: Return object's direction vector in world coordinates as [x, z, y].
Category: General
Function: 0x7AE4B3
Name: moveToCompleted
Name (Long): movetocompleted
Arg1: person
Description: Check if latest low level moveTo command is finished.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AE76D
Name: moveToFailed
Name (Long): movetofailed
Arg1: person
Description: Check if latest low level moveTo command failed.
Category: General
Function: 0xB7E2CB
Name: camUseNVG
Name (Long): camusenvg
Arg1: set
Description: Set / clear using of night vision during cutscenes.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A08D2
Name: setAperture
Name (Long): setaperture
Arg1: set
Description: Sets custom camera apreture (-1 to do it automatically).
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0993
Name: createAgent
Name (Long): createagent
Arg1: [type, position, markers, placement, special]
Description: Creates an (independent) agent (person) of the given type (type is a name of a subclass of CfgVehicles). If the markers array contains several marker names, the position of a random one is used. Otherwise, the given position is used. The unit is placed inside a circle with this position as its center and placement as its radius. Special properties can be: "NONE" and "FORM".
Example Use: agent = createAgent ["SoldierWB", position player, [], 0, "FORM"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7CC501
Name: deleteCollection
Name (Long): deletecollection
Arg1: object
Description: same as hideObject.
Category: General
Function: 0x7ACAEC
Name: hideObject
Name (Long): hideobject
Arg1: object
Description: Hide object (cannot hide static objects).
Category: General
Function: 0x7ACAEC
Name: verifySignature
Name (Long): verifysignature
Arg1: filename
Description: Check if file is signed by any key present in game keys folders. Note: On client, it does not check against the keys accepted by server.
Category: General
Function: 0x7CFC4C
Name: vehicleVarName
Name (Long): vehiclevarname
Arg1: object
Description: Returns the name of the variable which contains a reference to this object.
Category: General
Function: 0x7BB8C3
Name: inGameUISetEventHandler
Name (Long): ingameuiseteventhandler
Arg1: [handler name, function]
Description: Sets given event handler of in-game UI.
Category: General
Function: 0x440293
Name: setMousePosition
Name (Long): setmouseposition
Arg1: [x, y]
Description: Move (UI) mouse pointer to specified position of the screen.
Example Use: setMousePosition [0.5, 0.5]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C5DC9
Name: isPlayer
Name (Long): isplayer
Arg1: person
Description: Check if given person is the player.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AE652
Name: precision
Name (Long): precision
Arg1: entity
Description: Return the precision of the given entity.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AE693
Name: rank
Name (Long): rank
Arg1: unit
Description: Return the rank of the given unit.
Category: General
Function: 0x7BBE2A
Name: rankId
Name (Long): rankid
Arg1: unit
Description: Return the rank of the given unit for comparison.
Category: General
Function: 0x7BBE7D
Name: nearestObjects
Name (Long): nearestobjects
Arg1: pos
Description: Returns a list of nearest objects of the given types to the given position or object, within the specified distance.
Pos may be using format [x,y,z, ["type",...], limit] or [object, ["type",...], limit].
Example Use: nearestObjects [player, ["Car","Tank"], 200]
Category: General
Function: 0x7CA797
Name: boundingBox
Name (Long): boundingbox
Arg1: object
Description: Returns a bounding box of given object in model coordinates space. The result is in format [[minX, minZ, minY], [maxX, maxZ, maxY]].
Category: General
Function: 0x7AA405
Name: boundingCenter
Name (Long): boundingcenter
Arg1: object
Description: Returns the position of original (loaded) center of object in model coordinates. The result is in format [x, z, y]
Category: General
Function: 0x7AA5BB
Name: addSwitchableUnit
Name (Long): addswitchableunit
Arg1: person
Description: Add a unit into the list of units available for team switch.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AB9EA
Name: removeSwitchableUnit
Name (Long): removeswitchableunit
Arg1: person
Description: Remove a unit from the list of units available for team switch.
Category: General
Function: 0x7ABA30
Name: enableTeamSwitch
Name (Long): enableteamswitch
Arg1: enable
Description: Enable / disable team switch.
Category: General
Function: 0x79E7C0
Name: expectedDestination
Name (Long): expecteddestination
Arg1: person
Description: Return expected destination of unit as a [position, planningMode, forceReplan].
Category: General
Function: 0x7AED02
Name: formationPosition
Name (Long): formationposition
Arg1: person
Description: Return position of unit in the formation.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AEE7D
Name: animationState
Name (Long): animationstate
Arg1: man
Description: Return the name of the current primary animation.
Category: General
Function: 0x7BD417
Name: isFormationLeader
Name (Long): isformationleader
Arg1: person
Description: Returns true if the specified person is subgroup leader.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AF634
Name: formationMembers
Name (Long): formationmembers
Arg1: person
Description: Return list of units (drivers) in the formation.
Category: General
Function: 0x7BD44B
Name: formationLeader
Name (Long): formationleader
Arg1: person
Description: Return leader of the formation.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AF683
Name: formationTask
Name (Long): formationtask
Arg1: person
Description: Return the current task of the unit in the formation.
Category: General
Function: 0x7BD55D
Name: unitPos
Name (Long): unitpos
Arg1: person
Description: Return the unit position rules.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A7449
Name: checkAIFeature
Name (Long): checkaifeature
Arg1: feature
Description: Check if given AI feature is currently enabled.
Category: General
Function: 0x7B2886
Name: formationDirection
Name (Long): formationdirection
Arg1: person
Description: Return the direction unit watching in formation.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A7496
Name: effectiveCommander
Name (Long): effectivecommander
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Returns the effective commander (who really commands) of the vehicle.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AAD7D
Name: reloadEnabled
Name (Long): reloadenabled
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Check whether magazine is reloaded whenever emptied.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AF6FD
Name: needReload
Name (Long): needreload
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Return how much vehicle wants to reload its weapons.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AF76D
Name: reload
Name (Long): reload
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Reload all weapons.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AF7A0
Name: isHidden
Name (Long): ishidden
Arg1: person
Description: Return whether the person is hidden (reached the hiding position).
Category: General
Function: 0x7AF566
Name: currentCommand
Name (Long): currentcommand
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Return the current command type (empty string when no command).
Category: General
Function: 0x7BD587
Name: assignedTarget
Name (Long): assignedtarget
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Return the target assigned to the vehicle.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AF5A5
Name: attackEnabled
Name (Long): attackenabled
Arg1: group
Description: Return whether leader can issue attack commands.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AF7CA
Name: difficultyEnabled
Name (Long): difficultyenabled
Arg1: flag
Description: Check if given difficulty setting is currently enabled. For possible values of flag, see config class Flags in CfgDificulties.
Category: General
Function: 0x7BD5F8
Name: waypoints
Name (Long): waypoints
Arg1: group
Description: Return the list of waypoints for given group.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AF82B
Name: assignedVehicle
Name (Long): assignedvehicle
Arg1: person
Description: Return the vehicle person is assigned to.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AF95B
Name: assignedVehicleRole
Name (Long): assignedvehiclerole
Arg1: person
Description: Return the position in vehicle person is assigned to.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AF9B0
Name: clearVehicleInit
Name (Long): clearvehicleinit
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Clear vehicle init field.
Example Use: clearVehicleInit soldier3
Category: General
Function: 0x7AE1BE
Name: sizeOf
Name (Long): sizeof
Arg1: typeName
Description: Return the size of the entity of given type.
Category: General
Function: 0x7B3101
Name: selectBestPlaces
Name (Long): selectbestplaces
Arg1: [_position, _radius, _expression, _precision, _sourcesCount]
Description: Find the places with the max. value of _expression in the given area.
Category: General
Function: 0x7C1CDA
Name: execFSM
Name (Long): execfsm
Arg1: filename
Description: Execute the scripted FSM. The FSM file is first searched in the mission folder, then in the campaign scripts folder and finally in the global scripts folder. Return the FSM handler or 0 when failed.
Example Use: execFSM "test.fsm"
Category: General
Function: 0x7D86BA
Name: completedFSM
Name (Long): completedfsm
Arg1: FSM handle
Description: Check whether the given FSM completes. The FSM handle is the number returned by the execFSM command.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0F1F
Name: waypointType
Name (Long): waypointtype
Arg1: waypoint
Description: Gets the waypoint type.
Example Use: waypointType [groupOne, 1]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C4B36
Name: waypointDescription
Name (Long): waypointdescription
Arg1: waypoint
Description: Gets the waypoint description.
Example Use: waypointDescription [groupOne, 1]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C4B7A
Name: waypointCombatMode
Name (Long): waypointcombatmode
Arg1: waypoint
Description: Gets the waypoint combat mode.
Example Use: waypointCombatMode [groupOne, 1]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C4BB9
Name: waypointFormation
Name (Long): waypointformation
Arg1: waypoint
Description: Gets the waypoint formation.
Example Use: waypointFormation [groupOne, 1]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C4BFD
Name: waypointSpeed
Name (Long): waypointspeed
Arg1: waypoint
Description: Gets the waypoint speed.
Example Use: waypointSpeed [groupOne, 1]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C4C41
Name: waypointBehaviour
Name (Long): waypointbehaviour
Arg1: waypoint
Description: Gets the waypoint behavior.
Example Use: waypointBehaviour [groupOne, 1]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C4C85
Name: waypointStatements
Name (Long): waypointstatements
Arg1: waypoint
Description: Gets the waypoint statements.
Example Use: waypointStatements [groupOne, 1]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C4CC9
Name: waypointScript
Name (Long): waypointscript
Arg1: waypoint
Description: Gets the waypoint script.
Example Use: waypointScript [groupOne, 1]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C4D67
Name: waypointTimeout
Name (Long): waypointtimeout
Arg1: waypoint
Description: Gets the waypoint timeout values.
Example Use: waypointTimeout [groupOne, 1]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C4DA6
Name: waypointShow
Name (Long): waypointshow
Arg1: waypoint
Description: Gets the waypoint show/hide status.
Example Use: waypointShow [groupOne, 1]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C4E5B
Name: waypointAttachedVehicle
Name (Long): waypointattachedvehicle
Arg1: waypoint
Description: Gets the vehicle attached to the waypoint.
Example Use: waypointAttachedVehicle [groupOne, 1]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C4E9F
Name: waypointAttachedObject
Name (Long): waypointattachedobject
Arg1: waypoint
Description: Gets the object attached to the waypoint.
Example Use: waypointAttachedObject [groupOne, 1]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C4F00
Name: waypointHousePosition
Name (Long): waypointhouseposition
Arg1: waypoint
Description: Gets the house position assigned to the waypoint.
Example Use: waypointHousePosition [groupOne, 1]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C4F91
Name: waypointCompletionRadius
Name (Long): waypointcompletionradius
Arg1: waypoint
Description: Gets the radius around the waypoint where is the waypoint completed.
Example Use: _radius = waypointCompletionRadius [groupOne, 1]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C4FD6
Name: waypointVisible
Name (Long): waypointvisible
Arg1: waypoint
Description: Gets waypoint visibility.
Example Use: visible = waypointVisible [groupOne, 1]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C500D
Name: roadsConnectedTo
Name (Long): roadsconnectedto
Arg1: road segment
Description: Find the road segments connected to the given road segment.
Category: General
Function: 0x7BCE40
Name: currentWeapon
Name (Long): currentweapon
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Return the name of the currently selected weapon (on the primary turret for vehicles).
Category: General
Function: 0x7B1604
Name: currentMagazine
Name (Long): currentmagazine
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Return the name of the type of the currently using magazine (on the primary turret for vehicles).
Category: General
Function: 0x7B1673
Name: copyToClipboard
Name (Long): copytoclipboard
Arg1: text
Description: Copy the text to the clipboard.
Category: General
Function: 0x7B2C16
Name: setArmoryPoints
Name (Long): setarmorypoints
Arg1: points
Description: Store the given amount of armory points.
Category: General
Function: 0x7D6B6C
Name: playScriptedMission
Name (Long): playscriptedmission
Arg1: [world, expression, config, (ignoreChildWindow)]
Description: Load the given world, launch an empty mission and execute the given expression. Config (optional) can reference to the config entry replacing description.ext for this mission.
Category: General
Function: 0x7BA974
Name: simulationEnabled
Name (Long): simulationenabled
Arg1: entity
Description: Check if the entity has enabled simulation.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AD48B
Name: inputAction
Name (Long): inputaction
Arg1: name
Description: Return the state of input devices mapped to given input action (see CfgDefaultKeysMapping for action names).
Category: General
Function: 0x7BAC5A
Name: currentWaypoint
Name (Long): currentwaypoint
Arg1: group
Description: Return the index of the current waypoint.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AD9DE
Name: showCommandingMenu
Name (Long): showcommandingmenu
Arg1: class name
Description: Create the commanding menu described by the given config class. When class name is empty, current commanding menu is hidden.
Category: General
Function: 0x7BB0E1
Name: onTeamSwitch
Name (Long): onteamswitch
Arg1: command
Description: Defines an action performed when the team switch is finished. Command receives:
_from object previous unit
_to object current units
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0034
Name: triggerActivated
Name (Long): triggeractivated
Arg1: trigger
Description: Returns true if the trigger has been activated.
Category: General
Function: 0xB526BE
Name: endMission
Name (Long): endmission
Arg1: end type
Description: Finish the mission. The end type can be "CONTINUE", "KILLED", "LOSER", "END1", "END2", "END3", "END4", "END5", or "END6".
Category: General
Function: 0x7B9D1E
Name: failMission
Name (Long): failmission
Arg1: end type
Description: Finish the mission. The end type can be "CONTINUE", "KILLED", "LOSER", "END1", "END2", "END3", "END4", "END5", or "END6". Mission saves will not be deleted.
Category: General
Function: 0x7B9DB8
Name: moveOut
Name (Long): moveout
Arg1: soldier
Description: Moves the soldier out of vehicle. (Immediately, without animation).
Category: General
Function: 0x7AC80E
Name: markerShape
Name (Long): markershape
Arg1: name
Description: Gets the marker shape. See setMarkerShape.
Example Use: markerShape "MarkerOne"
Category: General
Function: 0xB52EBB
Name: markerBrush
Name (Long): markerbrush
Arg1: name
Description: Gets the marker brush. See setMarkerBrush.
Example Use: markerBrush "MarkerOne"
Category: General
Function: 0xB52F68
Name: triggerActivation
Name (Long): triggeractivation
Arg1: trigger
Description: Returns trigger activation in the form [by, type, repeating]
Category: General
Function: 0xB52419
Name: triggerArea
Name (Long): triggerarea
Arg1: trigger
Description: Returns trigger area in the form [a, b, angle, rectangle]
Category: General
Function: 0xB5250F
Name: triggerStatements
Name (Long): triggerstatements
Arg1: trigger
Description: Returns trigger statements in the form [cond, activ, desactiv]
Category: General
Function: 0xB53011
Name: triggerText
Name (Long): triggertext
Arg1: trigger
Description: Returns trigger text.
Category: General
Function: 0xB53104
Name: triggerTimeout
Name (Long): triggertimeout
Arg1: trigger
Description: Returns trigger timeout in the form [min, mid, max, interruptable]
Category: General
Function: 0xB525CB
Name: triggerType
Name (Long): triggertype
Arg1: trigger
Description: Returns trigger type.
Category: General
Function: 0xB5313D
Name: triggerAttachedVehicle
Name (Long): triggerattachedvehicle
Arg1: trigger
Description: Returns vehicle attached to the trigger (for example using triggerAttachVehicle)
Category: General
Function: 0xB52679
Name: detach
Name (Long): detach
Arg1: obj
Description: Detaches an object.
Example Use: detach player
Category: General
Function: 0x7AAFB2
Name: lifeState
Name (Long): lifestate
Arg1: unit
Description: Returns the life state of the given unit.
Category: General
Function: 0x7B590B
Name: assignedDriver
Name (Long): assigneddriver
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Returns the soldier assigned to the given vehicle as a driver.
Category: General
Function: 0x7ABED7
Name: assignedGunner
Name (Long): assignedgunner
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Returns the soldier assigned to the given vehicle as a gunner.
Category: General
Function: 0x7ABF33
Name: assignedCommander
Name (Long): assignedcommander
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Returns the soldier assigned to the given vehicle as a commander.
Category: General
Function: 0x7ABF8D
Name: assignedCargo
Name (Long): assignedcargo
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Returns the list of soldiers assigned to the given vehicle as a cargo.
Category: General
Function: 0x7B765A
Name: markerAlpha
Name (Long): markeralpha
Arg1: markerName
Description: Gets the marker alpha. See setMarkerAlpha.
Example Use: markerAlpha "MarkerOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B8275
Name: faction
Name (Long): faction
Arg1: unit
Description: Gets unit faction. If faction is not defined, returns empty string.
Category: General
Function: 0x7B83FB
Name: owner
Name (Long): owner
Arg1: object
Description: On server machine, return the ID of the client where the object is local. Otherwise return 0.
Category: General
Function: 0x7ACD54
Name: ctrlMapMouseOver
Name (Long): ctrlmapmouseover
Arg1: control
Description: Returns description of map sign mouse cursor is over.
Category: General
Function: 0x7BD9EF
Name: worldToScreen
Name (Long): worldtoscreen
Arg1: position
Description: Converts position in world space into screen (UI) space.
Category: General
Function: 0x7BDE24
Name: screenToWorld
Name (Long): screentoworld
Arg1: position
Description: Returns the position on landscape (in world coordinates) corresponding to the given point on screen (in UI coordinates).
Category: General
Function: 0x7C7CF4
Name: hcSelected
Name (Long): hcselected
Arg1: unit
Description: Returns selected groups in high command.
Example Use: array = hcSelected unit
Category: General
Function: 0x7D08EC
Name: hcAllGroups
Name (Long): hcallgroups
Arg1: unit
Description: Returns selected groups in high command.
Example Use: array = hcAllGroups unit
Category: General
Function: 0x7D09FD
Name: hcRemoveAllGroups
Name (Long): hcremoveallgroups
Arg1: unit
Description: Remove all groups from unit's high command bar.
Example Use: hcRemoveAllGroups unit
Category: General
Function: 0x7B04C1
Name: hcLeader
Name (Long): hcleader
Arg1: group
Description: Returns group's HC commander.
Example Use: hcLeader group
Category: General
Function: 0x7B0655
Name: hcShowBar
Name (Long): hcshowbar
Arg1: bool
Description: Shows or hides HC bar. There must be some groups under hc command to show hc bar.
Example Use: hcShowBar true
Category: General
Function: 0x7A5678
Name: onHCGroupSelectionChanged
Name (Long): onhcgroupselectionchanged
Arg1: command
Description: Defines an action performed when HC group has been selected. Command receives
_group group selected group
_isSelected bool new selection state
Category: General
Function: 0x79FF62
Name: onCommandModeChanged
Name (Long): oncommandmodechanged
Arg1: command
Description: Defines an action performed when commnad mode change. Command receives
_isHighCommand bool
Category: General
Function: 0x79FF7E
Name: cameraEffectEnableHUD
Name (Long): cameraeffectenablehud
Arg1: enable
Description: Enable / disable showing of in-game UI during currently active camera effect.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A00FA
Name: side
Name (Long): side
Arg1: group
Description: Returns the side of the group.
Example Use: side group player == west
Category: General
Function: 0x7ABBBD
Name: setWind
Name (Long): setwind
Arg1: [x, z, forced]
Description: Set current (forced == false) or permanent (forced == true) wind direction and force.
Category: General
Function: 0x79E6BD
Name: lockedDriver
Name (Long): lockeddriver
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Check whether driver position of the vehicle turret is locked.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AC8EB
Name: isOnRoad
Name (Long): isonroad
Arg1: position or object
Description: Check whether given position is on road.
Category: General
Function: 0x7AC91A
Name: onGroupIconClick
Name (Long): ongroupiconclick
Arg1: command
Description: Defines an action performed when palyer clicked on group marker (3D or in a map)
Category: General
Function: 0x79FF9A
Name: onGroupIconOverEnter
Name (Long): ongroupiconoverenter
Arg1: command
Description: Defines an action performed when palyer clicked on group marker (3D or in a map)
Category: General
Function: 0x79FFB6
Name: onGroupIconOverLeave
Name (Long): ongroupiconoverleave
Arg1: command
Description: Defines an action performed when palyer clicked on group marker (3D or in a map)
Category: General
Function: 0x79FFD2
Name: setGroupIconsVisible
Name (Long): setgroupiconsvisible
Arg1: array
Description: Sets if group icons are visible.
Example Use: showGroupIcons [true,true]
Category: General
Function: 0x7A56FB
Name: setGroupIconsSelectable
Name (Long): setgroupiconsselectable
Arg1: bool
Description: Sets if group icons raises onclick and onover events.
Example Use: selectableGroupIcons true
Category: General
Function: 0x7A581F
Name: getGroupIconParams
Name (Long): getgroupiconparams
Arg1: group
Description: Returns group icons params. [color, text,scale, visible]
Example Use: getGroupIconParams group
Category: General
Function: 0x7D2338
Name: clearGroupIcons
Name (Long): cleargroupicons
Arg1: group
Description: Removes all icon from group.
Example Use: clearGroupIcons group
Category: General
Function: 0x7D15DE
Name: getGroupIcons
Name (Long): getgroupicons
Arg1: group
Description: Returns all group icons.[[id,icon,[offsetx,offsety],[..],..]
Example Use: getGroupIcons group
Category: General
Function: 0x7D216B
Name: diag_log
Name (Long): diag_log
Arg1: anything
Description: Dumps the argument's type and value to the report file.
Example Use: diag_log player
Category: General
Function: 0x7AD507
Name: unlockAchievement
Name (Long): unlockachievement
Arg1: name
Description: Unlock the given achievement.
Category: General
Function: 0x7CCB76
Name: DateToNumber
Name (Long): datetonumber
Arg1: date
Description: Convert date to float number.
Example Use: time = DateToNumber [year,month,day,hour,minute]
Category: General
Function: 0x7A1553
Name: NumberToDate
Name (Long): numbertodate
Arg1: [year,time]
Description: Convert float number to date.
Example Use: date = NumberToDate [2008,0.5324]
Category: General
Function: 0x7A5A78
Name: CreateGearDialog
Name (Long): creategeardialog
Arg1: [unit,resource]
Description: Opens gear dialog for given unit.
Example Use: CreateGearDialog [palyer,"RscDisplayGear"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C1077
Name: synchronizedObjects
Name (Long): synchronizedobjects
Arg1: unit
Description: Return the list of objects synchronized with the given unit.
Category: General
Function: 0x7C063F
Name: startLoadingScreen
Name (Long): startloadingscreen
Arg1: [text] or [text, resource]
Description: Shows loading screen with the given text, using the given resource. When loading screen is shown, simulation and scene drawing is disabled, scripts run at full speed.
Category: General
Function: 0x7C0500
Name: progressLoadingScreen
Name (Long): progressloadingscreen
Arg1: progress
Description: If loading screen is show, set progress bar to the given value (from interval [0, 1])
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0FD9
Name: onPreloadStarted
Name (Long): onpreloadstarted
Arg1: command
Description: Defines an action performed just before the preload screen started.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0050
Name: onPreloadFinished
Name (Long): onpreloadfinished
Arg1: command
Description: Defines an action performed after the preload screen finished.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A006C
Name: groupSelectedUnits
Name (Long): groupselectedunits
Arg1: unit
Description: Returns selected groups in sgroup.
Example Use: array = groupSelectedUnits unit
Category: General
Function: 0x7CF991
Name: AISFinishHeal
Name (Long): aisfinishheal
Arg1: [unit,unit,bool]
Description: AIS end state.
Example Use: AISFinishHeal [wounded,medic,true]
Category: General
Function: 0x7AAAB6
Name: hintSilent
Name (Long): hintsilent
Arg1: text
Description: Same as hint, but without a sound.
Category: General
Function: 0x7B719B
Name: items
Name (Long): items
Arg1: unit
Description: Returns an array of names of all special items of the vehicle.
Example Use: items player
Category: General
Function: 0x7B2059
Name: removeAllItems
Name (Long): removeallitems
Arg1: unit
Description: Removes all special items from the unit.
Example Use: removeAllItems player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A6F30
Name: canUnloadInCombat
Name (Long): canunloadincombat
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Check if cargo of this vehicle want to get out when in combat.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A710A
Name: showSubtitles
Name (Long): showsubtitles
Arg1: enable
Description: Enable / disable showing of subtitles. Return the previous state.
Category: General
Function: 0x79DE93
Name: landResult
Name (Long): landresult
Arg1: helicopter
Description: Return the result of helicopter landing position searching (performed after land command). The value can be "Found" (position found), "NotFound" (position not found), "NotReady" (position searching is still in progress) or empty string when wrong argument given.
Category: General
Function: 0x7B7617
Name: enableSaving
Name (Long): enablesaving
Arg1: enable or [enable, save]
Description: Enable / disable saving of the game. When disabled, the autosave is created (if not forbidden by save == false).
Category: General
Function: 0x7C2C06
Name: showHUD
Name (Long): showhud
Arg1: enable
Description: Enable / disable showing of HUD.
Category: General
Function: 0x79DEC7
Name: getPlayerUID
Name (Long): getplayeruid
Arg1: unit
Description: Get unique player id.
Category: General
Function: 0x7B85C5
Name: sendUDPMessage
Name (Long): sendudpmessage
Arg1: [ip,port,"message"]
Description: Send message to given adress using UDP protocol.
Category: General
Function: 0xB7E2CB
Name: mapGridPosition
Name (Long): mapgridposition
Arg1: object
Description: Returns the position as map coords.
Example Use: mapGridPosition player
Category: General
Function: 0x7B773A
Name: WFSideText
Name (Long): wfsidetext
Arg1: side
Description: Returns the unlocalized text value of a side as: East, West, Resistance, Civilian, or Unknown.
Example Use: WFSideText West
Category: General
Function: 0x7A1759
Name: WFSideText
Name (Long): wfsidetext
Arg1: object
Description: Returns the unlocalized text value of a object's side as: East, West, Resistance, Civilian, or Unknown.
Example Use: WFSideText player
Category: General
Function: 0x7B0777
Name: WFSideText
Name (Long): wfsidetext
Arg1: group
Description: Returns the unlocalized text value of a group's side as: East, West, Resistance, Civilian, or Unknown.
Example Use: WFSideText group player
Category: General
Function: 0x7B07C5
Name: textLogFormat
Name (Long): textlogformat
Arg1: [format, arg1, arg2, ...]
Description: Shortcut to textLog format [format, arg1, arg2, ...] (for better performance in retail version).
Category: General
Function: 0x79E215
Name: laserTarget
Name (Long): lasertarget
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Returns target created by gunner in given vehicle.
Category: General
Function: 0x7ADA63
Name: unitBackpack
Name (Long): unitbackpack
Arg1: unit
Description: Returns unit's backpack.
Category: General
Function: 0x7ADACD
Name: isForcedWalk
Name (Long): isforcedwalk
Arg1: player
Description: Returns true if player is forced to walk
Category: General
Function: 0x7ADB1C
Name: isAutoHoverOn
Name (Long): isautohoveron
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Returns true if vehicle has enabled auto hover
Category: General
Function: 0x7ADB8C
Name: currentZeroing
Name (Long): currentzeroing
Arg1: gunner
Description: Returns zeroing of unit's weapon.
Category: General
Function: 0x7ADBC1
Name: currentVisionMode
Name (Long): currentvisionmode
Arg1: gunner
Description: Returns vision mode of unit's weapon. 0-dayTime, 1-night vision, 2-FLIR
Category: General
Function: 0x7ADD6A
Name: currentMuzzle
Name (Long): currentmuzzle
Arg1: gunner
Description: Returns current muzzle of unit's weapon.
Category: General
Function: 0x7BBCF0
Name: currentWeaponMode
Name (Long): currentweaponmode
Arg1: gunner
Description: Returns current weapon mode of unit's weapon.
Category: General
Function: 0x7BBD8D
Name: isManualFire
Name (Long): ismanualfire
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Returns true if manul fire is on.
Category: General
Function: 0x7ADDC6
Name: isWalking
Name (Long): iswalking
Arg1: soldier
Description: Returns true walk is toggled.
Category: General
Function: 0x7ADDF5
Name: addCamShake
Name (Long): addcamshake
Arg1: [power, duration, frquency]
Description: Adds camera shake source.
Category: General
Function: 0x7C5CD6
Name: setCamShakeParams
Name (Long): setcamshakeparams
Arg1: [posCoef, rotXCoef, rotYCoef, rotZCoef, interp]
Description: Sets camera shake params.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0333
Name: setCamShakeDefParams
Name (Long): setcamshakedefparams
Arg1: [power, duration, maxDistance, frequency, minSpeed, minMass, caliberCoefHit, caliberCoefFire, vehicleCoef]
Description: Sets camera shake default params.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A044D
Name: enableCamShake
Name (Long): enablecamshake
Arg1: true/false
Description: Enables/disables camera shakes.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A060F
Name: enableEngineArtillery
Name (Long): enableengineartillery
Arg1: true/false
Description: Enables/disables engine's artillery.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A06D1
Name: getTerrainHeightASL
Name (Long): getterrainheightasl
Arg1: [x,y]
Description: Returns terrain height above sea level.
Example Use: z = getTerrainHeightASL [x,y]
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0717
Name: unitRecoilCoefficient
Name (Long): unitrecoilcoefficient
Arg1: soldier
Description: Returns unit's custom recoil coefficient.
Example Use: coef = unitRecoilCoefficient player
Category: General
Function: 0x7AAF7C
Name: playMission
Name (Long): playmission
Arg1: [campaign, mission] or [campaign, mission, skipBriefing]
Description: The mission is launched (from the main menu). Both campaign and mission are given as their directory name. If the campaign is empty, a single mission is launched. If skipBriefing is true, the intro and briefing are skipped.
Example Use: playMission["XOutrage","x05Negotiator.Noe"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7BA6CE
Name: enableEnvironment
Name (Long): enableenvironment
Arg1: enabled
Description: Enable/disable environmental effects (ambient life + sound).
Example Use: enableEnvironment false
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0836
Name: airportSide
Name (Long): airportside
Arg1: airportId
Description: Checks a side of the airport.
Example Use: airportSide 0
Req Ver: west
Category: General
Function: 0x7A982D
Name: morale
Name (Long): morale
Arg1: unit
Description: Checks a current morale level of the unit (-1..+1).
Example Use: morale leader player
Req Ver: 0.5
Category: General
Function: 0x7A62A9
Name: lineIntersects
Name (Long): lineintersects
Arg1: array
Description: Returns true, if line intersect with any object. !!Time demanding function!!.
Example Use: lineIntersects [eyePos player, aimPos tgt, player, tgt]
Category: General
Function: 0x7CD2CA
Name: lineIntersectsWith
Name (Long): lineintersectswith
Arg1: array
Description: Returns list of objects intersected by given line. !!Time demanding function!!.
Example Use: lineIntersectsWith [eyePos player, aimPos tgt, player, tgt, true]
Category: General
Function: 0x7CD2E5
Name: terrainIntersect
Name (Long): terrainintersect
Arg1: [ position begin, position end ]
Description: Checks for intersection of terrain between two positions. Returns true if intersects with terrain
Example Use: _doesIntersect = terrainIntersect [ position player, position enemy1 ];
Category: General
Function: 0x7C963B
Name: terrainIntersectASL
Name (Long): terrainintersectasl
Arg1: [ positionASL begin, positionASL end ]
Description: Checks for intersection of terrain between two positions. Returns true if intersects with terrain
Example Use: _doesIntersect = terrainIntersectASL [ getposAsl player, getposAsl enemy1 ];
Category: General
Function: 0x7C978E
Name: setEyeAdaptMin
Name (Long): seteyeadaptmin
Arg1: set
Description: Sets min eye adaptation.
Category: General
Function: 0x79E215
Name: setEyeAdaptMax
Name (Long): seteyeadaptmax
Arg1: set
Description: Sets max eye adaptation.
Category: General
Function: 0x79E215
Name: setEyeAdaptMinMaxDefault
Name (Long): seteyeadaptminmaxdefault
Arg1: set
Description: Sets max eye adaptation.
Category: General
Function: 0x79E215
Name: entities
Name (Long): entities
Arg1: type
Description: Returns a list of entities with given type.
Example Use: entities "Car"
Category: General
Function: 0x7CFBA5
Name: publicVariableServer
Name (Long): publicvariableserver
Arg1: varName
Description: Send the variable value to the server computer.
Only type Number is supported in versions 1.33 and before.
The following types are supported since 1.34:
Number, Boolean, Object and Group.
Example Use: publicVariableServer "CTFscoreOne"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B7406
Name: systemChat
Name (Long): systemchat
Arg1: chatText
Description: Types text to the system radio channel.
Note: this function only types text to the list, it does not broadcast the message. If you want the message to show on all computers, you have to execute it on all of them.
Example Use: systemChat "Dam of Peace"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B5775
Name: configName
Name (Long): configname
Arg1: config
Description: Returns name of config entry.
Example Use: _name = configName (configFile >> "CfgVehicles")
Req Ver: "CfgVehicles"
Category: General
Function: 0x7BD801
Name: inheritsFrom
Name (Long): inheritsfrom
Arg1: config
Description: Returns base entry of config entry.
Example Use: _base = inheritsFrom (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "Car")
Category: General
Function: 0x7D138B
Name: count
Name (Long): count
Arg1: config
Description: Returns count of subentries.
Example Use: _count = count (configFile >> "CfgVehicles")
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0AAA
Name: isClass
Name (Long): isclass
Arg1: config
Description: Check if config entry represents config class.
Example Use: _ok = isClass (configFile >> "CfgVehicles")
Req Ver: true
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0AFB
Name: isArray
Name (Long): isarray
Arg1: config
Description: Check if config entry represents array.
Example Use: _ok = isArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles")
Req Ver: false
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0B2E
Name: isNumber
Name (Long): isnumber
Arg1: config
Description: Check if config entry represents number.
Example Use: _ok = isNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles")
Req Ver: false
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0B61
Name: isText
Name (Long): istext
Arg1: config
Description: Check if config entry represents text.
Example Use: _ok = isText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles")
Req Ver: false
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0BA4
Name: getArray
Name (Long): getarray
Arg1: config
Description: Extract array from config entry.
Example Use: _array = getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "Thing" >> "threat")
Category: General
Function: 0x7D6C19
Name: getNumber
Name (Long): getnumber
Arg1: config
Description: Extract number from config entry.
Example Use: _array = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "Thing" >> "maxSpeed")
Category: General
Function: 0x7A27AB
Name: getText
Name (Long): gettext
Arg1: config
Description: Extract text from config entry.
Example Use: _array = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "Thing" >> "icon")
Category: General
Function: 0x7D6C86
Name: ctrlEnabled
Name (Long): ctrlenabled
Arg1: control
Description: Returns whether given control is enabled.
Example Use: _ok = ctrlEnabled _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A297C
Name: ctrlShown
Name (Long): ctrlshown
Arg1: control
Description: Returns whether given control is shown.
Example Use: _ok = ctrlShown _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A29A7
Name: ctrlText
Name (Long): ctrltext
Arg1: control
Description: Returns the text shown in given control.
Example Use: _text = ctrlText _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7BE063
Name: ctrlPosition
Name (Long): ctrlposition
Arg1: control
Description: Returns the current position and size of control as [x, y, w, h] array.
Example Use: _pos = ctrlPosition _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7AFE3F
Name: ctrlScale
Name (Long): ctrlscale
Arg1: control
Description: Returns the current scale of control.
Example Use: _scale = ctrlScale _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2B71
Name: ctrlAutoScrollSpeed
Name (Long): ctrlautoscrollspeed
Arg1: control
Description: Returns number of seconds to auto-scroll one line. -1 if auto-scroll is disabled. -2 if scrollbar not present.
Example Use: _speed = ctrlAutoScrollSpeed _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2BB3
Name: ctrlAutoScrollDelay
Name (Long): ctrlautoscrolldelay
Arg1: control
Description: Returns number of seconds until auto-scroll starts. -2 if scrollbar not present.
Example Use: _delay = ctrlAutoScrollDelay _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2C37
Name: ctrlAutoScrollRewind
Name (Long): ctrlautoscrollrewind
Arg1: control
Description: True if auto-scroll should move back to start after it reach end.
Example Use: _rewind = ctrlAutoScrollRewind _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2CBB
Name: ctrlFade
Name (Long): ctrlfade
Arg1: control
Description: Returns the current fade factor of control.
Example Use: _scale = ctrlFade _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2D35
Name: ctrlCommitted
Name (Long): ctrlcommitted
Arg1: control
Description: Check if the control animation is finished.
Example Use: _done = ctrlCommitted _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A2D85
Name: ctrlType
Name (Long): ctrltype
Arg1: control
Description: Returns value representing type of control.
Example Use: _type = ctrlType _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A31C3
Name: ctrlParent
Name (Long): ctrlparent
Arg1: control
Description: Returns container of given control.
Example Use: _display = ctrlParent _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3200
Name: findDisplay
Name (Long): finddisplay
Arg1: idd
Description: Find display by its IDD.
Example Use: _display = findDisplay 1
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3D89
Name: positionCameraToWorld
Name (Long): positioncameratoworld
Arg1: position
Description: Transform position from camera coordinate space to world coordinate space.
Example Use: _worldPos = positionCameraToWorld _cameraPos
Category: General
Function: 0x7C5FA9
Name: execVM
Name (Long): execvm
Arg1: filename
Description: Compile and execute function (sqf). The function is first searched in the mission folder, then in the campaign scripts folder and finally in the global scripts folder.
Example Use: execVM "test.sqf"
Category: General
Function: 0x7BF990
Name: lbSort
Name (Long): lbsort
Arg1: control
Description: Sorts the given listbox or combobox by item text.
Example Use: lbSort _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A33E0
Name: lbSortByValue
Name (Long): lbsortbyvalue
Arg1: control
Description: Sorts the given listbox or combobox by item value.
Example Use: lbSortByValue _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A340B
Name: lbSize
Name (Long): lbsize
Arg1: control
Description: Returns the number of items in the given listbox or combobox.
Example Use: _n = lbSize _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3295
Name: lbCurSel
Name (Long): lbcursel
Arg1: control
Description: Returns the index of the selected item of the given listbox or combobox.
Example Use: _index = lbCurSel _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A32D5
Name: lbClear
Name (Long): lbclear
Arg1: control
Description: Clears all items in the given listbox or combobox.
Example Use: lbClear _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3312
Name: lbSelection
Name (Long): lbselection
Arg1: control
Description: Returns the array of selected rows indices in the given listbox.
Example Use: _indices = lbSelection _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7BECE1
Name: lnbClear
Name (Long): lnbclear
Arg1: control
Description: Clears all items in the given listbox or combobox.
Example Use: lbClear _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3312
Name: lnbSize
Name (Long): lnbsize
Arg1: control
Description: Returns the number of items in the given listbox or combobox.
Example Use: _n = lbSize _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A5442
Name: lnbCurSelRow
Name (Long): lnbcurselrow
Arg1: control
Description: Returns the index of the selected item of the given listbox or combobox.
Example Use: _index = lbCurSel _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A352C
Name: lnbGetColumnsPosition
Name (Long): lnbgetcolumnsposition
Arg1: control
Description: Returns the index of the selected item of the given listbox or combobox.
Example Use: _index = lbCurSel _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A55D5
Name: gearSlotData
Name (Long): gearslotdata
Arg1: control
Description: Returns gear slot item name.
Example Use: weapon = gearSlotData _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7B01E8
Name: gearSlotAmmoCount
Name (Long): gearslotammocount
Arg1: control
Description: Returns ammo count of assigned magazine.
Example Use: ammo = gearSlotAmmoCount _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3ADE
Name: gearIDCAmmoCount
Name (Long): gearidcammocount
Arg1: control IDC
Description: Returns ammo count of assigned magazine.
Example Use: ammo = gearSlotAmmoCount IDC
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3B3D
Name: buttonAction
Name (Long): buttonaction
Arg1: control
Description: Returns the action assigned to the given button or active text. The action is any expression in this scripting language.
Example Use: _action = buttonAction _button
Category: General
Function: 0x7BF28A
Name: sliderPosition
Name (Long): sliderposition
Arg1: control
Description: Returns the current thumb position of the given slider.
Example Use: _pos = sliderPosition _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3BC5
Name: sliderRange
Name (Long): sliderrange
Arg1: control
Description: Returns the limits (as an array [min, max]) of the given slider.
Example Use: _limits = sliderRange _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7BF527
Name: sliderSpeed
Name (Long): sliderspeed
Arg1: control
Description: Returns the speed (as an array [line, page]) of the given slider.
Example Use: _speed = sliderSpeed _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7BF5E3
Name: ctrlMapAnimClear
Name (Long): ctrlmapanimclear
Arg1: control
Description: Clears the map animation.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3E35
Name: ctrlMapAnimCommit
Name (Long): ctrlmapanimcommit
Arg1: control
Description: Plays the map animation.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3E6F
Name: ctrlMapAnimDone
Name (Long): ctrlmapanimdone
Arg1: control
Description: Checks whether the map animation has finished.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3EA9
Name: isNull
Name (Long): isnull
Arg1: control
Description: Checks whether the value is equal to controlNull.
Note: a==controlNull does not work, because controlNull is not equal to anything, even to itself.
Example Use: isNull controlNull
Req Ver: true
Category: General
Function: 0x7A28C2
Name: isNull
Name (Long): isnull
Arg1: display
Description: Checks whether the value is equal to displayNull.
Note: a==displayNull does not work, because displayNull is not equal to anything, even to itself.
Example Use: isNull displayNull
Req Ver: true
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0E17
Name: ctrlSetFocus
Name (Long): ctrlsetfocus
Arg1: control
Description: Set the input focus on given control.
Example Use: ctrlSetFocus _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3239
Name: ctrlActivate
Name (Long): ctrlactivate
Arg1: control
Description: Launch actions attached to given (button based) control.
Example Use: ctrlActivate _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3266
Name: ctrlMapScale
Name (Long): ctrlmapscale
Arg1: control
Description: Return the current scale of the map control.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3EEE
Name: progressPosition
Name (Long): progressposition
Arg1: control
Description: Returns the current position in the progress bar.
Example Use: _pos = progressPosition _control
Category: General
Function: 0x7A3F2F
Name: moveTime
Name (Long): movetime
Arg1: soldier
Description: Returns the current time of the most important RTM animation currently being played on the soldier.
Example Use: moveTime player
Category: General
Function: 0xB52319
Name: hostMission
Name (Long): hostmission
Arg1: [Config,Display]
Description: Host the MP mission described by config class. Should be called as a reaction to some UI action in some dialog.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0C16
Name: weaponState
Name (Long): weaponstate
Arg1: Gunner or [veh,turret path]
Description: Returns the current weapon state as an array of strings in the follow format [WeaponName, MuzzleName, ModeName, MagazineName].
Example Use: weaponState player or weaponState [vehicle player,[0]]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C27EB
Name: sendAUMessage
Name (Long): sendaumessage
Arg1: [count|[clientList], "command"]
Description: Send the command to the list of clients or some count of clients.
Example Use: SendAUMessage [[dpnid1, dpnid2], "ConnectTo:"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0CD7
Name: createDialog
Name (Long): createdialog
Arg1: name
Description: Creates a user dialog from the resource template name. If a user dialog already exists, it creates a child dialog of the topmost user dialog. The class name is searched in the description.ext file of the mission, the description.ext file of the campaign and the globlal resource.cpp file. The function returns its success.
Example Use: _ok = createDialog "RscDisplayGame"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B8BDA
Name: closeDialog
Name (Long): closedialog
Arg1: idc
Description: Closes the topmost user dialog as if a button with id idc was pressed.
Example Use: closeDialog 1
Category: General
Function: 0x79F20D
Name: ctrlVisible
Name (Long): ctrlvisible
Arg1: idc
Description: Returns whether the control with id idc of the topmost user dialog is visible.
Example Use: _visible = ctrlVisible 100
Category: General
Function: 0x79F276
Name: ctrlEnabled
Name (Long): ctrlenabled
Arg1: idc
Description: Returns whether the control with id idc of the topmost user dialog is enabled.
Example Use: _enabled = ctrlEnabled 100
Category: General
Function: 0x79F29A
Name: ctrlShow
Name (Long): ctrlshow
Arg1: [idc, show]
Description: Shows / hides the control with id idc of the topmost user dialog.
Example Use: ctrlShow [100, true]
Category: General
Function: 0x79F2C4
Name: ctrlEnable
Name (Long): ctrlenable
Arg1: [idc, enable]
Description: Enables / disables the control with id idc of the topmost user dialog.
Example Use: ctrlEnable [100, false]
Category: General
Function: 0x79F350
Name: ctrlText
Name (Long): ctrltext
Arg1: idc
Description: Returns the text shown in the control with id idc of the topmost user dialog. This can be used for static texts, buttons, edit lines and active texts.
Example Use: _message = ctrlText 100
Category: General
Function: 0x7B8CFF
Name: ctrlSetText
Name (Long): ctrlsettext
Arg1: [idc, text]
Description: Sets the text that will be shown in the control with id idc of the topmost user dialog. This can be used for static texts, buttons, edit lines and active texts.
Example Use: ctrlSetText [100, "Hello, world"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B8EE0
Name: buttonAction
Name (Long): buttonaction
Arg1: idc
Description: Returns the action assigned to the control with id idc of the topmost user dialog. The action is any expression in this scripting language. The function can be used for buttons and active texts.
Example Use: _action = buttonAction 100
Category: General
Function: 0x7B8FC7
Name: buttonSetAction
Name (Long): buttonsetaction
Arg1: [idc, action]
Description: Assigns an action to the control with id idc of the topmost user dialog. Action is any expression in this scripting language. The function can be used for buttons and active texts.
Example Use: buttonSetAction [100, "player exec ""reply.sqs"""]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B91BB
Name: lbSize
Name (Long): lbsize
Arg1: idc
Description: Returns the number of items in the listbox or combobox with id idc of the topmost user dialog.
Example Use: _n = lbSize 101
Category: General
Function: 0x79F3DC
Name: lbCurSel
Name (Long): lbcursel
Arg1: idc
Description: Returns the index of the selected item of the listbox or combobox with id idc of the topmost user dialog.
Example Use: _index = lbCurSel 101
Category: General
Function: 0x79F414
Name: lbSetCurSel
Name (Long): lbsetcursel
Arg1: [idc, index]
Description: Selects the item with the given index of the listbox or combobox with id idc of the topmost user dialog.
Example Use: lbSetCurSel [101, 0]
Category: General
Function: 0x79F449
Name: lbClear
Name (Long): lbclear
Arg1: idc
Description: Clears all items in the listbox or combobox with id idc of the topmost user dialog.
Example Use: lbClear 101
Category: General
Function: 0x79F7BD
Name: lbAdd
Name (Long): lbadd
Arg1: [idc, text]
Description: Adds an item with the given text to the listbox or combobox with id idc of the topmost user dialog. It returns the index of the newly added item.
Example Use: _index = lbAdd [101, "First item"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B92F4
Name: lbDelete
Name (Long): lbdelete
Arg1: [idc, index]
Description: Removes the item with the given index from the listbox or combobox with id idc of the topmost user dialog.
Example Use: lbDelete [101, 0]
Category: General
Function: 0x79F4F9
Name: lbText
Name (Long): lbtext
Arg1: [idc, index]
Description: Returns the shown text in the item with the given index of the listbox or combobox with id idc of the topmost user dialog.
Example Use: _text = lbText [101, 0]
Category: General
Function: 0x7ACFF7
Name: lbData
Name (Long): lbdata
Arg1: [idc, index]
Description: Returns the additional text (invisible) in an item with the given index of the listbox or combobox with id idc of the topmost user dialog.
Example Use: _data = lbData [101, 0]
Category: General
Function: 0x7AD09F
Name: lbSetData
Name (Long): lbsetdata
Arg1: [idc, index, data]
Description: Sets the additional text (invisible) in the item with the given index of the listbox or combobox with id idc of the topmost user dialog to the given data.
Example Use: lbSetData [101, 1, "#1"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B93D2
Name: lbValue
Name (Long): lbvalue
Arg1: [idc, index]
Description: Returns the additional integer value in the item with the given index of the listbox or combobox with id idc of the topmost user dialog.
Example Use: _value = lbValue [101, 0]
Category: General
Function: 0x79F590
Name: lbSetValue
Name (Long): lbsetvalue
Arg1: [idc, index, value]
Description: Sets the additional integer value in the item with the given index of the listbox or combobox with id idc of the topmost user dialog to the given value.
Example Use: lbSetValue [101, 0, 1]
Category: General
Function: 0x79F63C
Name: lbPicture
Name (Long): lbpicture
Arg1: [idc, index]
Description: Returns the picture name of the item with the given index of the listbox or combobox with id idc of the topmost user dialog.
Example Use: _picture = lbPicture [101, 0]
Category: General
Function: 0x7D58EF
Name: lbSetPicture
Name (Long): lbsetpicture
Arg1: [idc, index, name]
Description: Sets the picture in the item with the given index of the listbox or combobox with id idc of the topmost user dialog. Name is the picture name. The picture is searched in the mission directory, the dtaExt subdirectory of the campaign directory and the dtaExt directory and the data bank (or directory).
Example Use: lbSetPicture [101, 0, "iskoda"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7D5A17
Name: lbColor
Name (Long): lbcolor
Arg1: [idc, index]
Description: Returns the text color of the item with the given index of the listbox or combobox with id idc of the topmost user dialog. The color is returned in format Color.
Example Use: _color = lbColor [101, 0]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B9A01
Name: lbSetColor
Name (Long): lbsetcolor
Arg1: [idc, index, color]
Description: Sets the color of the item with the given index of the listbox or combobox with id idc of the topmost user dialog to the given color. Color is in format Color.
Example Use: lbSetColor [101, 0, [0, 1, 0, 0.5]]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C3DEC
Name: lnbSize
Name (Long): lnbsize
Arg1: idc
Description: Returns [X,Y] size of 2D listbox.
Example Use: _n = lnbSize 105
Category: General
Function: 0x7A5015
Name: lnbGetColumnsPosition
Name (Long): lnbgetcolumnsposition
Arg1: idc
Description: Returns the columns position in 2D listbox.
Example Use: _n = lnbGetColumnsSize 105
Category: General
Function: 0x7A5207
Name: lnbCurSelRow
Name (Long): lnbcurselrow
Arg1: idc
Description: Returns the index of the selected row id 2D listbox.
Example Use: _row = lnbCurSel 105
Category: General
Function: 0x79F414
Name: lnbSetCurSelRow
Name (Long): lnbsetcurselrow
Arg1: [idc, index]
Description: Selects the row with the given index of the 2D listbox.
Example Use: lnbSetCurSel [105, 0]
Category: General
Function: 0x79F70F
Name: lnbClear
Name (Long): lnbclear
Arg1: idc
Description: Clears all items in the 2D listbox.
Example Use: lnbClear 101
Category: General
Function: 0x79F7BD
Name: lnbAddRow
Name (Long): lnbaddrow
Arg1: [idc, [text, text,...]]
Description: Adds an row of strings.
Example Use: _index = lnbAddRow [105, ["First column", "second column", ...]]. Returns row index.
Category: General
Function: 0x7CFDD5
Name: lnbAddArray
Name (Long): lnbaddarray
Arg1: [IDC,[[[text,text], [value,..], [data,..]], [[text,text], [value,..], [data,..]],]]
Description: Adds list of rows of strings.
Example Use: _index = lnbAddArray [idc,[[[text,text,text], [value], [data]], [[text,text,text], [value, value], [data]]]] . Returns row index.
Category: General
Function: 0x7CFF15
Name: lnbDeleteRow
Name (Long): lnbdeleterow
Arg1: [idc, index]
Description: Removes row with given index from the 2D listbox.
Example Use: lnbDeleteRow [105, 0]
Category: General
Function: 0x79F7E0
Name: lnbAddColumn
Name (Long): lnbaddcolumn
Arg1: [idc, position]
Description: Adds an column at given position. It returns the index of the newly added column.
Example Use: _index = lnbAddColumn [105, 0.8]
Category: General
Function: 0x79F886
Name: lnbDeleteColumn
Name (Long): lnbdeletecolumn
Arg1: [idc, index]
Description: Removes column with given index.
Example Use: lnbDeleteColumn [101, 0]
Category: General
Function: 0x79F947
Name: lnbsetColumnsPos
Name (Long): lnbsetcolumnspos
Arg1: [idc, [row, column], data]
Description: Sets the additional text (invisible) in the item with the given position of the 2D listbox.
Example Use: lnbSetData [101, [0,1], "#1"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7A50DB
Name: lnbText
Name (Long): lnbtext
Arg1: [idc, [row, column]]
Description: Returns the shown text in the item with the given position of the 2D listbox.
Example Use: _text = lnbText [101, [0,1]]
Category: General
Function: 0x7AD147
Name: lnbSetText
Name (Long): lnbsettext
Arg1: [idc, [row, column], data]
Description: Sets the additional text (invisible) in the item with the given position of the 2D listbox.
Example Use: lnbSetData [101, [0,1], "#1"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B9685
Name: lnbData
Name (Long): lnbdata
Arg1: [idc, [row, column]
Description: Returns the additional text (invisible) in an item with the given position of the 2D listbox.
Example Use: _data = lnbData [101, [0,1]]
Category: General
Function: 0x7AD2A6
Name: lnbSetData
Name (Long): lnbsetdata
Arg1: [idc, [row, column], data]
Description: Sets the additional text (invisible) in the item with the given position of the 2D listbox.
Example Use: lnbSetData [101, [0,1], "#1"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B9843
Name: lnbValue
Name (Long): lnbvalue
Arg1: [idc, [row, column]
Description: Returns the additional integer value in the item with the given position of the 2D listbox.
Example Use: _value = lnbValue [101, [0,1]]
Category: General
Function: 0x79FA07
Name: lnbSetValue
Name (Long): lnbsetvalue
Arg1: [idc, [row, column], value]
Description: Sets the additional integer value in the item with the position index of the 2D listbox.
Example Use: lnbSetValue [101, [0,1], 1]
Category: General
Function: 0x79FB6C
Name: lnbPicture
Name (Long): lnbpicture
Arg1: [idc, [row, column]
Description: Returns the picture name of the item with the given position of the 2D listbox.
Example Use: _picture = lnbPicture [101, [0,1]]
Category: General
Function: 0x7D5B56
Name: lnbSetPicture
Name (Long): lnbsetpicture
Arg1: [idc, [row, column], name]
Description: Sets the picture in the item with the given position of the 2D listbox. Name is the picture name. The picture is searched in the mission directory, the dtaExt subdirectory of the campaign directory and the dtaExt directory and the data bank (or directory).
Example Use: lnbSetPicture [101, [0,1], "iskoda"]
Category: General
Function: 0x7D5D27
Name: lnbColor
Name (Long): lnbcolor
Arg1: [idc, [row, column]
Description: Returns the text color of the item with the given position of the 2D listbox. The color is returned in format Color.
Example Use: _color = lnbColor [101, [0,1]]
Category: General
Function: 0x7B94E1
Name: lnbSetColor
Name (Long): lnbsetcolor
Arg1: [idc, [row, column], color]
Description: Sets the color of the item with the given position of the 2D listbox. Color is in format Color.
Example Use: lnbSetColor [101, [0,1], [0, 1, 0, 0.5]]
Category: General
Function: 0x7C3C58
Name: sliderPosition
Name (Long): sliderposition
Arg1: idc
Description: Returns the current thumb position of the slider with id idc of the topmost user dialog.
Example Use: _pos = sliderPosition 101
Category: General
Function: 0x79FCF5
Name: sliderSetPosition
Name (Long): slidersetposition
Arg1: [idc, pos]
Description: Sets the current thumb position of the slider with id idc of the topmost user dialog.
Example Use: sliderSetPosition [100, 0]
Category: General
Function: 0x79FD1C
Name: sliderRange
Name (Long): sliderrange
Arg1: idc
Description: Returns the limits (as an array [min, max]) of the slider with id idc of the topmost user dialog.
Example Use: _limits = sliderRange 100
Category: General
Function: 0x7B9AD9
Name: sliderSetRange
Name (Long): slidersetrange
Arg1: [idc, min, max]
Description: Sets the limits of the slider with id idc of the topmost user dialog.
Example Use: sliderSetRange [100, 0, 10]
Category: General
Function: 0x79FD9E
Name: sliderSpeed
Name (Long): sliderspeed
Arg1: idc
Description: Returns the speed (as an array [line, page]) of the slider with id idc of the topmost user dialog.
Example Use: _speed = sliderSpeed
Category: General
Function: 0x7B9B8D
Name: sliderSetSpeed
Name (Long): slidersetspeed
Arg1: [idc, line, page]
Description: Sets the speed (a click on the arrow results in a move per line. A click on the scale outside the thumb results in a move per page) of the slider with id idc of the topmost user dialog.
Example Use: sliderSetSpeed [100, 0.5, 2.0]
Category: General
Function: 0x79FE74
Name: addWeaponPool
Name (Long): addweaponpool
Arg1: [name, count]
Description: Adds count weapons of type name into the weapon pool (used in campaigns to transfer weapons to the next mission).
Category: General
Function: 0x8F4596
Name: addMagazinePool
Name (Long): addmagazinepool
Description: Adds count magazines of type name into the weapon pool (used in the campaign to transfer weapons to the next mission).
Category: General
Function: 0x8F469C
Name: putWeaponPool
Name (Long): putweaponpool
Arg1: obj
Description: Transfers weapons and magazines from the weapon pool (used in campaigns to transfer weapons to the next mission) into the cargo space of object obj.
Category: General
Function: 0x8F47A2
Name: pickWeaponPool
Name (Long): pickweaponpool
Arg1: obj
Description: Transfers weapons and magazines from the cargo space of object obj to the weapon pool (used in campaigns to transfer weapons to the next mission).
Category: General
Function: 0x8F4A0D
Name: queryWeaponPool
Name (Long): queryweaponpool
Arg1: name
Description: Returns the number of weapons of type name in the weapon pool (used in campaigns to transfer weapons to the next mission).
Category: General
Function: 0x8E9006
Name: queryMagazinePool
Name (Long): querymagazinepool
Arg1: name
Description: Returns the number of magazines of type name in the weapon pool (used in campaigns to transfer weapons to the next mission).
Category: General
Function: 0x8E9113
Name: drop
Name (Long): drop
Arg1: array
Description: Drops a particle into the scene. Array is in format ParticleArray.
Category: General
Function: 0x62D446
Name: onBriefingPlan
Name (Long): onbriefingplan
Arg1: sound
Description: Defines a sound (voice) that is played the first time when the Plan section in the briefing is selected.
Example Use: onBriefingPlan "PlanVoiceOver"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B9C42
Name: onBriefingNotes
Name (Long): onbriefingnotes
Arg1: sound
Description: Defines a sound (voice) that is played the first time when the Notes section in the briefing is selected.
Example Use: onBriefingNotes "NotesVoiceOver"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B9C79
Name: onBriefingGroup
Name (Long): onbriefinggroup
Arg1: sound
Description: Defines a sound (voice) that is played the first time when the Group section in the briefing is selected.
Example Use: onBriefingGroup "GroupVoiceOver"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B9CB0
Name: onBriefingTeamSwitch
Name (Long): onbriefingteamswitch
Arg1: sound
Description: Defines a sound (voice) that is played the first time when the Team switch section in the briefing is selected.
Example Use: onBriefingTeamSwitch "TeamSwitchVoiceOver"
Category: General
Function: 0x7B9CE7
Name: onEachFrame
Name (Long): oneachframe
Arg1: command
Description: Defines an action performed on each frame (even when game is paused). Code is performed synchronously, cannot contain any sleep or wait.
Example Use: onEachFrame {}
Category: General
Function: 0x79FFEE
Name: onMapSingleClick
Name (Long): onmapsingleclick
Arg1: command
Description: Defines an action performed when the user clicks on the map. Command receives:
_pos array position
_units array selected units
_shift,_alt bool key state
If the click is processed, command should return true.
Example Use: onMapSingleClick """SoldierEG"" createUnit [_pos, group player]"
Category: General
Function: 0x7A0088
Name: onPlayerConnected
Name (Long): onplayerconnected
Arg1: statement
Description: This statement is launched whenever a player is connected to a MP session. Variables _id, _name and _uid are set. See also getPlayerUID, kickUID, banUID.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A00C2
Name: onPlayerDisconnected
Name (Long): onplayerdisconnected
Arg1: statement
Description: This statement is launched whenever a player is disconnected from a MP session. Variables _id, _name and _uid are set.
Category: General
Function: 0x7A00DE
Name: fillWeaponsFromPool
Name (Long): fillweaponsfrompool
Arg1: person
Description: Adds magazines from the campaign pool to the person (depending on the weapons the person has).
Example Use: fillWeaponsFromPool victor
Category: General
Function: 0x7D1864
Name: skill
Name (Long): skill
Arg1: person
Description: Returns the current level of ability of the person.
Example Use: skill player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A6850
Name: primaryWeapon
Name (Long): primaryweapon
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Returns the name of the vehicle's primary weapon (an empty string if there is none).
Example Use: primaryWeapon player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A68A7
Name: secondaryWeapon
Name (Long): secondaryweapon
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Returns the name of a vehicle's secondary weapon (an empty string if there is none).
Example Use: secondaryWeapon player
Category: General
Function: 0x7A6927
Name: weapons
Name (Long): weapons
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Returns an array of names of all the vehicle's weapons.
Example Use: weapons player
Category: General
Function: 0x7B16E9
Name: magazines
Name (Long): magazines
Arg1: vehicle
Description: Returns an array with the type names of all the vehicle's magazines.
Example Use: magazines player
Category: General
Function: 0x7B1990
Name: deleteStatus
Name (Long): deletestatus
Arg1: statusName
Description: Deletes a status created by saveStatus from the campaign progress file.
Example Use: deleteStatus "playerState"
Category: General
Function: 0x7D4876
Name: deleteIdentity
Name (Long): deleteidentity
Arg1: identityName
Description: Deletes an identity created by saveIdentity from the campaign progress file.
Example Use: deleteIdentity "playerIdentity"
Category: General
Function: 0x7D50AD
Name: netId
Name (Long): netid
Arg1: object
Description: Unique ID of an object.
Example Use: netId player
Req Ver: 1:8965
Category: General
Function: 0x7B433C
Name: netId
Name (Long): netid
Arg1: group
Description: Unique ID of a group.
Example Use: netId group player
Req Ver: 1:5623
Category: General
Function: 0x7B436C
Name: objectFromNetId
Name (Long): objectfromnetid
Arg1: id
Description: Get object with given unique ID.
Example Use: objectFromNetId netId player
Req Ver: player
Category: General
Function: 0x7B439B
Name: groupFromNetId
Name (Long): groupfromnetid
Arg1: id
Description: Get group with given unique ID.
Example Use: groupFromNetId netId group player
Req Ver: group player
Category: General
Function: 0x7B4418
Name: createTeam
Name (Long): createteam
Arg1: [type, name]
Description: Create a team and name it.
Example Use: _team = createTeam ["USMC_Team", "Fire Team Red"]
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7D0BC6
Name: deleteTeam
Name (Long): deleteteam
Arg1: team
Description: Destroy given team.
Example Use: deleteTeam _team
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7C07F5
Name: teamMember
Name (Long): teammember
Arg1: person
Description: Return an agent for given person.
Example Use: _agent = teamMember player
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7C0832
Name: agent
Name (Long): agent
Arg1: agent
Description: Return a person for given agent.
Example Use: _person = agent _agent
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7A5865
Name: members
Name (Long): members
Arg1: team
Description: Return a list of members in given team.
Example Use: _members = members _team
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7C088B
Name: teamType
Name (Long): teamtype
Arg1: team
Description: Return a type of given team.
Example Use: _type = teamType _team
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7C095F
Name: teamName
Name (Long): teamname
Arg1: team
Description: Return a name of given team.
Example Use: _name = teamName _team
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7C099B
Name: formation
Name (Long): formation
Arg1: team
Description: Return a formation of given team.
Example Use: _formation = formation _team
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7C0B21
Name: fromEditor
Name (Long): fromeditor
Arg1: teamMember
Description: Return if given team was inserted directly from mission editor.
Example Use: _fromEditor = fromEditor _member
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7A10F0
Name: leader
Name (Long): leader
Arg1: team
Description: Return the leader of given team.
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7C0CF1
Name: isAgent
Name (Long): isagent
Arg1: teamMember
Description: Check if team member is an agent.
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7A104A
Name: resources
Name (Long): resources
Arg1: teamMember
Description: Return a list of the resources belonging to a team.
Category: Agents
Function: 0x7C0A81
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